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Fallout 3


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You'd be surprised about Dogmeat.


Other than the Super Mutant NPC, Dogmeat has the most longevity of all the recruitable NPCs, IMHO.


Earlier on our adventures, he seemed to take almost no damage, despite being set on fire, shot at, etc. Of course, he stupidly goes after fire ants(dies), and against a hostile protectron(dies). I forgot how he died last night, as he just loves to scurry off & bravely attack baddies.


I'm gonna shoot for the bethesda ruins tonight. It might be a "kamikaze run" type thing where I just run & gun without saving the game. I've done that before, clearing out most of the raiders near fort independence. Guess that one time I fast-traveled there & died in a minute discouraged me. Yet I was able to kill most of the raiders OUTSIDE the building when my levels/weapons were much lower. Someone on YouTube said they ran into a raider there with a freakin' alien blaster.

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Good news from the homefront...


I embarked on a crazy suicide mission into the Bethesda ruins. Came out with a bobblehead & other goodies. Didn't die. When I first went into the west office, they ambushed me like no other. There were 4 of em on me, so I flamed 'em all. BTW don't put mines in front of you, as the explosion will affect you. Gotta space 'em out. Wish I could have taken more of the conductors, etc as there were a TON of supplies to sell here. Took what I needed + then some, killed both offices & ran for it. A few were on my tail as I was leaving, but I got out of range after a brief scuffle.


And the bad news.


Literally EVERYTHING is trying to kill me on the way to arefu. I just want to deliver that damn letter and suddenly Talon Mercs, one mutant bear, 3 raiders, TWO supermutants & some mirelurks standing by. I have never seen such a well-paved path to hell.


I also had fun following two Outcasts and helped 'em along on their journey. One died, so I took his armor I can't use yet.


So good progress. I even prepped myself for the future mine sidestep perk, as just ONE freakin mine can ruin your day.


So is it standard operation to zip back & forth between megaton to trade & heal & journey outwards?

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Still trying to find other places to escape from the map besides over there by the Capitol. Nothing yet.


To I did escape from there again and explored. Ain't nothing on the entire map besides the Capitol building area and a small floating forest to the north. Long traveling sucks heading west because after a point, the ground starts becomming hollow so you start to fall through, then the game picks you up and puts you on the ground again. So it's a slow pace of walk, fall, walk, fall, walk fall. It's a shame the pipboy is limited to only showing 2.25 map units off any side of the map because you can walk well beyond that and right off the edge of the pipboy display.


Doing other random exploring inside the normal map area. Boy, let me tell you, you really do have to explore everywhere, and I mean turning over every pebble on the ground as you walk too. I found a key on a desk that was inside a cubicle, behind the computer monitor that was in the corner. I mean, you had to jump on the desk and look down behind the monitor to see it - only way. There is a hollowed out rock right outside of Megaton that has a sniper rifle, ammo, stimpacks, stealthboy - avaiable from the very start of the game.


Wow, is this game deep. There seems to be no end of secrets lurking about within.

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Still trying to find other places to escape from the map besides over there by the Capitol. Nothing yet.


To I did escape from there again and explored. Ain't nothing on the entire map besides the Capitol building area and a small floating forest to the north. Long traveling sucks heading west because after a point, the ground starts becomming hollow so you start to fall through, then the game picks you up and puts you on the ground again. So it's a slow pace of walk, fall, walk, fall, walk fall. It's a shame the pipboy is limited to only showing 2.25 map units off any side of the map because you can walk well beyond that and right off the edge of the pipboy display.


Doing other random exploring inside the normal map area. Boy, let me tell you, you really do have to explore everywhere, and I mean turning over every pebble on the ground as you walk too. I found a key on a desk that was inside a cubicle, behind the computer monitor that was in the corner. I mean, you had to jump on the desk and look down behind the monitor to see it - only way. There is a hollowed out rock right outside of Megaton that has a sniper rifle, ammo, stimpacks, stealthboy - avaiable from the very start of the game.


Wow, is this game deep. There seems to be no end of secrets lurking about within.

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I found a key on a desk that was inside a cubicle, behind the computer monitor that was in the corner. I mean, you had to jump on the desk and look down behind the monitor to see it - only way.

I remember reading the note in the computer about that. And I poked around trying to find the key, then came to the conclusion the note meant literally behind the monitor and I was thinking in limited normal gaming terms. :cool:

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Doing more exploring. It seems like the entire map boundry is at the very edge of the map, except in one place...


Jump off the ship at Rivet City and swim SW to that little piece of land in the corner. You still run into the invisible wall and message about you can't proceed in that direction message, but you don't hit that till after you've past the map boundry by about a 1/4 square. Only normal map area place that allows it. No enemies over there, but there is a wrecked boat with a first aid kit and some ammo boxes. You'll be picking up rads pretty much the whole time too. Not much, but it's hard to escape from it over there.


Had something funny happen tho. Exploring the city around RivetCity. Know that sloped roadway that goes under the skybridge (the a couple of mutants always camp out in). Know how there is a big hole in one side of it. I was walking around on the road below trying to kill the mutant up there, and he wasn't shooting back, just running around back & fourth. Then, after a minute, he runs out of the hole in the side and falls 6 stories to his death right in front of me. Hahahahaha.

