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If it has red lights....it can have Red Ring Of Death

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It is hard to tell really because the PJ is louder than both. You don't do anything in that room at low volume. Not with a 150watt powered 12" sub.


The DVD drive is much quieter. It also opens and closes really fast. The touch buttons are pretty sensitive. I have other devices with touch-sensitive buttons and these are the most sensitive I have ever seen. While the 360 doesn't match my HD drive it now matches the PJ and the speakers. I like it.

Well, after spending some time with the unit I can say that the noise difference is very big. I don't know how it compares to a Jasper but compared to my day 1 premium or my core unit the difference is massive. Even after extended play I still need to put my head next to the console to hear the fan. It is amazing what using larger fans can do. It is like the difference between a PSU with 2 60mm fans and a PSU with 1 120mm fan. The difference is very big. My pj fans are much louder and drown out the console completely. I am pretty sure that without the pj the console would be audible but right now it isn't. After heating up like this my core unit would be sounding like a smoke vent. That isn't the best part though. With my older units the DVD drive sounded like a jet engine. Those suckers were the loudest optical drives I have ever heard. They were so bad that I always used my HD-DVD drive for movies whether they were HD or not because you can't enjoy the movies with the regular drive. With this new unit the optical drive is even quieter than the HD-DVD addon. Except for hearing the motor move every now and then during loads the drive is practically inaudible (in my room completely inaudible.) I can't even describe the difference. Maybe I will try to pick it up on video sometime but trust me that the difference is massive.

Please take off the ugly warning sticker. :)


It was off a few minutes after I hooked it up. It doesn't leave any residue behind.


Sweet pics Hyper_Eye. I have a projector also, and although i don't play 360 on it very often, I have played in the past (Burnout) and it was sweet!


I know. I replied in the thread where you asked for opinions before buying your Optima. I've been using one PJ or another for a long time.


I have purchased this PJ since then though. The PJ I had at the time was nice but this was the "If I had the dough this is the one that I really really want but I don't atm so I will get this other one that is pretty good instead" unit. I have had different things hooked to this PJ over time but the one thing that has always been hooked to it, and the only thing hooked to it right now, is the 360. It is 720p DLP and at that size HD content is what it likes best. The other televisions in my house are HD (one 1080p set and another 720p) but they aren't that size so SD doesn't really show its ugly face as much. The pictures of the image produced by the IN76 don't do it justice. It produces an amazing HD picture. The Wii looks better on one of the other sets though. I had a DVR box hooked to it for a while as well but it isn't cheap to keep around and most of the cable is SD. Only the HD content is worth watching on that pj and, as awesome as it looked, it wasn't worth it to keep it in there for how rarely I watch T.V. So it is pretty much dedicated to my 360 for now. When I obtain a PS3 it will get to hang with the 360.


If you are still using the DV10 in your living room then you can throw SD/ED and HD content at it and it should look really good either way.


Anyway, my wife rocks... she put some effort into getting that console and she was pretty disappointed when it was sold out yesterday. She told me this is my Father's Day gift.

People with a slim don't have to worry about getting RROD.


Microsoft has said that the new Xbox 360 Slim will not display a Red Ring of Death if the unit dies. Instead, trouble will be indicated by a small red LED in the middle of the Ring of Light

So did you try taking it apart yet? :P I've been wondering how easy is it... :ponder:





The new 360 is super clean inside.

Edited by Hyper_Eye

Nice, bit shorter, and thinner. How is it from front to back? Probably not much, but still.


So, you got any immobile finger prints on it already? Probably so :P


And is it got a built in PSU, or is it like the PS2 one, a walwart but without the weird system side plug? It looks like the typical nonpolarized plug from the pic of the back of the console.


Still haven't seen one here, damnit, I want one.

It is a little bigger front to back. Look at the gallery. The PSU is still external so the cable still has a brick on it.


Awesome, at least if the power brick fails you wont have to ship the unit to MS just to fix it. I like the external brick better then a internal one.

I like the built in WiFi.... but prefer to hard wire my systems just because the signal is consistent while streaming. (4 bars...In HD) and dig face plates.


I was a bit pissed because I had purchased a limited edition FF XIII 360 days before E3 and Amazon dropped the price of it $50 after the 360 Slim announcement. I called them and they credited me the $50!! Very cool. I might wind up getting a 360 Slim eventually though.

I like the built in WiFi.... but prefer to hard wire my systems just because the signal is consistent while streaming. (4 bars...In HD) and dig face plates.


Most of my network is wired (and there is a lot of stuff on my geeky network between servers, voip devices, computers, and other various things) but I don't enjoy running drops so I use wireless on my 360. I have been using the 802.11g adapter for a long time and it snaps onto the back of the HD-DVD drive. What I like about the builtin is that it is 802.11n so I don't need to upgrade my adapter. I haven't decided what I want to do with the unit I replaced (wish the software was old enough that it were jtaggable) but, should I sell it, the adapter would probably fetch almost as much as the console will as 360's of that age saturate the used market and people are weary of them.


I was a bit pissed because I had purchased a limited edition FF XIII 360 days before E3 and Amazon dropped the price of it $50 after the 360 Slim announcement. I called them and they credited me the $50!! Very cool. I might wind up getting a 360 Slim eventually though.


It is cool Amazon credited the $50.


I might wind up getting a 360 Slim eventually though.


I think I would bet on it.

Yeah, think I'll pick one up. Sorry moycon, thanks anyhow, bt this looks like it's going to be awesome (if our stores ever get them :x )


Hey, what's the port on back that's right above the network port? It's the size of a USB but looks like a firewire? WTF is that? I zoomed in and still don't really know, unless I'm mistake and it's still just another USB or something.

Hmmm ... looks like the CPU and GPU are now combined into a single device.



I have a Jasper Elite and the noise, especially the clunky DVD, is still audible above our surround sound system with Bass full on. Still, that's nothing like the fan noise from the older 20Gb Xbox. I keep expecting that one to sprout wings and take off!

Hmmm ... looks like the CPU and GPU are now combined into a single device.


Yes, combining the CPU and GPU was the biggest thing they did for this model and allows for the reduction of heat, noise, and the ability to make the whole thing smaller. It also means that airflow and cooling can be focused largely on one area as opposed to before where the two components were fairly spread apart and the approach to cooling had to deal with that. These were able to be brought together due to another die shrink to 45nm, down from 65nm (originally 90nm), which will also contribute to a large reduction in heat.

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