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Microsoft hurting the Xbox?


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After talking with a bunch of people who really buy video games, namely males between 15 and 25, I think I've found something interesting.


Regardless of the merits of one console system over another, it seems that the main reason the XBox is in third place in the console wars is that the name "Microsoft" precedes it. I'm finding that young males, the primary console market, don't want to buy anything associated with Microsoft.


Another interesting thing I'm finding is that most of these people use Windows 98 on their home computers. They refuse to pay anything to upgrade to WinXP even though they hate Win98, and are intimidated by the thought of trying Linux, even thought they know about it. I'm also finding that Mac/OSX isn't on their radar.


Opinions? Who here lists "Microsoft" as a reason why they're not buying an Xbox anytime soon, or bought one with reservations?



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Some of your points may ring true but I think you probably talked to more casual users/gamers. Hanging around PC gaming for the last 5 years, most hardcore types are willing to tweak Windows98 and upgrade to more modern OS's to support new faster cpu's,video cards, and new games. And upgrading your system is often a good chance to try out Linux or some other alternative OS on a different partition.


That being said most gamers got pretty excited about playing Halo and bought an Xbox just for that game that had been hyped for 4 years. I don't think the name 'Microsoft' hurt sales at all in the first year. I think Xbox sales are really slow right now because after Halo and a few good games there's a shortage of good games on the Xbox. I also think they will put too much emphasis on online gaming which hasn't interested too many console gamers yet.


So, you're probably right if you talk to more casual gamers and my theories are probably right if you talk to more gamers who play a lot of different systems.

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I'll tell you why I stayed away from Xbox: It's gonna be too much of a computer it seems. When I buy a system, I want games. Extra stuff is good, but when it comes right down to it, games are what counts. Playstation 2 is good, but I don't like load times very much, plus I'm satisfied with regular PS1 (I'm not much of a Sony guy). This is why I chose the GameCube (that and the fact I'm a Nintendo guy :D ).

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After talking with a bunch of people who really buy video games, namely males between 15 and 25, I think I've found something interesting.


Regardless of the merits of one console system over another, it seems that the main reason the XBox is in third place in the console wars is that the name "Microsoft" precedes it.  I'm finding that young males, the primary console market, don't want to buy anything associated with Microsoft.


Another interesting thing I'm finding is that most of these people use Windows 98 on their home computers.  They refuse to pay anything to upgrade to WinXP even though they hate Win98, and are intimidated by the thought of trying Linux, even thought they know about it.  I'm also finding that Mac/OSX isn't on their radar.


Opinions?  Who here lists "Microsoft" as a reason why they're not buying an Xbox anytime soon, or bought one with reservations?




There are several reasons I don't own an XBox.


1) The controllers suck. Even the 3rd Party controllers suck.

2) The console is WAY too big. I have a limited amount of space.

3) It was too expensive at the time I was considering it.

4) Most of the games for it suck. Yes, even HALO.


I don't "Hate" MS as a whole, but I despise some of the things they do.

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Hehe. I have to hold up my hand and say that the Microsoft tag is one of the things that put me off, not simply because of the name but because of the stuff I knew they'd make - it didn't come as any surprise to me that their console was huge and shiny black - I've been through puberty now, I don't need that stuff any more.


I'll just sit here and wait for some new games for the Apple pippin:)

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I think Microsoft is the spawn of satan, so yes, that is the exact reason why I own most every other video game system except the X Box.


Now now, MacGurl, you do know that videogame companies lose money on the hardware, right?


So, if you really hate Microsoft so much, BUY the XBox, but DON'T buy any games. *BAM!* You've just punched about $100 out of Microsoft's coffers!


Now if we can just get 4 billion people to do this, we can bring Microsoft to their knees! BuWAhahahahahahahahaha!!!!

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I have had conversations with people that hate Microsoft. Here's an example:


Varan - You get an X-Box

Dumdum - Hell no!

Varan - Why not?

Dumdum - I don't buy Microsoft products.

Varan - Why not?

Dumdum - Cause they suck.

Varan - What sucks about them?

Dumdum - Everything. Plus I don't like them.

Varan - What don't you like about them.

Dumdum - They suck.

Varan - Can you give me an example of how they suck?

Dumdum - Ask anyone. Everyone knows they suck.

Varan - I'm asking you.

Dumdum - And I'm telling you they suck.

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The X-Box is not doing as well since buying any console is about buying games and simply put, the PS series has more games; therefore more choice of what type of game to play. Halo is a great game for the X-Box but after that, casual gamers would be hard pressed to name another game for the X-Box.


Plus the X-Box is just a PC in another casing. Microsloth can try to put all the spin that they want on it but it is basically a PC that plays games.


I just hope that they hurry up and release Halo for the PC.

