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Atari 5200 vs. CelecoVision


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Indeed it is. The 5200 is the least popular Atari console of all-time, which is why the 5200 forum gets the least amount of activity/attention out of any Atari system forum on AtariAge (except the Lynx), and why the values of 5200 stuff have sunk over the past few years.

Any proof? I haven't seen 5200 prices change that much over the years.


Honestly, I don't understand all this 5200 vs. CV fanboyism. Can someone please tell me why people need to argue over which 26+ year old system is better?



Because they havent grown up yet? :roll:

Hehe, good point.


Yeah - what is the goal of this thread?

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Cartridges are too expensive to produce and essentially the same game cost 6x more and once a tape is loaded (5 mins on a C64 turbo usually) the advantage is completely gone. White elephant extreme.


Since my C64 is sitting on a shelf, I prefer the carts since I don't have to hook up the floppy drive when I want to "take it for a spin." Not that I'm incompetent - maybe lazy or impatient as I just want to "get in the car and drive."

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In my view it is, as I can port games from MSX to CV and vice-versa....

I don't challenge your view, as someone who is working on the system, but factually the MSX and CV machines have significant hardware differences - although many similar components. Far more differences than the 5200/A8 hardware displays - in my view :P

I have ported more than 10 MSX games to the CV so far, with 4 already released in cartridge. Others CV programmers have ported MSX games too. I don't understand what you are trying to prove. It can be done, and it HAS been done.


I was displaying aversion to your use of such pejorative terms as pathetic, by reflecting that back to you, I see NO need for the type and style of language you use, it is aggressive without reason...

Pejorative? Hm, should I have used "dismal 160 pixels" instead? Or perhaps "pitiful"? I don't know, sometimes my English is bad...

Seriously, you don't seem to have a problem when it is you expressing your opinions: "However let's also be honest - all those games flicker like HELL when you play them and when they scroll they scroll in "smooth" 8 pixel jumps - Parodius nearly gives me a migraine when I play it!"

Now that is a lot of sarcasm and mockery in that single sentence, like "all those games flicker like HELL" (which btw isn't true), "scroll in "smooth" 8 pixel", and "give me a migraine" (suggest you stop playing and call your physician right away).

Why didn't you say something like: I don't like when sprites start to flick in some games, scroll could be better and Parodius isn't a favorite of mine. If you do that I can change mine to "I think 160 pixels is less than stellar but still pretty good for the 70s".


Yeah, I love to talk to superior beings...

I was not suggesting I was superior, just experienced

Oh, I am quite experienced too, you don’t know me…


P.S. Despite your accusations opcode, some of us have produced LOTS of games, and are experienced game developers, not just on old retro platforms 20 years after they died...

So is that your way of saying "you can know a thing or other about your dead system from 20 years ago, but I know a lot more than you"?

Are you trying to prove yourself superior in order to get more credibility to your argument?

IMO we are in the same boat, we are just two fanboys wasting our time coming to this thread to defend our beloved systems.


However if I do the same I am labeled childish, ignorant, dumb and more.

By whom? I think your use of language, aggressive wording and baiting of trolls like atariksi is poor behaviour on this message board - and I said so, I still feel that way...

On the other hand you don't seem to have a problem with atariksi trolling, since he is defending the 5200. Have you argued with any of the crazy things he says? No... It's all very convenient....


Now show me the damn 5200 games, mr mature…

A fine example of your style - in one sentence aggression and derision - despite your contributions to the CV community, you seem to have a real chip on your shoulder. I can't understand what I have done (except to react to your attacking stance) to elicit your anger...

Actually that was a fine example of my sense of humor… :)

So far the best we got was a bunch of screenshots from A800 games posted here as they were 5200 games. Until someone port them and put them on cartridge, they aren't. I used the same approach posting screenshots of MSX games and you were quick to point out that they are different machines (or that the MSX wasn’t relevant because it wasn’t released in the US, most ridiculous excuse ever), even think I have personally ported many MSX games to the CV. Two weights, two measures...

I am forced to say it again, show me the 5200 games and we can talk...

Edited by opcode
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At this point, other then getting a headache, I don't know either. There are some very talented individuals reduced to squabbling and name calling. I really don't want to give anyone else the last word. We all enjoy gaming and have our own opinion. :)

If another mod wants to wade through it and unlock it I'll support that but for now, *click*, and I'm going back to bed while I can. :)


Indeed it is. The 5200 is the least popular Atari console of all-time, which is why the 5200 forum gets the least amount of activity/attention out of any Atari system forum on AtariAge (except the Lynx), and why the values of 5200 stuff have sunk over the past few years.

Any proof? I haven't seen 5200 prices change that much over the years.


Honestly, I don't understand all this 5200 vs. CV fanboyism. Can someone please tell me why people need to argue over which 26+ year old system is better?



Because they havent grown up yet? :roll:

Hehe, good point.


Yeah - what is the goal of this thread?

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