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Basic XE ROM?


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Is there any differences betw. basic xe and basic xl (apart from access to more memory)


You can more-or-less think of BXE as "Version 2.X" of BXL. BXL is Atari Basic updated with added commands and bugs fixed. It is frequently quite a bit faster, but sometimes not much faster at all. It has a runtime module (actually there were at least two different ones, but only one furnished in the BXL Toolkit). There were also a few disk extensions that can be loaded to add a few capabilities to 1.02 and 1.03. I believe that BXL will work in ALL Atari models.


BXE is "bigger" and uses the ram-under-rom for its math pack and extensions (if loaded). It has many more features than BXL. It is generally much faster, but IIRC, will not work at all in a 400/800. I don't remember about a stock 1200XL. And as you mention, BXE has the ability to "extend" so as to put program code in the extended XE banks and string/array data in the main bank. BXE with its math pack is usually just slightly slower than uncompiled Turbo Basic, unless you have to create something in Basic code in TBS that is built into BXE such as string arrays.


To me the feature that defines BXL and BXE is string arrays. There are some applications that just cry out for using string arrays. Otherwise, TBS is a fine choice, especially compiled as a stand-alone using the linker. Another feature worthy of mention is the "SORTUP" and "SORTDOWN" ml sort commands that are included in the BXE extensions (and also in the BXL Toolkit extensions.



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Don't know - why would you want to run such an old version of the emulator anyway?


The cart image doesn't have the header with the flags that indicate to the emulator what type of cart it is.

If they were added, it might help. Then again, older versions of the emulator don't support as many cartridge types so it mightn't work.


The cartridge flag values are listed in the Help file.

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Don't know - why would you want to run such an old version of the emulator anyway?



In a nutshell...

2.5c was modified by Tom Hunt and another guy (I forget his name) especially for running BBS's on the emulator. I have been running my BBS (BBS:Express PRO 2.1a) on 2.5c since 1999. Whenever I have tried running it on a800win 3.0 and later 4.0 there have always been problems - 2.5c runs flawlessly.


Recently playing with my 'BBS on a Stick' endeavor, I have run into the same thing with some of the other BBS's I have been working with... first with Carina 2.7 and later FoReM XE Pro 5.4. Carina works great on 2.5c but had issues recycling after loss of caller on 4.0. FXEP has the same problems on 4.0 but I cannot run it on 2.5c because it requires Basic XE. (whew - too much tequila)

Edited by bf2k+
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  • 14 years later...

For what it's worth, I'm just now trying BASIC XE for the first time, fourteen years after this thread was originally opened.  I'm still running v2.2.1 of Atari800, for a variety of reasons including "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and "v4.1.0 is just a hair too slow to respond to keyboard events, so can't keep up with my typing and misses a lot of characters and is unusably annoying."

That said, I can't get this download of BASIC XE to work in v2.2.1, so am going to have to try something newer.

There's also the question of how to use the SDX image that's also linked from this thread: SDX was a cartridge with another cartridge slot on top so you would plug BASIC XE (or whatever) in on top of SDX; but I know of no way to get any version of Atari800 to do that.  Maybe Altirra can do something, but I'm currently not in love with Altirra, for other reasons entirely.

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6 hours ago, ChrisChiesa said:

For what it's worth, I'm just now trying BASIC XE for the first time, fourteen years after this thread was originally opened.  I'm still running v2.2.1 of Atari800, for a variety of reasons including "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and "v4.1.0 is just a hair too slow to respond to keyboard events, so can't keep up with my typing and misses a lot of characters and is unusably annoying."

That said, I can't get this download of BASIC XE to work in v2.2.1, so am going to have to try something newer.

There's also the question of how to use the SDX image that's also linked from this thread: SDX was a cartridge with another cartridge slot on top so you would plug BASIC XE (or whatever) in on top of SDX; but I know of no way to get any version of Atari800 to do that.  Maybe Altirra can do something, but I'm currently not in love with Altirra, for other reasons entirely.

Could be a very important move to let the Atari800 emulator people know about that issue, seems like a big one!

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I got Basic XE to work, with SDX in "cartridge" form, in Altirra.  It turns out Altirra has a whole bunch of cartridge-insertion functions, including distinguishing left and right slots (for the 800) and, as it turns out, a "Secondary" cart that is where you plug in something "on top of" having e.g. SDX as the primary cart.  (I don't know how far this goes, though.  Anybody remember the classic photo where somebody had managed to stack up something like five pass-through-style carts in their 800's left slot?  I'd like to see Altirra handle that.  But, "gift horses," etc. -- I'm impressed and grateful that the guy who created Altirra thought about doing even this much, when apparently no one else did.)

I have a long, long, list (I forget whether it's 9 items, or 18) of items to take up with the Atari800 developers, but they didn't respond well to a gigantic post with ALL of them in ONE message, several years ago, and I haven't had time to go back and separate it into 9 (or 18!) separate posts.  So the whole business has lost several years that it could have been getting worked on.  I TRIED!

On 4/13/2023 at 1:49 PM, Ricky Spanish said:

BasicXE needs 64K. 

I'm pretty sure I tried all sorts of options with different memory sizes, to no avail.  But I'll try again. 🙂


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