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Adventure... with a hot-air balloon


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Hmm...you're right :? The branch was taken because of the equal status (tho it escapes me why). Altering the comparison to read CPX #GDragonR+1 works, tho (the dragons use 5 bytes of ram, so there is no issue of an invalid object being chosen for up to +4).



Fabulous! Works now.


Now to start redesigning everything.

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I was trying to implement your code on the flippable dragons, but I'm not getting it to work and I'm wondering if I'm not understanding your statement in another post "Just place the dragon sprite on a different memory page than all of the rest."


This is the code I have:



Edited by keithbk
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You might already know some of this. A "page" is a 256-byte stretch of memory in an 8-bit computer like the 2600. An 8-bit machine uses 16-bit addressing. Actually, it's only 13 for the 2600...but let's just call it 16 for the moment so this doesn't get too technical ;) "Zero page" is addresses $00 to $FF. $100 to $1FF is page one, and so on. As the high byte (or MSB) of the 16-bit address changes, you are moving to different pages.


The "Just place the dragon sprite on a different memory page than all of the rest." is a programming shortcut. Since the page (MSB) of the bitmap address was just loaded before the flipping patch above, all the program needed to do was check to see if it was the MSB of where the "chasing" dragon bitmap resides in ROM. If so, the reflect register is set based on whether the player is to the left or right of it. However...if an object bitmaps other than the dragon use the same MSB, that object would be flipping as well as you move around it.


Just cut the chasing dragon bitmap and paste it away from all the other object bitmaps. I'd suggest sticking it in where playfield bitmaps exist. In this manner, you don't need to do comparisons all over the place to make sure the program is only flipping that specific bitmap.


Don't be afraid about shuffling bitmaps around...the Adventure kernel is extremely flexible :) The only problem you are likely to encounter is if an object or playfield bitmap crosses a page (i.e. starts near the end of a 256-byte boundry in a way that causes the end of said bitmap to exist on the next page in line). Even that will not crash the game...but may lead to slight graphic "skewing" where it occurs - such as a pixel being misplaced.


The program expects that the player is at a specific location in relation to a biting dragon...so you should not move the "biting" dragon bitmap to the same page you moved the "chasing" dragon bitmap to. Similarly, you probably won't want a "dead" dragon to be flipping around either...so just move the "chasing" dragon bitmap only to a unique page.



Or, you can ignore all of this and just play around with the assembly ;) You'll most likely reach the same conclusion on your own after a couple of experiments (and better understand what the program is doing in the process). Hack and rewrite everywhere! Just be sure to keep a running list of backup files. HD space is cheap. Trying to figure out where something messes up following multiple changes leads to migranes (and lost progress).

Edited by Nukey Shay
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Ah...I didn't see the goof. Funny tho...Dasm should have caught it :?


The label NotReversable1 is being referenced for both sprites. This is incorrect. A mismatch comparison for the dragon on the first sprite would cause it to leap all the way down past the setup for the second sprite! In the lower section, rename the label (and the 2 branches above it) to NotReversable2.

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Based on which side you carry it on...no problem. Just put the sword bitmap on the same page you paste the chasing dragon bitmap, and alter the bitmap so it's facing the opposite direction the chasing dragon does :D



Direction you are currently moving would be a lot tougher. The program is coded to set CarriedX and CarriedY to the player's location + direction in the PickupObject routine. CarriedX & Y are then updated as the player is in the MoveObject routine...so it always moves alongside evenly no matter what side you picked it up. That would need to be altered to handle the sword object specially if it was to move around the carrier (you). Something optional would be to assign a byte of ram to the sword object so it could have a list of states...and have differing bitmaps for each of the 8 directions you can move.