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Well, I finished the main quest tonight. Gotta say I was a little disappointed with the ending, but overall, I suppose it's the journey that matters. Besides, no ending to a game so epic would ever feel...right, if you know what I mean, so it's all good.


Here's a tip for those interested. My main weapons throughout most of the game were the 10mm pistol, the Combat Shotgun, and the Chinese Assualt Rifle, with heavy emphasis on the rifle. Go to the Jury Street Station, and turn around 180 degrees. You'll see a diner close by. Go in, and search the body there. You'll get a unique assualt rifle that does amazing damage fully repaired, has a 36 round clip, and can be repaired by the Chinese Assault Rifles you come across (you can find a ton of them by killing the slavers in Paradise Falls). This weapon RULES. Enclave Soldiers fall dead with a single burst to the head, almost every time, and it even tears the hell out of Deathclaws. SO GOOD. You'll likely never even need to switch back to a shotgun, unless you run low on ammo. The energy weapons are crap, so get this and stick with it and you won't be disappointed.

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The energy weapons are crap

I don't agree. I use the plasma rifle alot, and it's pretty effective. Tho the enemy type, distance and accuracy all make a difference. But often you can turn shit into a pile of goo with just a couple of shots. Then there is the alien blaster - that thing rocks. Sure it might only be good in close combat, but it's a sure thing 1 hit kill every time. Tobad ammo is limited.

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That's what I don't get. The energy weapons seem to have less kick(at least the laser rifle & pistol). Sure, they aren't at 100%, but still don't have the kick my Chinese Assault rifle has. One advantage for energy weapons: quickie-fire. Sure, I'll find better energy weapons, but for now, it seems bullet weapons are the way to go. The combat shotgun has been essential in close-quarter combat(ie buildings, etc)

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The only good part about the energy weapons is the accuracy, but with the way I perked my character, that wasn't even a problem. I'd get 95% with a head shot almost every single time, even from medium range, and when I'd pull out a sniper rifle, I'd usually get 95% even at pretty long ranges.

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I don't agree. I use the plasma rifle alot, and it's pretty effective.

I also found the energy weapons to be very effective in the right setting. Mostly late in the game though, once I had enough points to go around and there was a decent supply of them. A3-21's plasma rifle was quite handy at turning heavy combat robots into goo.

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I bought an Xbox a few days ago basically for this game, and wow is it worth it! I guess I'm just slow, but I have spent like six hours doing the quests in Megaton and haven't even gotten to continue the main quest yet. This game just can totally keep you glued like nothing I've ever played, and if my Xbox hadn't frozen again today I'd still be playing it.

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You can spend hours upon hours just doing side quests and exlporing without even touching the main quest. Some are worth doing, though, as they'll give you permanent perks that REALLY come in handy (doing the quest where you find otu where the ants around Greyditch are coming from is HIGHLY recommended).

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I went to the Nuka-Cola plant and had some fun. Was expecting to get more Nuka Cola Quantums though. Oh well. Got some needed experience & plenty of neat stuff to sell. I can almost afford my first infirmary/lab! Even got a protectron to "frenzy" & kill the other one nearby. But those pulse grenades sure come in handy.

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Nuka Cola Quantum. There is actually a lot of it in the game, just a shame in most places you only find it one bottle at a time, and sometimes very well hidden. There are a couple of exceptions where you can find a whole crap load at once tho.


I found like 72 of them so far. I don't drink them tho, kind of a waste. Better off making nuka grenades out of them.

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There's a quest you can do, too, and you need 30 bottles of NC Quantum to finish it, so if you want to do that one, deposit 30 of them at your house and keep them there till you initiate the quest. Hell, I never even used food, Cola, or anything like that. I just used Stimpaks the entire game, and got through quite easily. I refuse to increase my rad levels just for 20 hit points!

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I refuse to increase my rad levels just for 20 hit points!



1) You have to get 1000 rads to die, that's a lot, and pretty hard to do unless you deliberately try.


2) You get almost nothing in the way of rads by eating food or drinking cola and stuff.


3) There is almost as much Rad-X and RadAway to be found as Stimpaks. So why waste the Stimpaks which are much more valuable. What else do you have to do with the RadX & RadAway? Use it! Save the Stimpaks for when you need them.


4) You get a bottlecap everytime you drink a cola.



Personally, I don't give a crap about my rads. I love nuka colas and dirty water and drink them all the time. Only time I give it any thought at all is after I've gotten rad poisioning and loose some strength. Then I pop a RadAway or two and all is good.

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Seriously, though, I ended the game with like 120 stimpaks, and that's AFTER I gave like 40 of them to Fawkes. I think it said that I used a grand total of like 70 of them during the game, too. The only time I even used the RadX and RadAway were when I needed it (like going into a really irradiated place or something). I traded my scrap metal to the guy in Underworld for his Stims, so that kept me in pretty good supply for most of the game (as the guy in Megaton glitched out and never returned).

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Wow you guys must be professionals at this game I tried making a run to the National Archives for the Declaration of Independence and man I had to basically use everything I had just to get to the capital building. I became addicted to every drug + beverage in my inventory too, had to just go back to a save point from an hour ago.

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