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Yes, I said it.


I'm about to give you all proof positive why not being able to neg buyers can be a good idea.


I bought a Twin Famicom in box off eBay for $192.50.


In the auction, the seller claimed that the person he bought it from put a new belt in.


It also looked in fantastic shape, so I got it.


It arrived and lo and behold, it is. I go to play a Disk game and it freezes at the loading screen.


I open it up and not only is there NOT a new belt, the belt that was in there had melted, leaving ME to clean it all up.


I was fuming and rightfully so. I told my problem to the seller and he said that he didn't know and that he'd send a new belt to me right away.


I was fine because I thought that maybe he got conned too and luckily I could fix it.


But, this is where I should've learned my lesson.


For two days, I asked him if the belt was sent and nothing. He finally gets back to me last Thursday claiming the belt was sent.


Now, it's been almost a week and nothing has shown up yet(he claims he sent it first class). I've contacted him about it and he swears up and down that he sent it. First class mail only takes about 3-5 days(but referencing it on USPS's site, estimated 3). So, either it got lost in the mail(it's just the belt. Nothing more than the size of a rubber band), or he never sent it. Another big thing is that he said he sent it with PayPal shipping, but yet I have no tracking number. Everyone who used PayPal shipping with me ALWAYS gave me a tracking number. This helps track it just in case PayPal needs to investigate it.


I'm waiting on yet another response. If I don't hear from him or I see he's doing nothing about it, I'm filing for a claim.


Moral of the story? Because eBay changed the policy to where sellers cannot neg buyers, I'm not scared to ask for better service and tell the seller what's what. It makes me feel more secure knowing that my money will not be wasted.


You guys argue all the time over this and I can see valid points, such as when a buyer doesn't pay or does something stupid. But, let me tell you guys this. Sellers like THIS are the reason why this policy is in place. So, the next time you complain about this policy, blame not the consumer, but rather SELLERS LIKE THIS ONE!


$192 for a Twin Famicom and I cannot even enjoy it. The worst part? I spent $88 to import Mario 2 and Zelda BRAND NEW from Japan and they are sitting here collecting dust because I cannot use them.

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I have to agree with all of your points. Back before the new policy, I was scared to neg someone because they would always neg back in retaliation. Having 100% feedback is important to me and I like to bid in confidence that if the remote chance the deal goes sour, I can request better service and keep my squeaky clean ebay image.

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I did say I can understand in certain situations. Now, you get to see it from the BUYER's point of view. Not to be rude, did you read the whole thing? Or did you just see the topic name and reply. I know eBay fucked you over, but I was stating a fact from the buyer point of view and STICKING UP for sellers like you that were wronged because of this.


Moral of the story was that if sellers like the one I dealt with don't exist on eBay, there would be no need for this policy. Hell, I was one of the biggest critics of it. I was humbled today. Who knows, you might still even be on there?

Edited by JohnnyBlaze
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In all likelihood the dude had to procure a belt for you and didn't want to tell you that, so he is just buying some time. Someone isn't going to sell you a $188 unit like that, go to the trouble of sending it, and then stiff you on a rubber band. Yeah, you deserve better service, but try to give it a little time since it appears that while very lack-luster, he isn't intent on scamming you totally.



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I see your point, but in that case, why wasn't he upfront about it in the first place? I did forget to mention that before I knew it was the belt, he offered me his "spare". I found out about the belt problem after I first contacted him about it.

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Sometimes I think that sellers feel pressure to try to preform to expectations, when they can't, they make sh*t up. I'll bet this resolves itself. Being a Dad has given me insight into eBaying. Tell him if he just tells the truth you will give him a free pass, and just don't ever lie to you again. You will still love him even when he does worng, but that if he tells the truth then you will respect him as well :D



Edited by the.golden.ax
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I am not 100% in favor of that policy ... there are many persons that abuse of this new policy and now its usual to have many more buyers that don't pay.


I know that you can do some stuff to recover the fees but you the real problem is when people see any auctioned product re-listed, the confidence is much less.


