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Violence In Video Games ???


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For a very small number of people, video games (especially violent video games) will have an adverse effect on them. Some people have a difficult time establishing the boundary lines where reality begins and reality ends. Video games won't necessarily be the main influence (after all there are violent tv shows and violent movies) but they can give just enough of a push for those who are on the brink.


A majority of the population see video games as a form of relaxation and entertainment. The only thing that gets hurt are pixels on a screen. I like the idea of the rating system but it needs to be enforced if it is going to work. I think there was a magazine that had some kids go into some stores and in a majority of the cases they were sold the games despite the rating on the box.

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Yea, I think that was in PC Gamer. Funny, Best Buy sold the games to a 13yr old and a 9 yr old with no problem but gave them an extremely hard time returning them even tho they had the receipt and they weren't opened. Best Buy pretty much sucks anyways.....I guess if you are a few fries short of a happy meal in the first place, then any type of violent media influence can be bad. But for me, I like the graphic violence :D

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Look at all the violent children who didn’t have access to computer games. This is a good argument for the therapeutic effect of violent computer games. I could probably find some figures I don’t fully understand to back that up. *Is off to sue someone*

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Look at all the violent children who didn't have access to computer games.


This is confusing "correlation" with "cause." Just one of the laws of critical thinking.


For instance, look at all the men who beat their wives who aren't alcoholics. Therefore, heavy drinking never causes domestic violence!


See what happens when we use backwards logic?



*Off to sue Pie for suing someone*






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Look at all the violent children who didn't have access to computer games.


This is confusing "correlation" with "cause." Just one of the laws of critical thinking.






Ah, that was rather my point. Personally I believe the cause of violent children to be down to a bad upbringing. People like to use figures to prove that its because of TV, music or video games.

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It's always more glamorous to be the victim than the victimizer...

  • ". :roll:


Kids that are allowed to play violent, explicit, suggestive video games by themselves have had their emotional development abandoned by their parents. And most kids don't raise themselves. Someone, somewhere is responsible. Don't task all of society with being held accountable for their behavior. Parents/guardians are responsible, but to pressure video game manufacturers to "self-censor" their games is irresponsible.


Adults that tip over the edge after ventilating someone's chest cavity on Tribes are going to tip any way. Once you make it that close to the edge, it might be Halo that does it, or maybe a nail gun commercial. They've committed to the idea; They're just looking for an excuse now.


My friends and I love games like Halo, Perfect Dark, Thrill Kill, GTA, MK, SF and the likes. That's typically all we play. It even degrades into a scene similar to Beavis and Butthead sometimes, but we know our limits and the rules of my home. If my daughter is within earshot, the strongest thing we're allowed to play is Track and Field or Magic Darts. But when she sleeps, we kill.


The practice of lowering the common denominator to even the field is only watering down social acceptance of critical issues that should be dealt with head on. Each person in the "bucket brigade of violent video games" must be responsible for their step of the process, beginning with the parents. Developers can make the game, but have the warnings/restrictions in place and visible. Retailers can sell the game, but enforce the age limits. (It worked for Boobie Mags and it will work here too), and most importantly, parents can let their kids play games, but know what they are playing and how it affects them.


ò¿ó          smile_to_atari.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

"It's a fair cop...but society is to blame." -Monty Python (Rat Tart)


Actually, a third argument is that the blame could be placed on what society's "victim" perceives as being the underlying cause. Therefore, it's the fault of his own actions, society, and/or the alternate universe he happens to be living in.


* runs off to sue everyone

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This is going a ways back, but I remember when the media said RPG's were to blaim (No, not final fantasy for PS2 :-))


They tried to say the fantasy games kids played gave them a false reality in which they could be violent, and they carried it over to the real world.


It will never end :-)


I just played BloodRayne for XBox and loved it... cutting off Nazi heads and drinking their life blood makes my day a little better. :-)

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Ahh...D & D. They even made a loosely-based-on-"true"-events movie on that incident.


True event...

"Hey! Let's go down in the sewers and pretend to fight dragons!"

"What a retard."


Slightly modified movie version...

"Hey! Let's go down in the sewers and pretend to fight dragons!"

"Yeah! Let's all go!"

"Look out!"


"Whew...we're all OK."

"Well, except for the retard."

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Ahh...D & D.  They even made a loosely-based-on-"true"-events movie on that incident.


True event...

"Hey!  Let's go down in the sewers and pretend to fight dragons!"

"What a retard."


Slightly modified movie version...

"Hey!  Let's go down in the sewers and pretend to fight dragons!"

"Yeah!  Let's all go!"

"Look out!"


"Whew...we're all OK."

"Well, except for the retard."


This(http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0046/0046_01.asp) is relevent here methinks...

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That is fucking HILARIOUS. It's like the comics page of the Onion or something.





Don't EVEN get me started on Jack T. Chick...


Here's a snippet from a web obituary about this guy...


It is with great sadness that we learnt last week of the shocking death of our dear friend Jack T Chick. Jack, who had been a great supporter of SIDES since we sent him a copy of issue 1, and had begun to write us a regular column exposing the works of Satan in these last days passed into his Maker's arms from Ita Nim Mulli asylum last Monday.


