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eeePC & Atari Emulator

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There has been a series of good articles on tricking out the ASUS eeePC in Linux Format magazine these last few months.There current issue available here in the US (issue #107) has an article about adding just a few pieces to get a full KDE desktop running, and about adding a way to access and use Debian repositories in order to add new/current programs not in the Asus repository. That way you can keep the little computer current and flexible if that's what you want.


The Linux Format magazine is a great Linux resource and can be found at the big box stores like Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Books-a-Million. It's from England and includes a bootable DVD each month, so it isn't cheap. However, it certainly is woth it for the humor, tips, DVD, and articles included inside.


By the way, I don't work for Asus or Linux Format. I'm just a fan.  :)  They're a few steps down in my heart from the Atatri 800, 400, 2600, and 7800. :cool:

Edited by littleman jack
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well... right now I reinstalled the Asus Linux on my eee...why?


well... Windows XP even on my 1Gig eee was fun at the beginning with all my lovely atari tools on it... but...as longer as I used to it as more security updates etc poluted the system and eat system resources... (_$nt stuff)...


further the booting time got longer and longer even I had no additional stuff installed (antivir updates f.e.).


so... I decied to reflash the device with the linux...and it took less than 5 minutes (!) with one button... the windows xp installation took more than 3 hours...


Jesus... ;) I think the guys in redmont should really restart from scratch when doing windows 7.

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so... I decied to reflash the device with the linux...and it took less than 5 minutes (!) with one button... the windows xp installation took more than 3 hours...

That's amazing. I assume you're not kidding...





/* Have you been able to get various Atari tools & toys onto the Linux eee yet? I hope so. */

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well... it's true...


I had upgrade XP dated 2001. so first it took me the afternoon to get this image updated with at least SP2. then I started the installation... and the installation took a looong time (but more than 1 hour). then of course all the updates were downloaded by windows. and again installation took long... then the space on the 4gb flashdrive got more and more full due to the updates.


then i took the advice of asus manual and deleted some folders and packed the windows partition...and this took again time... then i needed to install antivirus software, openoffice etc just the same like on the asus (firefox etc as well)...again time and space got less and less...


after several hours I was there... but using the xp it took (at least my feeling) longer too boot but the look&feel was there... but everyday you were booting the eee it loaded security updates, antivir updates etc... and last week one dll went bad. asus recommended to delete the backup folder for the windows dlls so the system did always a reboot... so i decided to reflash the thing back with linux... and honestly...i told my girlfriend that i am reflashing the device and it will take some time... but it was done it 5-10 minutes...

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well... it's true...


I had upgrade XP dated 2001. so first it took me the afternoon to get this image updated with at least SP2. then I started the installation... and the installation took a looong time (but more than 1 hour). then of course all the updates were downloaded by windows. and again installation took long... then the space on the 4gb flashdrive got more and more full due to the updates.


The following article explains a lot of customary things that many users of the stock Xandros OS do to increase it's usefulness.




TweakEEE in particular will assist you with adding 3rd party software repos that greatly increase the ease of installing many of the things you're going to want. As always that little piece of the Linux community that are A8 enthusiasts will be happy to help you out.

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i would warmly recommend using TinyXP rev.9


that's a stripped down XP system taking a minimal ammount of space and running real fast ... it takes about 30 seconds to load on my mame table ... you can install it with various option (with or without drivers, with or without IE, etc ...)


google for it. and if you can't find the ISO on the net then contact me ;)

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thanks, but I am not a "PC geek" or "linux geek" as I need a one-click solution... ;) and i stripped down my XP to certain point with a tool (nlite) but anyway... right now I am again happy with the Asus linux... :)

Edited by Heaven/TQA
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