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Violence In Video Games ???


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Ok, I just don't get it. This morning, my girlfriend saw one of the national morning shows and they were talking about the DC Loser - I mean Sniper. One of her comments was that she - being some kinda behavior expert - said that this may be a competition between friends who play "shooting" type video games. I know this is normal to blame games because most of us gamers that have been around since the 2600 know how video games have been blamed for everything through the yrs. but I think it's time to realize that games aren't the root of all evil. I remember when Mortal Kombat hit the arcades :) That game is pretty much the reason why there's a rating on games now. I don't recall any instantances of hearts being ripped outta peoples chests or heads knocked off because of that game. I have a 7yr old kid. I don't let him play with toy guns because I really don't think that a gun should ever be a toy period. I also don't let him watch "r" rated movies or play any "m" rated games. I let him play Halo all the time. He loves the game. But homework, chores, and respect come before anything else for him. I for one love the violence in games. When I Play some DTR, I think it's great to see a guy's head get blown off. Max payne was sweet when blood would go all over the wall. And the Sniper mode.... :D :D Why is it that my 7 yr old can watch the news - which has NO rating no matter what the content, see commercials for the Army, Navy,etc....and that's ok, but I shouldn't be able to have realistic video games(finally) because some people think it isn't good for society because they are too violent? I think games need to be more violent. Oh and in case anyone cares, I've never been in a fight, don't own a gun, and have never had a desire to kill anyone......

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Are you sure you really want to open this can of worms?


The problem I see with violence (not just in games, but in general) is that it does seem to de-sensitise people. Does it neccesarily hurt people to view it? Maybe, maybe not, but too much is definitely not going to be too benficial either.


What bothers me is that people in general are so demanding of thier own rights to do what they please, that they don't even just consider the consequences of thier actions.


While I don't think violent games caused Columbine, they definitely weren't the best thing for those kids.

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Are you sure you really want to open this can of worms?


Sure why not ? I'm bored :D It really doesn't matter about my rights or yours or anyone elses. Responsibility for your own actions is what matters. Blaming everything and everyone for what you do is the problem. How does anyone know what the caused shooters in Columbine to do what they did ? They're dead - we can only speculate. Gee, they were making bombs in their garage and the parents never knew. Yea, it musta been the video games they were playing......... :roll: Too much exposure to violence may be a bad thing but take a look around - you can't avoid it. Games are not the problem and should not be blamed for what any idiot does.

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ive known and listened to this statement and believed it for a long time. and its been said already




period...end of story...stop blaming video games, stop blame tv, stop blaming movies.... oph man i really wish no one replies to this thread and starts up with the "violence in video is a problem" blah blah blah whoever starts up with that - this thread should then be deleted :)

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I agree with you that everyone's responsible for his own actions. There's no personal accountability in this sue-crazy world anymore.


I'm a firm believer in the First Amendment. I wouldn't want our gaming rights compromised by any individual or group -- that wouldn't keep this a free society. BUT here is a kind of violence I, personally, find distasteful and could definitely do without:




Try not to get mad at me. These are serious points here, at least to me, and you're free to disagree -- but it's time we question what we find "entertaining." That's my main point; that there is a market for this sort of rubbish. It scares me sometimes.




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im not even gunna click that link, being that i see "grandtheft" meaning grand theft auto im sure....

once again, its a video game, i dont think a 7 year old is going to get his hands on a flamethrower and go onto a roof of a store in brooklyn and start a killing spree.

its a freakin video game


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I don't care about a 7-year-old. It's what I personally don't wanna see.


Besides, if a 7-year-old played GTA3, he WOULD be affected to some bad degree, however slight. Let's not pretend these images exit an impressionable little kid's head as soon as the console's turned off. That would be just plain ignorance.


My whole point in that article is that we should wonder why people find this stuff entertaining. I'm not interested in getting anything banned or whatever. We can show some good taste while still keeping our rights intact, that's for sure.



CF again

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I don't care about a 7-year-old. It's what I personally don't wanna see.


Besides, if a 7-year-old played GTA3, he WOULD be affected to some bad degree, however slight. Let's not pretend these images exit an impressionable little kid's head as soon as the console's turned off. That would be just plain ignorance.


My whole point in that article is that we should wonder why people find this stuff entertaining. I'm not interested in getting anything banned or whatever. We can show some good taste while still keeping our rights intact, that's for sure.



CF again


you got a point, but kids think these out in dreamland and wouldnt actually think of doing it in real life.

why do people find it entertaining? my guess is - is because people would love to get their hands on weapons or somethin and destroy monsters or hurt people in a GAME being that they know the consequences of real life situations if they went ahead and found a BFG 9000 and blasted everyone to death.

I personally would love to inflict pain on certain people i see and/or know. But i cant, well i can ;) , but i wont because its not the right thing to do, AND i know the consequences involved in my actions. Video games are meant to be entertaining and while everyone has their own reasons to be entertained by each particular game - its their enjoyment - not yours, not mine. It Is what it is and theres nothing that can be done

let me ask you

would you rather play a game with action, death, killing, xplosions, strategy and adventure? or play a game to run around picking up flowers to fill baskets and make cookies....

you tell me :)

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first off this isnt english class ;)

second i dont want to read it CUZ im in no mood to read articles right now, my repsonses were in repsonse to your statement of what we should find entertaining

well its my money and ill buy what i want that entertains me, whether you or anyone else thinks is tastless, thats you're opinion

its a friggin VIDEO GAME - its not supposed to mean real life

leave that up to the sims ;)

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Damn right, it's my opinion. Tasteless is a good word for GTA3. You like it? Cool. Enjoy yourself. My opinion doesn't hurt you any. :)


(Of course, looking at your heavy teenage Goth-style signature about pain or whatever, one wonders what you find tasteFUL.....lol...take that in stride, I'm only teasin'..)


Liquid: I sense a budding sim here...The Cosby Show: Be a God of a World AND an Obstetrician! I'll send you the design proofs.



CF again again again again

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