Even with many cases of NP bidders, the policy works great :D

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It sucks giant donkey balls because of an isolated incident? You still had your clean 100% image, You can't blame ebay for one "nutjob".


It sucks giant donkey balls because of an isolated incident? You still had your clean 100% image, You can't blame ebay for one "nutjob".


I did read the entire post. I just wanted to show the other side of the story. No offense meant, just showing it from the other side as well. It is far from fair now.

A buyer can do whatever they want to sellers with little or no recourse.


Bid too much? Don't pay. All that happens is you get a stupid strike for a few months. Whoopdeedoo.

Meanwhile the seller has to wait to get the listing fees and final value fees back for two weeks.


Post Office takes too long during Christmas? Leave a neutral or negative feedback and give them one star for shipping time.

Then Ebay won't let you list for a month because one of your stupid rankings is under 4.0 for a one month period.

If you sell 5 things a month, a one star in any catagory will make you not able to sell for a month. This doesn't matter to the power sellers, but for someone who sells a few things a month, it is simply terrible.


I CAN blame Ebay for one nutjob because they are unyielding. You can call them and explain your case, they will agree that the person is a nutjob and them tell you quite casually, "It does suck, but dems da rulez! Sorry!" It's Ebay's fault for making the assinine rules that allow nutjobs to abuse sellers with no recourse.


It is overly fair to the buyer and not fair at all to the seller.


From the buyers point of view it is all rosy and shiny and happy and swell.

From the sellers point of view, there is no protection at all anymore.

This is great to stop dishonest sellers, but it does nothing for dishonesy buyers or lunatics.


RangerG hit the nail on the head with his post.


I no longer leave feedback at all. Good or bad.

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As a seller the system is now unfair. It's like owning a store where the buyers are allowed to spraypaint graffiti on your building saying anything they want and you can't do anything about it.


And before as a customer if you got ripped off on shipping, or got a broken, damaged, or misrepresented item you had no recourse but to shop at the store across the street, who pulled the same scam(s). And heaven forbid you complained about either place, they would post your picture in their front window with a caption that says "this guy is an asshole - don't let him in your store" for all to see.


It's six of one half dozen of the other. For years sellers were able to play games and manipulate Ebays bad feedback system to fleece the very customers than paid their bills. They had to fix it. For the most part, it's much better. There are some honest sellers that have been burned, but by and far it was worth it to weed out the crooks.

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It's six of one half dozen of the other. For years sellers were able to play games and manipulate Ebays bad feedback system to fleece the very customers than paid their bills. They had to fix it. For the most part, it's much better. There are some honest sellers that have been burned, but by and far it was worth it to weed out the crooks.



But it didn't fix it. It may have weeded out the crook sellers but now it just allows the buyers to be the crooks instead.

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It's six of one half dozen of the other. For years sellers were able to play games and manipulate Ebays bad feedback system to fleece the very customers than paid their bills. They had to fix it. For the most part, it's much better. There are some honest sellers that have been burned, but by and far it was worth it to weed out the crooks.



But it didn't fix it. It may have weeded out the crook sellers but now it just allows the buyers to be the crooks instead.


Quit bitchin' and make your own sale site or switch to CTCW.

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For two days, I asked him if the belt was sent and nothing. He finally gets back to me last Thursday claiming the belt was sent.


Now, it's been almost a week and nothing has shown up yet(he claims he sent it first class). I've contacted him about it and he swears up and down that he sent it. First class mail only takes about 3-5 days(but referencing it on USPS's site, estimated 3). So, either it got lost in the mail(it's just the belt. Nothing more than the size of a rubber band), or he never sent it. Another big thing is that he said he sent it with PayPal shipping, but yet I have no tracking number. Everyone who used PayPal shipping with me ALWAYS gave me a tracking number. This helps track it just in case PayPal needs to investigate it.

Well, here is my take on this as somewhat of an Ebay seller myself (cough cough, see my items in auction central currently cough cough - lol)

I am not crazy about sellers not being able to neg but since I almost always left feedback first I guess I really don't care that much.

