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Adventure... with a hot-air balloon


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A couple of issues fixed above (8K/16K selectable option & player collision glitch)


I started playing around with your new assembly, and I don't know if I did something wierd or not, but the "created by Warren Robinett" graphic appears below the number "3" in the game select.


I did change up the first room (the number select), giving it an $04 in each scanline amount and developing 25 lines. Originally, this room had nothing, so it pulled the information from the first room (inside Gold Castle). Now it has its own information information (my attempts at a dragon head).


Oh, out of curiosity, can the background color be changed based on the room?


Edited by keithbk
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I started playing around with your new assembly, and I don't know if I did something wierd or not, but the "created by Warren Robinett" graphic appears below the number "3" in the game select.
This is because the end of the "3" digit runs over a page break...as you can see from a list file:


    327  11f9				   GfxNum3
   328  11f9		       70		      .byte.b	%01110000
   329  11fa		       88		      .byte.b	%10001000
   330  11fb		       08		      .byte.b	001000
   331  11fc		       30		      .byte.b	110000
   332  11fd		       08		      .byte.b	001000
   333  11fe		       88		      .byte.b	%10001000
   334  11ff		       70		      .byte.b	%01110000
   335  1200		       bd		      .byte.b	GFX_DELIMITER
   336  1201
   337  1300		       00 00 00 00*	      ALIGN	256


The GFX starts at $11F9, and doesn't reach the delimiter until $1200. That's a perfect example of page crossing...and because only the LSB is updated when drawing sprites, it goes all the way back to the beginning of the page (where the signature graphic exists).


You can fix this problem easily by moving that ALIGN 256 text to between the "2" and "3" graphics :) The leftover bytes below "2" will be filled in, and the "3" digit will begin at $1200 instead.






I did change up the first room (the number select), giving it an $04 in each scanline amount and developing 25 lines. Originally, this room had nothing, so it pulled the information from the first room (inside Gold Castle). Now it has its own information information (my attempts at a dragon head).
That's a pretty nice image. Kinda "paganistic".



Oh, out of curiosity, can the background color be changed based on the room?

Yeah, you'd need to add a new data table that has as many bytes as there are rooms. The label name RoomDataTable3 was left unused for that very purpose :)


Scroll down to this area to alter the line from loading #$08 to read from the data table instead:


       lda    RoomDataTable2,y    ;4 Get the room's foreground color
      jsr    ChangeColor         ;6 Change if necessary
      sta    COLUPF              ;3 Put in Playfield color register

;erase this line:
;       lda    #$08                ;2 Get light grey background (all rooms)
;and replace it with this:
      lda    RoomDataTable3,y    ;4 Get the room's background color

      jsr    ChangeColor         ;6 Change if necessary
      sta    COLUBK              ;3 Put it in the Background color register

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Flipping it from side to side was just a cheat.


You could assign a new variable to it (burn a byte of ram). If that new "sword state" variable is zero, it uses the first state's gfx. Just an unchanging bitmap on the screen. When you are carrying it, alter the state variable to be the value from the joystick (LDA CurrentStick -> STA SwordState)...and add state gfx for each of the directions. There's already a spot that checks if the player is carrying the sword, so it's state variable could be updated there.


However, the remaining problem would be how to get the sword object to circle the player realistically (which I tried addressing unsuccessfully earlier in the thread).

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Here's some steps to make the sword face the direction that the player is. Note that it still doesn't move to the correct spot in relation to the player...it just animates in place.


First, add a state variable for the sword in RAM memory up top...


SwordState    DS 1 ;sword rotation

;Object variables...(etc)


Next...move the sword bitmap away from the page used for the chasing dragon. Just cut the sword bitmap out, then add 8 new ones someplace else (like below the bat and key objects...plenty of space on that page)...


GfxSwordL: ;6 bytes, sword left bitmap
      .byte $04 ;     X
      .byte $05 ;     X X
      .byte $FF ;XXXXXXXX
      .byte $04 ;     X
      .byte $04 ;     X
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordUL: ;6 bytes, sword up + left bitmap
      .byte $80 ;
      .byte $40 ;
      .byte $22 ;
      .byte $14 ;
      .byte $08 ;
      .byte $14 ;
      .byte $22 ;
      .byte $04 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordU: ;6 bytes, sword up bitmap
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $7C ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $30 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordUR: ;6 bytes, sword up + right bitmap
      .byte $01 ;
      .byte $02 ;
      .byte $44 ;
      .byte $28 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $A8 ;
      .byte $44 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordR: ;6 bytes, sword right bitmap
      .byte $20 ;  X
      .byte $A0 ;X X
      .byte $FF ;XXXXXXXX
      .byte $20 ;  X
      .byte $20 ;  X
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordDR: ;6 bytes, sword down + right bitmap
      .byte $44 ;
      .byte $A8 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $28 ;
      .byte $44 ;
      .byte $02 ;
      .byte $01 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordD: ;6 bytes, sword down bitmap
      .byte $30 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $7C ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte $10 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end

GfxSwordDL: ;6 bytes, sword down + left bitmap
      .byte $04 ;
      .byte $22 ;
      .byte $14 ;
      .byte $08 ;
      .byte $14 ;
      .byte $22 ;
      .byte $40 ;
      .byte $80 ;
      .byte GFX_DELIMITER ;end


That is all you need to do for the upper part of the assembly. The next edits take place in the last bank. First, add a new data table for the list of states the sword is allowed to animate in...