It was not until Thursday that the shocking facts behind his death were made known. Jack's long time friend and companion Alberto Rivera broke down and confessed to a hideous plot to rid the world of Jack's scathing attacks on the Catholic Church. Apparently Dr Rivera, who had written many books for Chick publications had all along been playing the role of a double agent, and was in fact still a top Jesuit, answerable directly to the Black Pope in the Vatican. In a cunning ploy to destroy the ministry of Chick, Alberto had dreamed up a plan whereby he would pretend to have seen the light of Christ and "reveal" to Jack the truth behind Catholicism. Top Jesuit brains believed that by having the truth revealed by someone who would be viewed as a religious loony then no-one would ever believe it! Unfortunately their plan backfired and Chick's comic book stories of the horrors cooked up by the Jesuits and Masons had tremendous influence, and led many out of the Catholic Church. Desperate to stop this trend Alberto revealed more and more of the secrets of the Vatican, each more surprising and unbelievable than the previous, hoping that eventually the truth would be too much for people to take. Eventually, with Chick's tracts being directly responsible for thousands leaving Catholicism every week the Black Pope ordered drastic action.


A crack team of Jesuit trained soldiers infiltrated Jack's house late Saturday night and abducted Jack's wife. They then took over a nearby radio transmitter and started beaming fake reports of the disappearance of millions of Christians during the night. As Jack awoke he found his wife missing, a tap in the kitchen running, and radio reports of missing Christians. For the first time in several decades he suddenly experienced doubt. Those articles that had sought to expose him as a deluded freak suddenly flooded through his head. The resulting mental breakdown saw him admitted to the nearby Jesuit owned Ita Nim Mulli asylum. There he was administered large quantities of drugs over several days - a combination that was eventually lethal. Police are holding Dr Rivera for further questioning.


Jack's funeral was a quiet affair. He had lived alone with his wife for over twenty years, and had few friends. It is believed that Bill Schnoebelen, who had previously escaped a life of vampirism with Jack's help, will take over at Chick Publications. However Jack's flair, and eye for the truth will undoubtedly be missed.


RIP Jack T Chick


I found out that this is a fake obituary, but it's so close to the paranoia this guy espouses, that it may as well be true.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a snippet of large essay I'm in the process of writing. Please read the whole thing before responding to it.



In reality, when it comes down to it, there really is nothing to keep us "in line" outside of fear. Yes, we have laws and religious beliefs, but all those things stem from fear. The five year old child who does not know right from wrong decides not to take the candy bar from the store because of the basic fear of his parents. The teenager decides not to rob a store because of a fear of the police. You and I decide not to murder those we hate, because of fear, not because of a sense of right or wrong. The average man, if he was given no fear, would kill and harm all those who got in his way. However, he has many fears: The fear of law enforcement, the fear of intended murder victims fighting back. The fear of what society as a whole will do to him and view him as.

A game like Grand Theft Auto 3 presents us with the same basic problems we face in real life, but does not give us the fear that stops us from dealing with those problems directly in real life.


This is why the game is so popular-is appeals to our most basic desires.

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I love it, except for the insinuation that the average man would commit multiple murders if stripped of fear. Remember: Fear is what turns a lot of people into killers in the first place. So you might want to qualify that part a bit more -- explain exactly what you mean in more detail. If fear is the ultimate mover, then perhaps the only reason we have violent murder in the first place is fear.


There is a slight altruism inside humans that extends beyond merely the kindness that fear "scares" us into displaying. Perhaps you could go on to explore the other possible influences on humans' decisions besides fear; for there certainly are others. But this is only a suggestion.


I like it so far, though; I really love it when people write their own stuff and aren't afraid to express what they believe is right. Please carry on, and let me know when the essay's completed, if you don't wind up posting it for whatever reason. Good writing!





P.S. Have you ever heard "Rockets and Penises in the Persian Gulf" by George Carlin? It's on the album called Jammin' in New York. It gives some brilliant insight into why men fight all the time, and what exactly they're afraid of...

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Something just popped into my head regarding violence in games. If you took a game like GTA3 and changed it so that all of the characters were aliens instead of humans, I doubt there would be so many complaints about it. It seems it's always OK to kill, maim and hurt aliens.

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..I love it, except for the insinuation that the average man would commit multiple murders if stripped of fear. Remember: Fear is what turns a lot of people into killers in the first place...


Well...you answered your own question somewhat. Allow me to elaborate...


Fear isn't just something that holds people back, it also motivates people. It's somewhat like a scale. Typically, our fear of law enforcement, punishment, social rejection, eternal damnation, etc. are on one side of this fear "scale". This is the "punishment" side.


On the other side, you have some pretty grim things:


You're afraid your wife is cheating and will leave you. Kill her.

You're afraid you won't have access to money if you don't steal that car. Steal it.

You're afraid you'll run out of Cocaine. Kill the dealer and steal his drugs and money.

You're afraid your classmates will always make fun of you. Get your pal Eric, and kill as many of them as you can.


This is the "desire" side



For the typical person, the "punishment" side weighs much more...but when those things on the desire side weigh more, you end up with what society calls a "criminal".


Now, does that answer your question, or just seem absurd?



By the way, thank you for your compliments on my wrtings. :)

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