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Which is the best of the programming languages


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You might as well ask a bunch of rednecks "Which kind of pickup truck is best?"


Er, or, being from the UK, you may have no idea what that means (lucky you!)


You might as well ask an assorted group of retro gamers, "Which is the best console?"


You're going to get, at best, no consensus... and at worst, it'll degenerate into a flame-fest.


Eh, I guess maybe I'm being too literal-minded. You didn't ask the question because you really want to know the answer, maybe...

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Just tell me what processor, give me an assembler for it, and get out of my way.



Except for any 80X86 based garbage, there is no processor I'd rather code in high

level language.


Now if we are talking time, then on a platform like the PC, definitely C. Mac and linux

too. Consoles? Especially todays......a bit of both. C for the fluff code and Assembler for

the rubber meeting road stuff.

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I love My Truck (even though it really isn't a truck).


So, another Carmel quasi-poll...


As far as I'm concerned, small slow systems like the A8 should be programmed in assembly unless you're writing something fairly trivial. An advanced BASIC can be handy for whipping up a quick utility, though.


I do Atmel AVR programming at work and I use a mix of C and assembly simply because I have a 20MHz clock.



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I love My Truck (even though it really isn't a truck).


So, another Carmel quasi-poll...


As far as I'm concerned, small slow systems like the A8 should be programmed in assembly unless you're writing something fairly trivial. An advanced BASIC can be handy for whipping up a quick utility, though.


I do Atmel AVR programming at work and I use a mix of C and assembly simply because I have a 20MHz clock.



Depends how lazy you are. If you're as lazy as I am then you'll do your best to find a decent high-level language to do at least some of the grunt work and speed up dev times.


I love 6502 and 68000 assembly, but can only handle them in small doses. There have been a few decent high level languages that could rival pure assembly for most things - Action, PL65 and Quick. Personally I preferred PL65 simply because there wasn't a mass of keywords to learn, and I could write much of my code in 6502 if I wanted ... not to mention that it also has direct support for interrupts, which could be written either using high level PL65 or inline assembly.


Turbo Basic, although popular, doesn't cut it IMO. It's too memory hungry to do anything really serious in it.

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As far as I'm concerned, small slow systems like the A8 should be programmed in assembly unless you're writing something fairly trivial. An advanced BASIC can be handy for whipping up a quick utility, though.


I do Atmel AVR programming at work and I use a mix of C and assembly simply because I have a 20MHz clock.


C has its place on the A8... I've written a Mac/65 detokeniser that can be compiled for Linux/Mac/Windows or Atari 8-bit (with cc65), works the same everywhere (eh, but slower on the A8...)


Also I don't even want to think about writing a TCP/IP stack from scratch in 6502 asm... fortunately uIP exists and (with slight modifications) compiles & runs on the A8. Otherwise I'd never have gotten FujiChat off the ground.

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Have to agree, OSS made some really fine stuff. :) I used Mac/65 back when it came on floppy and when the cart came out with built-in DDT, that was just luxury. :D But then they came out with Action! and I found myself using that more often than not. Even stuff that eventually got coded in ASM was prototyped in Action!. ;)


As far as trucks go, I have a Ford but I ain't proud of it.


/me hangs head in shame

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I'm a 6502 assembler die-hard but I must take a look at Action! and PL65 when I get a chance. I do all my development with the MA65 assembler, which is tailored for use with SpartaDOS. Experiments with other languages tended to result in frustration because of lack of support for the OS command line, or reliance on a particular DOS. A notable exception was the excellent CC65, for which I wrote a SpartaDOS library in pure RA65 assembler (which I'll release some time), but the compile times were huge. Higher level languages are great when recursive subroutines are called for; the ideal is something which generates very lean object files. PL65 definitely looks worthy of inspection.

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6502 and Z80 ASM are both pretty good (I like the former slightly better) although they have different strengths and weaknesses. The Z80 can do a 16-bit add in one instruction which is inconceivable in the 6502 world ;) but it can't do a compare with any register other than A for instance. On the 6502 where I would break up data into multiple tables and use LDA table1,X LDA table2,X etc. on the Z80 I would do better to put it in one big table and use LD A,(IX+0) LD A,(IX+1) etc.


65816 is great if I can resist the urge to keep changing register widths.


x86 is OK. I like being able to explicitly operate on the second byte of a register (AH, BH, etc.) since on most (16-bit or bigger) CPUs you need to mask/shift to get at any byte other than the lowest one. 68000 is still better.


NEC V60 is another shamelessly CISC style arch. Nice to program for I'm sure but as with the x86 I wouldn't want to have to write the assembler.


ARM, Hitachi SuperH, and NEC V810 are good for low level programming. Not being able to load constants makes me itch though.


BASIC is nice for making big, slow code. Maybe the other high level languages are too but I don't use them.

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