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7800 - Easter game


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Some screenshots from my Easter game called "Harry's Hen House" (thats HEN! This isn't a Mystique title! :lol: ) :-





I had hoped to get it done for Easter weekend but its undergone a bit of a rewrite today. Theres no binary at the moment, but I'll definately put one up later on. If the level looks familiar its taken from an old A&F game called Chuckie Egg. Its using the Wasp! game engine, so its unlikely to work on real hardware :(.

Edited by GroovyBee
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I had hoped to get it done for Easter weekend but its undergone a bit of a rewrite today. Theres no binary at the moment, but I'll definately put one up later on. If the level looks familiar its taken from an old A&F game called Chuckie Egg. Its using the Wasp! game engine, so its unlikely to work on real hardware :(.


Nice work - Chuckie Egg is a favourite game of mine. My Hunchy 2 game started out as a (failed) attempt to port Chuckie Egg to the 2600. What are the issues with running on real hardware - it would be nice to get this made into a cart eventually?




P.S. Are you going to have the giant duck chase your around the screen in later levels?

Edited by cd-w
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Nice work - Chuckie Egg is a favourite game of mine. My Hunchy 2 game started out as a (failed) attempt to port Chuckie Egg to the 2600. What are the issues with running on real hardware - it would be nice to get this made into a cart eventually?


Thanks for the compliment. I don't know what the issues are yet. I have the bits to build a programmable flash cart for my PAL machine. I just haven't gotten around to it yet :(.


P.S. Are you going to have the giant duck chase your around the screen in later levels?

I'm not sure if I should make it into a fully fledged Chuckie Egg or not.


I should be able to post a two level demo this evening. The code to drive the lifts isn't working correctly so that leaves two levels to play :(.

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Binaries for the latest version :-



Jumping is a slightly broken at the moment and its only two levels. Hopefully I'll get some more levels into the next release.


I'm not sure if it'll work on real hardware but if any CC2 owners would try it, then that would be good. I'm particularly interested in checking if the title screen looks like the screenshot in the opening post and if it declares an NTSC or PAL video system found.


Any comments and suggestions appreciated.


Have fun!

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On real hardware:

The title screen appears but is partial messed up. You see part of the playfield over the letters of the title. Hit the button and you go to the playfield which looks normal but just stops there. Button does nothing after that.



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On real hardware:

The title screen appears but is partial messed up. You see part of the playfield over the letters of the title. Hit the button and you go to the playfield which looks normal but just stops there. Button does nothing after that.

Thanks for testing Allan. It seems my programming style is fine for the emulator but not the hardware :(. Does the big title text appear in yellow? Any chance of a camera picture? PM me if you don't want to clutter the thread. Hopefully I'll be able to build my flash cart soon and sort out the differences between the emulator and the hardware.

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Many thanks for the pictures Allan. Theres definately something weird going on with the way the emulator behaves :(. I had the title screen doing that on the ProSystem emulator and "fixed" it not to do it. Some fix! :x .


On a positive note, it did detect NTSC correctly :).

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Many thanks for the pictures Allan. Theres definately something weird going on with the way the emulator behaves :(. I had the title screen doing that on the ProSystem emulator and "fixed" it not to do it. Some fix! :x .


On a positive note, it did detect NTSC correctly :).


I hope you can figure out the problem cus your games look great.

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Correction! The next release is today :lol: . I had a bit of a brainwave and hopefully I've made the games library work on real hardware. Would any CC2 owners like to test this version and get back to me? Can you also check if the title screen looks OK? Its slightly out in ProSystem 1.3, but should be better than Allan's picture. If this version works then I'll start a thread on emulator defects. If not, I'll keep plugging away.



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Hi Mark

Really great work.Works great on the emulator.I checked it on my PAL system,but it does not work here.

I also checked it on an NTSC system and it does not work too.But this system is a Development system.So possibly it might work on a normal 7800????

I can check this at weekend.

greetings Walter

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Do not give up.The game is great and i am sure,you will get it work on real hardware.

I'm not going to give up. I have every intention of finding out if the game library will work on real hardware. I've got all the parts in that I need to make a dev cart and just need to sit down to make and debug it. Hopefully I'll have some more news later this week.

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  • 1 month later...
As soon as I convert the game from 160B to 160A mode I'll be posting a binary that works on real hardware :-o. It'll also test out the graphics library because they are the only two modes it'll support when its released (at the moment).



sweet :)

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