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hoorai! I wuz rite!




Ax,you're a nice guy to deal with, I personally cant see that someone would hold something like reselling against you. Do what you can, I hope you get at least some of your money back.

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You CALL paypal; forget the email crap.


Now that they have a phone number, it's much better.


Call them up, and tell them that you're extremely upset about the message that you received from paypal regarding your dispute.


Hopefully, you have a long-standing relationship (ie. many deals) through paypal.


If so, they will want to make you happy.


I've had two instances (one for an item over $300, and one for $20), and they refunded my money.


Not saying they definitely will for you; but talking to them is a much better way to get some resolution.


Good luck man!


Oh, and if you ever should meet the person, throw 'em a beatin'!

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I sell, and I collect. Many times I buy in bulk or lots, keeping some of the stuff, reselling the others. Many times when I buy complete in box games, I already own the cartridge and/or manual, so I will have a loose double to sell. I try and make some money to pay bills and also to acquire more items for my collection. I've calmed down big time in buying extras due to space, money, and of course, MY WIFE. I have a good 60 or so long boxes of comics I've been trying to put on the internet to sell and my video game list is always up on my site, which I'm trying to keep as accurate as possible. At the moment, I'm looking to sell or trade, not buy because I don't have a job as of last month. I'm a teacher who didn't have tenure and after 2 years was let go. And I teach middle school math and science, which is more in demand than others and I'm still having it tough. So I never fault anyone for buying and reselling. If I did, I'd have a problem with Gweedo on Ebay. :)



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