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8-ways scrolling games


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Zone Ranger does not scroll... ;)


what about Rally Speedway?

Schloss Schreckenstein

Last V8

Action Biker

Red Max

7 cities of Gold

Gauntlet/Dark Chambers



Murder on the Zinderneuf

Fort Apocalypse


just to name few which came to my mind...

Edited by Heaven/TQA
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Not so sure about the smoothness, but Survivor from Synapse maybe? And Zone Ranger


I didn't manage to run Survivor in Atari800Win, but Zone Ranger at least. It sure is a pretty cool scrolling, but I'm assuming it is probably cheating and just using missiles and sprites for the effect?


Is there anything with "more" background?

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just to name few which came to my mind...


Hey, I just found one that pretty much does what I was looking for, it's called Venus Express :lolblue:


Did you ever release the source code? Is that kind of scrolling very expensive? What are its limits? E.g can it be expanded to fullscreen?

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Aleksi generates a whole map in memory and on c64 he copies the damned stuff into screen ram when needed while adjusting the soft scroll registers.


on atari the hscrol register was treated with an additional lsr, as on atari you are scrolling in colour clocks not high res pixels and thanks to Antic the display list was set with 256 bytes scanlines so each charline has 256 bytes length if i remember it correct.


but as soon as I can get hold on the source I can post it here. no problem at all...

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haven't got the source here but maybe i posted it in this thread:


Thanks, I'll have a look.


no...scrolling is far less time consuming than on c64...


Could the Venus engine also scroll a more complex background, made of the whole charset? And what are the color limitations? For example I just stumbled accross the A8 Druid conversion, which both looks pretty ugly and scolls only a small portion of the screen.

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aehm... what do you want to do?


you can scroll whatever you want... bitmap, charset made screens etc. due to flexibility of the chipset you don't need to move whole screen parts in screen ram around.... simply adjust the screen pointers (LMS commands of the display list). Fullscreen 48x28 screens in antic mode 4 (f.e. 192x224x4) are piece of cake... no need for FLD and other VIC-tricks.




scrolling methods are many possible...


you can use the "game boy" mode like I have used in Boinxx prototype. http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...5&hl=boinxx


Gameboy style means scrolling 1 screen size while building "behind" the 2nd one and when reaching the end of the window jumping back to the new build one. the map is build in realtime using tiles (charpad from c64 for designing the tiles)


complete map in memory means like in East Front or Venus Express. So the level layout is complete depacked in memory






Schloss Schreckenstein





there are more complex scroll techniques possible http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...p;hl=mario+bros


unfortunatly the source codes seems to be deleted... this one was really clever but very weird to understand. Does anybody have all sources Analmux posted here in the forums??? Together with the pictures how the scrolling works?

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aehm... what do you want to do?


I just have a vague project idea at the moment and am considering it's doability. I'm not even sure wether I want to target the A8 or the NES for it or wether it is a good idea or not, just checking out what the machines can do. I'm often tempted to try A8 programming and maybe try writing a game for the Abbuc contest.


The project idea itself in two words is "Paradroid 2".


My three major points of critic regarding Paradroid are


- The small scrolling area.

- The generic graphics

- The single ship level


The Miggy version (Paradroid 90) actually remedies all three of them, but is missing perfection by the flawed vertical only scrolling.


So my vision of Paradoid 2 is an 8-ways scrolling version of Paradroid 90 returning to an 8-Bit machine.

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unfortunatly the source codes seems to be deleted... this one was really clever but very weird to understand. Does anybody have all sources Analmux posted here in the forums??? Together with the pictures how the scrolling works?


hmm gameboy style only works in one dir right? no way one could predict the direction otherwise. is it not possible to have the screen wrap around so the problem solves itself nicely ? that would be the best. the analmux thread is completely ruined :(

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hmm gameboy style only works in one dir right? no way one could predict the direction otherwise. is it not possible to have the screen wrap around so the problem solves itself nicely ? that would be the best. the analmux thread is completely ruined :(


IMHO gameboy style works in 8way scrolling too, you just need 2x2 screen buffer and have to update more bytes. Here somewhere on Aage is thread with MWP (Minimum Wrap/Warp? Principal) method of scrolling and some demo. It uses only just slightly more than 1 screen of ram. Sidebuffers are there automatically from setting hscroll so ANTIC fetch more bytes than screen width. Verticall buffer is not needed. You use 2 LMS instructions and change it's position inside DLIST to wrap the screen around... for me it's really hard to understand and try to code something around it.


The MWP was also discussed in Crownland preview thread, and there is the demo with source too, from gauntman.

Edited by MaPa
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ok. here is the source code MADS compatible...


; Minimum Warp Principal Demo
; Written by Mark Schmelzenbach (aka Gauntman)
; Sep 14,2004
; Developed with ATasm, although should work with most other assemblers
; as no specialized macros or non-standard features are used
; This is the rudimentary framework for a MWP engine, a more interesting
; demo would uncompress screen data into the borders as necessary.
; MWP allows large maps to take up minimal space, if clever compression
; is used (useful for when RAM is tight, or for 5200 games)
; The MWP concept was first described by AnalMux (the coder formerly
; known as ANALogue MUltipleXer) on the Atari Age prgorammig forums 
; (www.atariage.com);  Perform a search there for more theory...

