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New GUI for the Atari 8-bit


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Interesting what Google throws up:


Format War


Apparently this is simple stuff! :lol:


I thought the remarks on the raster mouse cursor handling were interesting, but I don't think the commentator realized that the DLI is already busy sampling the mouse so that the cursor coordinates are ready for the VBI rendering. The mouse only gets drawn once per frame so it's difficult to understand the point of expending raster interrupt resources on anything to do with drawing it.


Also, with regard to "expensive" mouse hide/unhide calls - the calls are actioned once per recursive redraw, so right at the top of the subtree you want redrawn. It's not expensive.

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Lol - interesting to see some familiar names in that thread. Wonder why those kind of comments aren't popping up in this thread?


Personally I think what you're building is extraordinary. I can see the effort that's going into the background stuff like memory management and API structure that will make this a viable system not just a flash tech demo.


Keep up the great work.

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Interesting what Google throws up:


Format War


Apparently this is simple stuff! :lol:

If you look at the date of the posts, you'll see they were from Feb. 12 - 15. At that point we we had the menus/subs/checkmarks. That was quite a while back. It's possible their opinions may have changed somewhat since then. :)


There are also several people who are disagreeing with the "simple" assessment.


(Edit: Except for the most recent post, which clocks in at under 15 minutes ago ;) )

Edited by MrFish
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Yep - this project has got bugger all to do with demos. I'm not interested in throwing polygons around the screen. The linear graphics are easy to write (although not so easy to write efficiently), but they're a tiny part of the GUI. I'm well aware that I will make a few enemies out of this project, as well as friends. :D


If you look at the date of the posts, you'll see they were from Feb. 12 - 15. At that point we we had the menus/subs/checkmarks. That was quite a while back. It's possible their opinions may have changed somewhat since then. :)


There are also several people who are disagreeing with the "simple" assessment.

That's very true. :) However, as Spookt says, folks were a little more tactful over around the same time. :)

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Yep - this project has got bugger all to do with demos. I'm not interested in throwing polygons around the screen. The linear graphics are easy to write (although not so easy to write efficiently), but they're a tiny part of the GUI. I'm well aware that I will make a few enemies out of this project, as well as friends. :D


If you look at the date of the posts, you'll see they were from Feb. 12 - 15. At that point we we had the menus/subs/checkmarks. That was quite a while back. It's possible their opinions may have changed somewhat since then. :)


There are also several people who are disagreeing with the "simple" assessment.

That's very true. :) However, as Spookt says, folks were a little more tactful over around the same time. :)

I guess by "tactful" you mean silent... :-$

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I guess by "tactful" you mean silent... :-$

LOL. Yeah - that's how I do tactful too these days! :D

We'll see if you get any replies to your post...


BTW, your original link is pulling up a different topic over there now, after you entered a reply.

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Interesting what Google throws up:


Format War


Apparently this is simple stuff! :lol:


I thought the remarks on the raster mouse cursor handling were interesting, but I don't think the commentator realized that the DLI is already busy sampling the mouse so that the cursor coordinates are ready for the VBI rendering. The mouse only gets drawn once per frame so it's difficult to understand the point of expending raster interrupt resources on anything to do with drawing it.


Also, with regard to "expensive" mouse hide/unhide calls - the calls are actioned once per recursive redraw, so right at the top of the subtree you want redrawn. It's not expensive.


Since the original link that FJC was referring to changed after he posted there... For anyone who's interested, here's the root forum: Coding Corner. Look for the topic "Does anybody else think this is kind of brilliant?" to see what's being referred to.

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well, i guess an Issue Tracking System is in order. I wonder if Albert can help. Got any preferences, make it known, else Redmine it is :D


Comparison of issue tracking systems here


Bugzilla is great but i prefer Redmine


Basecamphq was my idea of a joke, it's nice if you want all the features of Windows 1.0 :D

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Great, but all in good time. It takes me long enough to sift through the information in this topic without wading through chunks of code people want included. There are no issues to track yet, no code to reposit, no API documentation for people to base their ideas on. All people can do at the moment is speculate. :)

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Ah - now I see where you're coming from. :)


Seriously - this organizational stuff will get actioned, since it's essential for a project of this size. I appreciate it!


I'm gonna set up some remote online back-ups. It occurs to me an exploding PC here could be fairly bad news.

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Heh - thanks! :) We figured things had moved on a lot since then.


I'm just trying to avoid information overload at the moment. I don't want to get into the position where I spend more time talking about this project than actually working on it. :D We know just what needs to be done - the task now is to keep on pushing forward.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Well, I'm the one that started the thread, and I stand by my assessment that it's brilliant work!


Cheers, and I'm following the project with great interest.


Over at Format War, we tend to talk about stuff on various levels, with no real bitings yet. Could be way worse.

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Well, I'm the one that started the thread, and I stand by my assessment that it's brilliant work!


Cheers, and I'm following the project with great interest.


Over at Format War, we tend to talk about stuff on various levels, with no real bitings yet. Could be way worse.

Seems fairly innocuous to me. I think Jon was more amused by the fact that the adjective "simple" was used to describe something that has the potential to give him daily migraines. ;)

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