SwordStateTb: ;24 bytes, sword's list of states (joystick value, bitmap used)
      .byte %01010000 ;State down + right
      .word GfxSwordDR
      .byte %01100000 ;State up + right
      .word GfxSwordUR
      .byte %01110000 ;State right
      .word GfxSwordR
      .byte %10010000 ;State down + left
      .word GfxSwordDL
      .byte %10100000 ;State up + left
      .word GfxSwordUL
      .byte %10110000 ;State left
      .word GfxSwordL
      .byte %11010000 ;State down
      .word GfxSwordD
      .byte %11100000 ;State up
      .word GfxSwordU


...then alter the existing lines for the sword object to include this new animation table. Just comment them out and put new lines below them.


From Store3:

;       .byte <GfxSword     ;$09 Sword's state (LSB)
      .byte <SwordState   ;$09 Sword's state (LSB) - now in RAM



;       .byte >GfxSword     ;$09 Sword's state (MSB)
      .byte $00           ;$09 Sword's state (MSB) - MSB of ram is zero



;       .byte $00           ;$09 Sword's list of states (LSB)
      .byte <SwordStateTb ;$09 Sword's list of states (LSB)


And Store6:

;       .byte $00           ;$09 Sword's list of states (MSB)
      .byte >SwordStateTb ;$09 Sword's list of states (MSB)



That takes care of the data tables. Now you need to find a spot to update the sword's state variable. I suggest right in the joystick-reading subroutine (ReadStick). Scroll down to where SWCHA is loaded and then trimmed...


ReadStick: ;Read Sticks
      tya                        ;2 Check for zero (all movement)
      bne    ReadStick_2         ;2 If not, don't bother with joystick read
      lda    CurrentStick        ;3
      and    #$0F                ;2
      sta    CurrentStick        ;3
      lda    SWCHA               ;4 Read joysticks
      and    #$F0                ;2 Trim to use left stick only

;added lines
      cmp    #$F0                ;2 Check for movement
      beq    Not_the_sword       ;2 Not moving...skip update
      ldx    CarriedObj          ;3 Check object being carried using X
      cpx    #SwordNumber        ;2 Is it the sword?
      bne    Not_the_sword       ;2 If not, branch
      sta    SwordState          ;3  ...or update the sword's rotation based on movement
;continue with original lines...



And that's all.

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I'm taking concept photos, putting them in photoshop, then laying a grid over them and estimating the "on/off" value for each square as a two color image (background/foreground).


Earlier rooms I did were all simple, using the old code. Now with the updated kernal, I'm going through each room and making it more to how I envisioned each room. For example, the room beneath the Yellow castle is the fountain room. I've been working on a re-draw tonight that makes it more in line conceptually with a fountain (the version I posted previously will not be in use). The room above the catacombs is a "cavernous cliff face," which opens up to the dark cavernous maze. Conceptually, that room is close to what I want, but I want to tweak it and make it more thematic.

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Check out posts #64 and #70 in this thread:



The tool that Earthquake made for making room bitmaps is not perfectly aligned to this assembly. If you want a missile to the right of the room you have to put that in manually (to the playfield0 number) by adding in $08 to each line of the room bitmap (playfield0) where you desire it. (Note, you have to do your math in hex code. For example, $04 + $08 = $0C, not $12.)


(Edited due to the original post being incorrect. See Nukey's post below)



At first, I was confused by the code at the end of the bitmaps in Nukey's assembly file until I realized it was in hex (which was obvious if I had paid attention to the $ signs).

Edited by accousticguitar
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You can manipulate the numbers to get the desired look as long as they all add up to 96.


No, this is not a requirement :) You can define as many lines as you want to...but the kernel will only use the first 96 of whatever it finds from the label. I wanted to make sure that the ability to share upper and lower lines of screens was still intact, so the kernel keeps track on it's own much like the original game did. Keeping careful track was abandoned some time ago...in addition to the old requirement of making sure that the lower line was defined at 8 double scanlines more than what was displayed (the original game's old co-ordinate values were higher than they needed to be).

So if a screen definition has data on it's top line that matches what you need for another screen's lower line, you can share the pattern between them...even if the scanline count value is higher than what you need for the lower line of the latter screen. Aside from screens that look totally identical (since all that is involved there is to move the label around), I didn't do any byte sharing for graphics in the assembly just to make things easier to edit.