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Varan said it best. The MS bashing is pretty pathetic. I guess hating MS is the "in" thing right now. Personally, I really don't care who makes what system - I just wanna play games. While the PS2 may sell the most and have the biggest game library, it's a lame system. While Sony does have some outstanding products, most of their stuff is mediocre at best. MS did their home work for the xbox. A PC in a box - maybe, but whats wrong with that? If anything, Sony is trying to make the PS2 a PC - HD add on, keyboard, mouse, and Linux OS coming soon. The xbox is pretty much what all serious gamers have ever wanted - 4 controller ports, HD, FAST load times, and killer capabilities. How all of those are to be used to full advantage remains to be seen. Nintendo will always be Nintendo - behind on the times but quality all the way. I for one am just happy that I have 3 choices again and enough good games to play.

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i bought a PS2 (i have every system before that already) because it hosted my favorite series of games (medal of honor, shadowman, syphon filter). i've enjoyed those titles (waiting for SF4) but wanted to get another system, in the end it came down to $50, i went with the gamecube because i could get it and rouge leader for about $200. an xbox with halo would have run me $250, since they are taking a loss on the hardware anyways why not just get down to nintendos level, they have no real hope of beating the ps2 so why not pitch a fight for number 2?


also slightly off the thread topic i cant shake the impression of the xbox as the dreamcast2

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I think Microsoft is the spawn of satan, so yes, that is the exact reason why I own most every other video game system except the X Box.


Now now, MacGurl, you do know that videogame companies lose money on the hardware, right?


So, if you really hate Microsoft so much, BUY the XBox, but DON'T buy any games. *BAM!* You've just punched about $100 out of Microsoft's coffers!


Now if we can just get 4 billion people to do this, we can bring Microsoft to their knees! BuWAhahahahahahahahaha!!!!


Yes, I know the games are the money makers...however I'd hate contribute to the # of people that purchased the XBox....it's in last place and I hope it stays there !!!



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I can tell you how Microsoft sucks.


Windows 95

Windows 98

Windows 2000

Window XP



...and the list goes on.


You can be a Gates fanboy if you'd like, but their products aren't that great. Most PeeCee users know no other OS (which is exactly what MS wants).


Now their Office products for the Mac are pretty good, but I only use that because I it for free..I wouldn't pay a dime for any MS products. The last thing I'd do is buy a video game system from them.

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I love videogames.


I currently own every current system sans Xbox.


Money is not an object.


Although I generally regard Microsoft with the same affection I might lavish on an oozing head wound - this has nothing to do with my Xboxless existence.


Rather, there is currently not one game or one facet of the Xbox (Halo came close though) that just calls to me in that "buy me now you fool" kinda voice that would make me long to have an Xbox. Every gamer knows what I'm talking about. It's the voice that made me dish out 250 smackers for a Jaguar in 94 when I knew deep in my heart it would fail.....but I had to have it anyway, damnit!


That same voice made me buy a Master System, a Lynx, a Genesis, an SNES, a Saturn, a Playstation, a PS2, a Gamecube...you get the picture....


That voice doesn't exist with Xbox and to be honest I'm not completely sure why. Although I gladly admit to hating MS, I would buy their system in a second if (when) they give me reason to. I might hate them, but I love games and when they can prove that they have a steady stream of unique titles on Xbox I can't find anywhere else I'll get one.


I admit that many Xbox games are beautiful - clearly superior graphically to most titles I have for PS2 or Gamecube. But every time I start to get lured by that beauty - I play the game in question and find that while not bad - it just really isn't anything special.


Halo is cool and a GREAT game. Whether at a friend's house or on a retail kiosk, I totally groove on this game. But MS's problem (to me, at least) is for the few "Halos" in the Xbox library there are 10 lackluster titles.


One day I'll probably have an Xbox hooked into my home network for online goodness - I just don't know when MS will inspire me to do it. And that ultimately is the problem for MS - if they can't lure me, a diehard videogame dork, to buy their product - how can they expect to grab the casual gaming public who is forced to choose between Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube?


But enough of my ramblings. Here's a link to something my wife did based on her feelings of the Xbox......


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I can tell you how Microsoft sucks.  


Windows 95  

Windows 98  

Windows 2000  

Window XP  



...and the list goes on.  


You can be a Gates fanboy if you'd like, but their products aren't that great. Most PeeCee users know no other OS (which is exactly what MS wants).



I am under the impression you don't like MS :) Like it or not, they're here to stay. Name any other OS for a PC that is easy to use, reliable, has great software support from 3rd parties, and is safe that I can use instead. Linux ? Sorry, I'm like most - I am not computer literate enough to use it. Any others? Fact is, MS has made it possible for Everyone to enjoy computers in a way nobody else ever has. You don't think Internet Explorer is a great product? What's better ? If you hate MS so much, then I guess you can't go online at all. You'd have to avoid a ton of servers and web sites that are here because of MS. They opened the door for everyone. Not bad for a company that you say sucks. Am I a MS fanboy? Nope. Could you or I do better than them ? Nope - well at least I kow I can't. You might wanna get used to all of the stuff you hate about MS - the new Mac OS has all of the problems Windows has had in the past - now it's your turn to have them. How do I know? I use Macs to help my bro out at work. None of this is personal just stating some facts. Too bad you don't have an Xbox, it may be the best MS product yet.