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Here's an attempt at the first part. I'm doing this off the cuff...so I dunno if any bugs are present. You need to add lines here:


;Move the carried object
      LDX    CarriedObj          ;Get the object being carried
      CPX    #NullNumber         ;If nothing, return (Num Is (8*NumOfObj)-
      BEQ    MoveCarriedObject_2 ;
      JSR    GetObjectAddress    ;Get it's dynamic information
      LDY    #$00                ;
      LDA    PlayerRoom          ;Get the current room
      STA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;      and stroe the object's current room
      INY                        ;

;============ADDED CODE============
      CPX    #SwordNumber        ;Check if carried object is the sword
      BNE    KeepOldCarryY       ;if not, skip this
      LDA    CurrentStick        ;get current direction moving
      LSR                        ;move to low nybble...
      LSR                        ;
      LSR                        ;
      LSR                        ;
      TAX                        ;...and give to an index register
      LDA    CarryXtbl,X         ;using a table, load the new position
      BEQ    KeepOldCarryX       ;if invalid, don't update
      STA    CarriedX            ;...or store as current
      LDA    CarryYtbl,X         ;do the same for vertical
      BEQ    KeepOldCarryY       ;if invalid, don't update
      STA    CarriedY            ;

;continue with original code (LDA PlayerX, etc.)



Then add the data tables that indicate how many pixels away to hold the object (I just used 8 and negative 8 as a test...these might need fudging). Paste 'em in the same bank away from the program area:


;new data tables...
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $08 ;right+down
      .byte $08 ;right+up
      .byte $08 ;right
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $F8 ;left+down
      .byte $F8 ;left+up
      .byte $F8 ;left
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;down
      .byte $00 ;up
      .byte $00 ;not moving

      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $F8 ;right+down
      .byte $08 ;right+up
      .byte $00 ;right
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $F8 ;left+down
      .byte $08 ;left+up
      .byte $00 ;left
      .byte $00 ;invalid
      .byte $F8 ;down
      .byte $08 ;up
      .byte $00 ;not moving

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Ah...I didn't see the goof. Funny tho...Dasm should have caught it :?


The label NotReversable1 is being referenced for both sprites. This is incorrect. A mismatch comparison for the dragon on the first sprite would cause it to leap all the way down past the setup for the second sprite! In the lower section, rename the label (and the 2 branches above it) to NotReversable2.


Okay, I have edited the code and moved the Dragon (normal state) sprite to another area between two room layouts. The game will still not compile. Am I still in error in the following area?


This is the code I have:


        LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;Get Object1's high graphic address            ;5
      STA    Obj1Hi              ;and store for print.                          ;3

      LDY  #$00                  ;2 Set no reflect
      CMP  #>GfxDrag0            ;2 is it a chasing dragon bitmap?
      BNE  NotReversable1        ;2 skip ahead if not
      LDA  Obj1X                 ;3 Get object's X location 
      SEC                        ;2
      SBC  PlayerX               ;3 Subtract player's location
      BMI  NotReversable1        ;2 Branch if sprite is on the right
      LDY  #$08                  ;2 Set reflect
      STY  REFP0                 ;3 store reflect for sprite 0

      LDA    Store7,X            ;Get Object1's Color.                          ;4
      JSR    ChangeColor         ;Change if necessary.                          ;6
      STA    COLUP0              ;And set color luminance00.                    ;3
;Object1 Size
      LDA    Store8,X            ;Get Object1's Size                            ;4
      ORA    #$10                ;And set to larger size if necessary.          ;2
      STA    NUSIZ0              ;(Used by bridge and invisible surround)       ;3

;Setup Object 2 to Print.
      LDX    CurrentObject+3     ;Get Object 2                                  ;3
      LDA    Store1,X            ;                                              ;4
      STA    CurrentObject       ;Get low pointer to it's dynamic information.  ;3
      LDA    Store2,X            ;                                              ;4
      STA    CurrentObject+1     ;Get high pointer to it's dynamic information. ;3
      LDY    #$01                ;                                              ;2
      LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;Get Object2's X coordinate                    ;5
      STA    Obj2X               ;and store for print.                          ;3
      INY                        ;                                              ;2
      LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;Get Object2's Y coordinate                    ;5
      STA    Obj2Y               ;and store for print.                          ;3
      LDA    Store3,X            ;Get low pointer to state value.               ;4
      STA    CurrentObject       ;                                              ;3
      LDA    Store4,X            ;Get high pointer to state value.              ;4
      STA    CurrentObject+1     ;                                              ;3
      LDY    #$00                ;                                              ;2
      LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;Retrieve Object2's current state.             ;5
      STA    State               ;                                              ;3
      LDA    Store5,X            ;Get low pointer to state information.         ;4
      STA    CurrentObject       ;                                              ;3
      LDA    Store6,X            ;Get high pointer to state information.        ;4
      STA    CurrentObject+1     ;                                              ;3
      JSR    GetObjectState     ;Find the current state in the state information;6
      INY                       ;Index to state's corresponding graphic pointer ;2
      LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;                                              ;5
      STA    Obj2Lo              ;Get Object2's low graphic address.            ;3
      INY                        ;                                              ;2
      LDA    (CurrentObject),Y   ;Get Object2's high graphic address.           ;5
      STA    Obj2Hi              ;                                              ;3