About the only thing lacking is the ability to do asymmetrical displays, but I can't find a way of doing that without sacrificing additional ram and the mix modes :(

Edited by Nukey Shay
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You can manipulate the numbers to get the desired look as long as they all add up to 96.


No, this is not a requirement :) You can define as many lines as you want to...but the kernel will only use the first 96 of whatever it finds from the label.

Well now, that makes things easier. I can put my calculator away. :lol:

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This code to move the sword around the player works a little better...still might need a bit of tweaking (esp. if you alter the sword gfx). Use with the SwordState changes listed above.


MoveCarriedObject: ;Move the carried object (replacement code)
      ldy    CarriedObj          ;3 Get the object being carried
      cpy    #NullNumber         ;2 Check if nothing
      beq    MoveCarriedObject_2 ;2  if so, return
      lda    Store1,y            ;4 Get and store the low address
      tax                        ;2 transfer to the X register
      lda    PlayerRoom          ;3 Get the current room
      sta    $00,x               ;4 ...and store the object's current room
      cpy    #SwordNumber        ;Check if carried object is the sword
      bne    KeepOldCarryY       ;if not, skip this
      lda    CurrentStick        ;get current direction moving
      lsr                        ;move to low nybble...
      lsr                        ;
      lsr                        ;
      lsr                        ;
      tay                        ;...and give to an index register
      lda    CarryXtbl,y         ;using a table, load the new position
      bmi    KeepOldCarryX       ;if invalid, don't update
      asl                        ;
      sta    CarriedX            ;...or store as current
      lda    CarryYtbl,y         ;do the same for vertical
      bmi    KeepOldCarryY       ;if invalid, don't update
      asl                        ;
      sta    CarriedY            ;
      lda    PlayerX             ;3 Get the ball's X coordinate
      clc                        ;2
      adc    CarriedX            ;3 Add the X difference
      sta    $01,x               ;4 ...and store as the object's X coordinate
      lda    PlayerY             ;3 Get the ball's Y coordinate
      clc                        ;2
      adc    CarriedY            ;3 Add the Y difference
      jmp    MoveObjectDelta     ;3 ...And jump to store


;new data tables...
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $03 ;right+down
      .byte $03 ;right+up
      .byte $03 ;right
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $7B ;left+down
      .byte $7B ;left+up
      .byte $7B ;left
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $00 ;down
      .byte $00 ;up
      .byte $FF ;not moving

      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $7D ;right+down
      .byte $05 ;right+up
      .byte $00 ;right
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $7D ;left+down
      .byte $05 ;left+up
      .byte $00 ;left
      .byte $FF ;invalid
      .byte $7D ;down
      .byte $05 ;up
      .byte $FF ;not moving

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Dang...hit edit instead of reply. Anyway...RndMax...should be $3F instead of $28...yadda yadda ;)


BTW additional problems with resetting object bounds to higher values is the signature room (unless you want the possibility of randomly placing them there), and castle interiors. If you alter bounds to go along with the RndMax change...you should start relocating room numbers to group the rooms you don't want to pick (i.e. the signature room) at the end of your tables, and castle interiors just below that and/or just above the number room (so you can tweak the bounds values to avoid certian castles for certian keys).


Do you want me to reorganize them? It's pretty simple if you change all the #'s in the map direction tables to be labels instead.

Edited by Nukey Shay
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Dang...hit edit instead of reply. Anyway...RndMax...should be $3F instead of $28...yadda yadda ;)


BTW additional problems with resetting object bounds to higher values is the signature room (unless you want the possibility of randomly placing them there), and castle interiors. If you alter bounds to go along with the RndMax change...you should start relocating room numbers to group the rooms you don't want to pick (i.e. the signature room) at the end of your tables, and castle interiors just below that and/or just above the number room (so you can tweak the bounds values to avoid certian castles for certian keys).


Do you want me to reorganize them? It's pretty simple if you change all the #'s in the map direction tables to be labels instead.


Would you please? That would be great!

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Here ya go.


It might be kind of confusing (for example, the label Rm12 for the inside of the yellow castle is now room #$01 in the revised files cyoa2 & 3). So I kept everything in their original spots in cyoa1...just in case you don't like the changes.


The revised file cyoa2 mixes up the room numbers to group interiors and exteriors...but there's no chance of a random game being unwinnable - unless you do something intentional like lock a key inside a castle ;)

All I did was grab the room data in question and move it up or down RoomDataTable0, then did the same change for every table that followed. By labelling everything, you don't need to edit the map directions for every change you make...it will recalculate them on it's own.




Anyway, cyoa3 includes the current options and kernels that I'd been working on. You can call any one of them in each bank.


Monocolor_Display_Kernel is basically the same as the one you had...but with free cycles grouped at the top in case you discover a use for them.


Multicolor_Display_Kernel expects 1 byte of color data to precede each line of playfield data...and you can recolor every other scanline by including odd-numbered values below the data line. The number of recolors you can do is the number of scanlines-1.


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