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In my opinion, there are better web browsers out there than Internet Explorer. Netscape, Mozilla have always proved to be more reliable for me. In fact Internet Explorer seems to have real problems with my DSL.


I disagree with you on the Mac OS as well. I've pretty much worked on all the OS's for the Mac and have never encountered 1/2 as many problems as I have with Windows. In fact, according to most of Apple's customers, Windows itself is the reason they buy Mac's. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into another Mac vs PC war.. back on topic.


I'm perfectly happy not owning the "best product MS has put out yet". I'll take my chances. I think the GC and PS 2 will keep me busy for a while anyway.

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Now this thread is interesting. Part of me wants to jump in as a techie, but I'd rather stay out. As a gamer who sometimes would like to forget he's a techie, I can say this:


1. I had reservations about the XBox but I really wanted to play Halo and PGR (and wasn't disappointed by either)


2. I thought it would be too much like a PC in a console case (the reality is that it's not, although I find the loud PC-like fan on both the XBox and PS2 annoying)



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I can tell you how Microsoft sucks.  


Windows 95

Windows 98

Windows 2000

Window XP



...and the list goes on.  


You can be a Gates fanboy if you'd like, but their products aren't that great.  Most PeeCee users know no other OS (which is exactly what MS wants).


Now their Office products for the Mac are pretty good, but I only use that because I it for free..I wouldn't pay a dime for any MS products.  The last thing I'd do is buy a video game system from them.


PC's are so far ahead in gaming over Macs that it is ridicules . The best videocard Macs have is a GeForce 2. Also lets compare the amount of excellent games coming out for PC compared to ones for Macs. I like Macs but they are only for businesses not for gaming. I use Windows 98 and I think its a great operating system. I hate it when people bad mouth Microsoft because they make a way better OS than everyone else, and that is why they are number one in the computer industry.

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Actually, the highest video card in a Mac is a GeForce 4 Titanium...but we can look over that :)


It's very debatable why MS is #1 with their OS. I, myself would not say it's because they have the best OS. It's what comes with all PC's and many people know of no other choice. Not everyone is computer smart...in fact it seems that the majority of people aren't.


As I've stated before, Macs are not meant for gaming. There are many professions that use mainly Macs because the proper programs don't run as well and aren't made for the PC. So, it goes both ways. I'd definitely say that if you're buying a computer mainly to game, then go with a PC.


Anyway, that's not really the topic here. It's how MS sucks...



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Wow, I managed to hold off this long without jumping into this thread...


Fact is, the XBox just doesn't have many game worth playing. Halo, and a handful of other mediocre titles just isn't gonna sell a system in this day and age. Compared to both the PS2 and GameCube, the XBox lineup just plain sucks.


Just to jump back off-topic, how can you people say that M$ has the best OS available? Have any of you even used anything else? Obviously not...

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Wow, I managed to hold off this long without jumping into this thread...


Fact is, the XBox just doesn't have many game worth playing. Halo, and a handful of other mediocre titles just isn't gonna sell a system in this day and age. Compared to both the PS2 and GameCube, the XBox lineup just plain sucks.  


Just to jump back off-topic, how can you people say that M$ has the best OS available? Have any of you even used anything else? Obviously not...


I have :)



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I'd say yes, the Microsoft name is a negative for the Xbox. But if the price was down to $150 and more exclusive games came out for it (Say a Nights sequel, or Shenmue 3). Jet Set Radio Future is tempting, but not enough to buy a system for. Boy I'm starting to sound like a Sega fanboy...


That being said I already have a PS2 and if I had to do it over again, I would have waited. ICO is the only original game (ie not a sequel) for PS2 I've really thought was great. SSX is great but SSX Tricky is cross platform. I mostly play PS1 games on it (currently playing Arc the Lad 2). Granted I'm out of the loop as I haven't been renting or buying lately...


The Cube is getting more tempting with Sunshine out and Metroid + Zelda around the corner...


I think it's more about quality/number of games...


As far as PCs go Win 98 is still stinky as a professional operating system, but at least I know how to slap it around and really it's not bad. Plus it still does dos for z26!


I just got an iMac and will hopefully start migrating over slowly. More so because I do graphic design work and for some things a Mac really is the way to go.


If I had my way Commodore would still make Amigas, programs could still fit on a floppy, computers could be turned off without "shutting down", and computers wouldn't be for "everybody"...


More than 2 cents...

le geek

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