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Question about PayPal and Ebay


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Maybe a stupid question.


I do not use Pay Pal or have an acct with them.


Many auctions on Ebay take paypal only, do I HAVE to create a Pay Pal acct to bid on these auctions?

Is it possible to win the auction and just pay with my Visa card thru paypal or whatever without starting my own acct with them?

I have heard u can do that but I know some of you guys will know for sure. Please gimme help on this as an item I really need is closing soon.

Thank you


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It sounds like you might not fully understand how paypal works. As a buyer, you don't have to pay fees or anything like that. You can make the paypal account and use your credit card through paypal to pay the seller.


Oh, there is no fee for signing up and using it to pay?

If that is the case I will create an account with them then.


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I used to have an account but I quit using it when they tried to force me to give them my bank account number.


They didn't try to force you, they just strongly encouraged you to do so, so they could try and get you to pay using instant bank transfers, so they could pocket the fees that would otherwise go to your credit card company.


They may have tried to do it surreptitiously, like by claiming it was so they could verify your account. Sneaky devils. But you always had the option of saying no.

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I used to have an account but I quit using it when they tried to force me to give them my bank account number.


They didn't try to force you, they just strongly encouraged you to do so, so they could try and get you to pay using instant bank transfers, so they could pocket the fees that would otherwise go to your credit card company.


They may have tried to do it surreptitiously, like by claiming it was so they could verify your account. Sneaky devils. But you always had the option of saying no.

I had two options:

1. "Upgrade" my account by giving them my bank account number.

2. Use money orders instead because I could no longer use my credit card with paypal.


That isn't trying to force me? I think it is. I'm sorry, but paypal isn't ever going to get access to my bank account. Wait, I lied. I'm not sorry.

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I used to have an account but I quit using it when they tried to force me to give them my bank account number.


They didn't try to force you, they just strongly encouraged you to do so, so they could try and get you to pay using instant bank transfers, so they could pocket the fees that would otherwise go to your credit card company.


They may have tried to do it surreptitiously, like by claiming it was so they could verify your account. Sneaky devils. But you always had the option of saying no.

I had two options:

1. "Upgrade" my account by giving them my bank account number.

2. Use money orders instead because I could no longer use my credit card with paypal.


That isn't trying to force me? I think it is. I'm sorry, but paypal isn't ever going to get access to my bank account. Wait, I lied. I'm not sorry.


Same reason I don't use paypal anymore. There is NO GODDAMN WAY I'm giving them access to my bank account.

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The guys above are right -- to buy, you do not have to link your account to a bank account. And I recommend not linking it to a bank account, since purchases made with a credit card still are safer.


Another Paypal note -- I have an extra security "code" attached to my paypal account. Because of the type of fraud that can go on (someone trying to get a password, etc) I purcahsed a $5 keyfob (one-time fee). Each time I login to Paypal I need to have the keyfob with me and type in the extra code that is on the keyfob. It changes every 30 or 60 seconds.


The keyfob looks something like the one in the picture on this article. I would recommend the extra security.





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Yep, exactly what you need to do, set up a dummy account. I had two and moved all the money minus a dollar from one into the other and kept it there so I could sell and such. I've heard horror stories and had a friend go through some shit with them, which is why when I get money in there I get it out immediately or pland to spend it. That's the good thing about collecting, as soon as I sell and get some change I give it to someone else! An endless circle of life!

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Yep, exactly what you need to do, set up a dummy account. I had two and moved all the money minus a dollar from one into the other and kept it there so I could sell and such. I've heard horror stories and had a friend go through some shit with them, which is why when I get money in there I get it out immediately or pland to spend it. That's the good thing about collecting, as soon as I sell and get some change I give it to someone else! An endless circle of life!

I've done this as well. There's no way I'd link a bank account containing more than a few dollars to PayPal.



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Yep, exactly what you need to do, set up a dummy account. I had two and moved all the money minus a dollar from one into the other and kept it there so I could sell and such. I've heard horror stories and had a friend go through some shit with them, which is why when I get money in there I get it out immediately or pland to spend it. That's the good thing about collecting, as soon as I sell and get some change I give it to someone else! An endless circle of life!

I've done this as well. There's no way I'd link a bank account containing more than a few dollars to PayPal.





Yes I want to second or third this. I set up a checking account (it was free) and I use it soley to transfer money from Paypal. I think this is the way to go. When I set up the account the woman at the bank told me that it was very common and she suggests people set up a separate "paypal" account for electronic transfers. Like I said, at many banks you can get a free checking account with no minimum deposit, so it's not too much of a head ache.