Now back to your dispute, I think you are being a little demanding of this guy. It hasn't even been a week since you asked about the belt and you are already talking pay pal claims? Come on man, give the guy a little time here, he probably has a regular job, etc... I know you are worried but as a buyer you have to have a little more patience, remember he is probably just as stressed about this if not more stressed than you.

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The new feedback policy is the best thing that has happened to ebay in years (besides the recent drop in fee charges :D ).

No longer are rip off sellers able to hold me to ransom by negging me back,it has turned a lot of dishonest sellers away from ebay as they are now unable to rip off buyers and get away with it..

I now feel more comfortable buying from ebay now knowing io cannot be negged by a slimey seller.

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It's six of one half dozen of the other. For years sellers were able to play games and manipulate Ebays bad feedback system to fleece the very customers than paid their bills. They had to fix it. For the most part, it's much better. There are some honest sellers that have been burned, but by and far it was worth it to weed out the crooks.



But it didn't fix it. It may have weeded out the crook sellers but now it just allows the buyers to be the crooks instead.


Quit bitchin' and make your own sale site or switch to CTCW.


Nice one newb! Well thought out and executed. Your apostrophe at the end of bitchin' is cute!

You could have also used belly achin'. Either way, your presence on AA has been wonderful so far.

You bring so much to the table and I can't thank you enough for all of your glorious contributions thus far.


So you must be one of the crooked buyers?

May fire ants chew your balls off while you are staple gunned to a piece of plywood.



Ignoring all your trollish moronic dickhead posts forever and ever amen in 5... 4... 3... 2... click...

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It's six of one half dozen of the other. For years sellers were able to play games and manipulate Ebays bad feedback system to fleece the very customers than paid their bills. They had to fix it. For the most part, it's much better. There are some honest sellers that have been burned, but by and far it was worth it to weed out the crooks.



But it didn't fix it. It may have weeded out the crook sellers but now it just allows the buyers to be the crooks instead.


Quit bitchin' and make your own sale site or switch to CTCW.


Nice one newb! Well thought out and executed. Your apostrophe at the end of bitchin' is cute!

You could have also used belly achin'. Either way, your presence on AA has been wonderful so far.

You bring so much to the table and I can't thank you enough for all of your glorious contributions thus far.


So you must be one of the crooked buyers?

May fire ants chew your balls off while you are staple gunned to a piece of plywood.



Ignoring all your trollish moronic dickhead posts forever and ever amen in 5... 4... 3... 2... click...


Thanks for calling my post cute ;) Also, thanks for the compliments :) Although your message calling me crooked kind of defeats the purpose of calling my post cute. Why are you ignoring my posts? I thought you just said my presence was wonderful :roll:


Must be his time of the month :ponder:

Edited by brandondwright
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I personally like the new policy as I always pay the auctions I win on same day or day after I win. I hated how I was not given a good rating until they got one from me? That's a load if you ask me. I did my part so you say i did and send me the item. If I was a seller I'd make sure to use better shipping that has tracking and such if you are worried about being burned. I got negged one time by a seller as he didn't describe the item accurately and he wouldn't respond to my messages. Funny though how he practically immediately responded when I negged him. He got my money immediately, I didn't get the item I paid for.


I think with shipping and tracking there are ways for sellers to protect themselves. Before this policy how could a buy protect himself? If someone charges me for 12 fed ex shipping and sends it first class for 3 bucks I can neg him for being a lying sack of crap and not have to worry about...a beware of customer (who immediately paid and was screwed over but I won't let you know that).


For those sellers that get screwed though I do feel sorry but I get tired of being screwed as the buyer and not being able to say it or let others know.

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I disagree 100%.


A buyers feeback really means nothing in most cases. You think people won't take your money because of one or two bad sellers? think again. The most important thing is that you get your money back. Feedback be damned and Paypal is all about refunding buyers to a fault.


Negatives for buyers will help if a buyer scams someone. There will be a record of it and should it happen several times a case can be built.

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