      LDY  #$00                  ;2 Set no reflect
      CMP  #>GfxDrag0            ;2 is it a chasing dragon bitmap?
      BNE  NotReversable2        ;2 skip ahead if not
      LDA  Obj2X                 ;3 Get object's X location 
      SEC                        ;2
      SBC  PlayerX               ;3 Subtract player's location
      BMI  NotReversable2        ;2 Branch if sprite is on the right
      LDY  #$08                  ;2 Set reflect
      STY  REFP1                 ;3 store reflect for sprite 0

      LDA    Store7,X            ;Get Object2's Color                           ;4
      JSR    ChangeColor         ;Change if Necessary.                          ;6
      STA    COLUP1              ;and set color luminance01.                    ;3
;Object2 Size
      LDA    Store8,X            ;Get Object2's Size                            ;4
      ORA    #$10                ;And set to larger size if necessary.          ;2
      STA    NUSIZ1              ;(Used by bridge and invisible surround)       ;3
      RTS                        ;                                              ;6

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What exactly is Dasm reporting? Be aware that you can select a higher level of verbosity using the -v# switch...and dump the results to a text file using the > character. If you want the contents of the new binary to be really clear, you can have it create a list file using the -1 switch (lower-case L).



Dasm Ad8k.asm -f3 -lList.txt -v4 -oAd8k.bin > Summary.txt


...should give you a detailed-enough report in text files.

Edited by Nukey Shay
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Trying to stuff too many bytes in a page:


882 1c15 - address counter at $1C15

883 1c00 ORG $1C00 - error...already beyond it.


NOTE: the dragon bitmap is short enough to stuff into the first page (ensuring that nothing else uses the same page). Just move the 28 bytes between RORG $D0E4 and ORG $1100 to below RORG $D100, then paste the dragon below RORG $D0E4

Edited by Nukey Shay
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Yes, I figured I had messed up on the bytes issue, so I switched it all the images back to their original order. I thought I could swap evenly with the portcullis image. Sorry, learning experience. I'm going to focus on the other changes I was going to make, then come back and visit the whole reverse thing later. The reverse code will not assemble with the dragon in its default location, so I took that code out for the time being.

Edited by keithbk
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If you are unsure how many bytes remain in a page...just add ECHO * (indented) at the spot you are checking. Dasm will show you the current address when you assemble. The assemblies I did usually had everything packed full in the last pages (so you need to use space higher up in the text or move stuff around).

Edited by Nukey Shay
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  ORG $F000
   .byte 0
   .byte 0
   .byte 0
   .byte 0



If that was how an assembly of the rom portion began, the DOS window will show the address $F004 (it'll show it twice, because Dasm uses 2 passes by default). If bitmapofnothing was 256 or more bytes long, the ECHO address would be a different page than the ORG above it. F1 vs F0.

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If you are unsure how many bytes remain in a page...just add ECHO * (indented) at the spot you are checking. Dasm will show you the current address when you assemble.

Cool, that could come in handy! :cool:


By the way Keithbk, Nukey's later assemblies have flipping dragons built in.

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If you are unsure how many bytes remain in a page...just add ECHO * (indented) at the spot you are checking. Dasm will show you the current address when you assemble.

Cool, that could come in handy! :cool:


By the way Keithbk, Nukey's later assemblies have flipping dragons built in.


ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! I though I had the latest assembly...


Wow, could have saved a bit of time...where can I find this latest assembly?

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