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[COLECO] GhostBlaster


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I have just finished this game and would like to say it is awesome! Fantastic work on this game: the scrolling is really smooth, graphics are excellent and sound great. I love all the secret access in this game to find all gems.

I don't know if after 19th level the game continue because the last message is "... but this area is still haunted. Try again". Can you say more about that Daniel, please?

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I have just finished this game and would like to say it is awesome! Fantastic work on this game: the scrolling is really smooth, graphics are excellent and sound great. I love all the secret access in this game to find all gems.

I don't know if after 19th level the game continue because the last message is "... but this area is still haunted. Try again". Can you say more about that Daniel, please?

First of all, thanks for the feedback! it's really appreciate!


The game is 10 levels long and there are 2 endings. The bad ending is if you finish all the levels but you didn't blast all the ghosts, so the game over screen says "still haunted". The good ending is if you do blast all the ghosts and collect all the gems; then you get an "happy birthday" song to celebrate the 10 years of CCJVQ... and also my 10 years of Coleco homebrew programming.


If you want to see the good ending by yourself, don't look at the following video. If you want to know the ultimate secret, look at the video.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The full review is over at the Digital Press. Sorry it didn't work here, newcoleco.

I did take a look at your GhostBlaster review... well done! Very detailed, and very enthousiastic (is it a real word?)!


The only thing keeping this game from being just about perfect is the fact that it's not all that hard to beat. Still, there are other ways to play it: for example, once you have beaten the game, why not try something else? For example, try to get through the game without being hit even once by any of the furious phantoms...
Good ideas! I think it's not impossible for a human to not get it by a ghost, except if you're a pro. Try to play the game as fast as you can, get the good ending, in less than an hour... I think my best time is around half hour. Or try a friendly competition, with two colecovision side by side (well, because the game doesn't need a special cartridge, you can load it in the atarimax coleco multicart if you don't have two ghostblaster cartridges).


Well, I'm happy to read that my game is not that hard because it's exactly what I wanted to do. I tend to make games hard to beat, just think about the almost impossible arcade difficulty in Jeepers Creepers. So, I didn't use a limited number of lives, I've done easy levels to introduce the game with a nice learning curve, making the gaming experience fun rather that frustrating.

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Last week I managed a "perfect" game. Wasn't hit even once.


This game is an achievement, really. It actually approaches fourth-generation quality.

You are the first person I know, including myself, who did a perfect game on GhostBlaster.


4th generation quality game... I don't know what it means really but thanks. Like another person said : if the video was titled "NES Ghostblaster" he will firmly believe that it was a NES game. Sincerely, my objective was to try something new, something I've never done before, something different for the ColecoVision, and it's mission accomplished.

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  • 1 month later...

Revival 42 is not yet available in English yet , i think the current one is the 41. But he will be .

There is always a little delay between the french and the english version.


This magazine about homebrewing is very good and exhaustive! and NOW in color!!!! I think the 41 (the English version only) is in color too.


The 41 includes a review of my Ghost'n Zombies.


The site for the box art and more is done by Crapahute : http://www.colecoboxart.com/ :lust: :lust:

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Just one thing about ReVival.

Please don't compare French and English issues. Now, the contents are different and the fact ReVival #42 is in French and ReVival #40 (near to come) in English doesn't mean there is a difference of two issues. For example, Ghost'n Zombies is reviewed in French ReVival #41 and will be reviewed in English ReVival #40. The same fact with Ghostblaster (French #42 and English #41, in may). Too 3D Sector-X on Vectrex will be reviewed in French #43 and in English #41!


Too, French issue is now devoted to homebrew but also to retrogaming and shoot'em up!

And the English issue is specialized in homebrew gaming - and only homebrew gaming - with the near to come issue #40.


Ghosblaster has obtained a 9/10 :) Really great game.

With G'n Z we have two fabulous "ghost" games on Colecovision :)

Congratulations to Youki and Newcoleco!


The URL of English ReVival is http://revivalgames.org/welcome.php

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little message telling that the PAL version is now in final testing phase with real hardware. Those people with 50hz CBS ColecoVision game system and a device like an Atarimax USB multicart can try for themself the PAL version at my blog. (look for day 14)


My blog is still : http://newcoleco.dev-fr.org/

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Excellent video Daniel! Many thanks for the presenting of ReVival, I appreciate!

Good news, a Pal version :)


And the next English issue, ReVival #40, in FULL COLOUR, reviews Ghost'n Zombies and Road Fighter (from Opcode).

All information about ReVival #40 on the official website: http://revivalgames.org/parution/rev40e.php

Edited by RayXambeR
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I remember buying from you at the 2007 CCGC show there! I'll talk about that game in the future as well.


I'll have to look at the posted pictures, to see if you're on there, and if I remember you.



Remember when I said I would talk about Squares? Well I did a review of Squares if you wanna see it:


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I remember buying from you at the 2007 CCGC show there! I'll talk about that game in the future as well.


I'll have to look at the posted pictures, to see if you're on there, and if I remember you.



Remember when I said I would talk about Squares? Well I did a review of Squares if you wanna see it:



Hi StarSoldier1,


You make me laugh, in a good way.



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