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Yeah, it really only takes a few minutes. In my case I got a new account because I moved, and it was perfect because I could keep the old one and attach Paypal to it. I don't get charged anything to have it and I just leave next to nothing in it so it stays active. I only use credit card to pay anyway because I get cash back on anything. Nothing like getting paid $500 per year for buying stuff!

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I used to have an account but I quit using it when they tried to force me to give them my bank account number.


They didn't try to force you, they just strongly encouraged you to do so, so they could try and get you to pay using instant bank transfers, so they could pocket the fees that would otherwise go to your credit card company.


They may have tried to do it surreptitiously, like by claiming it was so they could verify your account. Sneaky devils. But you always had the option of saying no.

Once you spend over $10,000 total on a credit card they MAKE you, it is total BS. I did it though, I really would have a hard time video game collecting without paypal.

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I added an account, but they default to the bank account when you pay for things. This causes problems when you have nothing in the account. The payment page also lists the credit card they would have taken more prominently so it tricks you into think that you are using the CC. Of course the thinking is if you have no money, it uses the CC. Problem is the banks have made it automatic that you have overdraft protection on by default even when you turn it off. You see the problem?


I removed the bank account and no more problem.

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Or you could have not been dumb and clicked on CHANGE below payment method and switched it to credit card.


Nice, you do not understand it changes to the bank account everytime, but lists the CC under it. PP is trying to trick you into thinking you are paying using the CC but pulls money from. Maybe you like PP way too much. Changing the default payment everytime sucks so I just stopped using PP.


BTW, newb. You should be more diplomatic in your posts. Lest people start taking you for a Troll.

Edited by Almost Rice
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Or you could have not been dumb and clicked on CHANGE below payment method and switched it to credit card.


Nice, you do not understand it changes to the bank account everytime, but lists the CC under it. PP is trying to trick you into thinking you are paying using the CC but pulls money from. Maybe you like PP way too much. Changing the default payment everytime sucks so I just stopped using PP.

This is simply not true.


In eBay, you can set the default payment method through PayPal.


I have done it. Mine is always a credit card. And it has stayed as the credit card.


Within PayPal itself, I have set the default payment method for payments I initiate within PayPal to always be through a credit card.

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This is simply not true.


In eBay, you can set the default payment method through PayPal.


I have done it. Mine is always a credit card. And it has stayed as the credit card.


Within PayPal itself, I have set the default payment method for payments I initiate within PayPal to always be through a credit card.


That is how it works if you do not add a bank account. Once I did, no matter what setting my default was, PP always switched to the bank account. I had either choose CC at each transaction or just remove the bank account. I chose the latter. This was back in 2006. I do not know what ebay/paypal's current policy is, but they will never get access to any of my bank accounts for what they did back then. If you have a bank account on PP, just wait until they double dip into your bank account or unauthorized withdrawals. When they only have a CC, they never play stupid games with your money.

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That is how it works if you do not add a bank account. [...] I do not know what ebay/paypal's current policy is

I do have a bank account linked to my PayPal account.


I still have it set up to use the CC as the default payment whenever I pay for something through PayPal, no matter where - eBay, amazon.com, another online merchant, or from within PP itself (like when I send money to an AA member for something) - the payment originates. I have never had a problem with it doing anything other than charging my CC.


On the payment screen, you can click on the link for More Funding Options and it will then take you into PayPal where you can see the options that are available to you.


Edited by Zwackery
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Are you serious? I've had a dummy account attached to Paypal for over eight years now. It's automatically set to get to the bank account for whatever you buy, but before you click on SEND PAYMENT you click on CHANGE and it allows you to select any number of payment methods. I'm not sure if you can select to change the automatic payment method because I do it manually every time since there are other options depending on the seller. They're taking my money? That's funny, my dummy account's been stuck at $3.28 for the last three years and yet my credit card bill has PAYPAL written all over it. You're just making stuff up now. Paypal does not double dip or anything like that, YOU just made mistakes and anyone who claims they're this giant fraud did as well. READ THE FINE PRINT IF YOU WANT TO BE A SMART BUYER. I've never had a problem with Paypal. It's not like it's sooooo hard to change either, you click on CHANGE, select credit card (if you have more than one you can even choose which one!), go back to the payment screen and click on SEND PAYMENT. Takes about five seconds of your life. Oh, the horror. Dang that Paypal! They're bad! Bad company, hmmph, they're bad men bad guys! I can bet I know exactly what happened to you, you didn't change your payment, got an overdraft and blamed them for it. Too bad YOU made the mistake of not paying attention. READ.

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