; Some useful equates
XITVBV  = $E462
STICK0	= $278

	org $4000
	lda #<dlist	; point to our dlist
	sta $230
	lda #>dlist
	sta $231

   ; dummy screen filler for demo
	lda #<screen
	sta $c0
	lda #>screen
	sta $c1
	ldx #33
g0	  ldy #24
g1	  sta ($c0),y
	bpl g1
	lda $c0
	adc #24
	sta $c0
	lda $c1
	adc #0
	sta $c1
	cpx #54
	bne g0

   ; note that the last line and line 0 MUST be duplicates
   ; any data written to the last line must also be represented in
   ; sline0!
	lda #53
	ldx #23
g2	  sta sline0,x
	bpl g2

	ldy #<vblank; set vertical blank
ldx #>vblank
lda #$07; deferred
jsr setvbv

   ; loop forever
done	jmp done

; VBLANK - read joystick and perform scrolling
	lda 20				 ; just a byte on screen
	lsr					; changing to add interest...
	sta screen+4

   ; read stick0 and scroll...
	lda stick0
and #$02	;down bit?
bne chkup

lda finey
bne okdn
lda #8
sta finey
lda #0
jsr mwp
okdn	dec finey
chkup	lda stick0
and #$01	; up bit?
bne chkrt

lda finey
cmp #7
bne okup
lda #$ff
sta finey
lda #1
jsr mwp
okup	inc finey
chkrt	lda stick0
and #$08	;right bit?
bne chklf

lda finex
cmp #7
bne okrt
lda #$ff
sta finex
lda #3
jsr mwp
okrt	inc finex
chklf	lda stick0
and #$04	;left bit
bne vdone

	lda finex
bne oklf
lda #8
sta finex
lda #2
jsr mwp
oklf	dec finex

	lda finex
	sta $d404			  ; update fine-scroll registers
	lda finey
	sta $d405
	jmp xitvbv

; MWP - routine to perform MWP scroll, updates display list
;	   appropriately.  This routine could be made tighter still
;	   mostly left unoptimized to aid readability
;	   Parameters: A direction 0 - down; 1 - up; 2 - right; 3 - left
;	   Clobbers A,X,Y
	ldy mwpy
	sta tdir

	cmp #2
	bcc mwp_erase ; up/down
	beq mwp_left

; Note: When HSCROLL bit is set in the DLIST, ANTIC will grab
; extra data on each character line;  This means that on a regular
; width screen there are 24 characters per row instead of 20!
; This is good, as it provides a hidden buffer for us to write
; screen data into without having to resort to masks...
	lda mwpx
	bne mwp_r1
	lda #24
	sta mwpx
	lda #0
	sta tdir
	beq mwp_erase
mwp_r1  dec mwpx
	lda #0
	jmp mwp_lms

	lda mwpx
	cmp #24
	beq mwp_l1
	inc mwpx
	jmp mwp_lms
mwp_l1  lda #0
	sta mwpx
	lda #1
	sta tdir

	lda mwp_idx,y
	lda #$36		  ; erase old LMS
	sta lms1+3,x
	sta lms1+4,x
	cpx #18
	bne mwp_e1
	lda #$16		  ; a bit annoying, but last line of scroll map
					  ; should not have vscroll set; this prevents
					  ; 'popping'
mwp_e1  sta lms1+5,x

	lda tdir
	beq mwp_down
	cmp #1
	bne mwp_lms

	cpy #21
	bne mwp_lms
	ldy #0
	beq mwp_lms
	bpl mwp_lms
	ldy #20

mwp_lms sty mwpy

				   ; update lower LMS
	lda mwp_idx,y  ; get index into DLIST
	lda mwp_botlo,y
	adc mwpx	   ; this will never overflow worst-case: $18+$30
	sta lms1+4,x
	lda #>sline0
	adc #0
	sta lms1+5,x

	lda mwp_toplo+1,y  ; now, set top lms
	clc				; carry cleared above, no need to clc here
	adc mwpx
	sta lms1+1
	lda mwp_tophi+1,y
	adc #0
	sta lms1+2

	lda #64+$36		; actual instruction for lower LMS
	cpx #18			; see note above
	bne mwp_lms2
	lda #64+$16
	sta lms1+3,x
; Look-up tables for MWP
; .rept 22
 ; .byte <[sline0+[*-mwp_toplo]*24]
; .endr
   .byte $00,$18,$30,$48,$60,$78,$90,$A8,$C0,$D8,$F0
   .byte $08,$20,$38,$50,$68,$80,$98,$B0,$C8,$E0,$00;$F8

; .rept 22
 ; .byte >[sline0+[*-mwp_tophi]*24]
; .endr
   .byte $44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44
   .byte $45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$45,$44

   .byte 0,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0

; silly table, probably can be removed with a bit of thought...
   .byte $30,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
   .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
   .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18
; Misc data for MWP demo
tdir	.byte 0
mwpy	.byte 0 ; between 0-21
mwpx	.byte 0 ; between 0-23
finex   .byte 0
finey   .byte 0

dlist   .byte 112,112,112,64+2,<top,>top,2,0,2,0
lms1	.byte 64+$36,<screen,>screen
	.byte 64+$36,<(screen+24),>screen
	.byte $36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36
	.byte $36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$36,$16
	.byte 0,64+2,<(top+120),>(top+120),112
	.byte 65,<dlist,>dlist

top	dta '	  Minimum-Warp Principal Demo	   '
   dta '										'
   dta '										'
   dta '...and a line at the bottom			 '
   org $4400
sline0 .ds 24
screen .ds 21*20


so...maybe I am stupid...but when scrolling to the right...the writing of the collum (adresses) always change? or is here a trick I do not get yet?

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so...maybe I am stupid...but when scrolling to the right...the writing of the collum (adresses) always change? or is here a trick I do not get yet?


I don't undersdtand what you mean, but when scrolling in any direction, you "just" change the two LMS's and eventually change position of one of those LMS inside DLIST. That's all.. of course in real use you need to fill buffers with new data etc.

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