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HSC Season 2 Week 50: Vector DoubleHeader

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Asteroids Deluxe

Pilot a spaceship equipped with shields and auto-fire as you blast through level after level of rotating asteroids. UFOs and multi-segmented Killer Satellites take chase, searching for an opportunity to destroy your ship.


Game Information

Game Name: Asteroids Deluxe [Rev 2]

Released By: Atari, 1980

MAME ROMset: AstDelux

Dip Switches: Lives: 3-5; Minimum Plays: 1; Difficulty: Hard; Bonus Life: 10,000

Chosen By: rmaerz

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/270

Twin Galaxies M.A.M.E. World Record: 567,890



1. 21,030 rmaerz

2. 16,060 roadrunner

3. 9,580 LarcenTyler








You control a yellow crab-shaped shooter that travels along the outside rim of a 3-dimensional tunnel, shooting enemies down the alleys of the tunnel while avoiding any coming down the alleys. The tunnel takes on many different forms, and the shooter has a special "superzapper" that enables it to kill all enemies present in the tunnel.


Game Information

Game Name: Tempest [rev 3]

Released By: Atari, 1980

MAME ROMset: Tempest

Dip Switches: Difficulty: Hard; Rating: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; Bonus Life: 20000 [Every]; Lives: 3

Chosen By: rmaerz

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/5095

Twin Galaxies M.A.M.E. World Record: 319,366

Note: You may start on any level up to and including level 9




1. 63,157 rmaerz

2. 20,808 roadrunner

3. 8,585 LarcenTyler











Competition ends Sunday, July 25 @ 12PM EDT



Season Standings

Calculations through week 49

1. roadrunner 749

2. rmaerz 619

3. darthkur 430

4. LarcenTyler 384

5. retrorussel 225

6. aftermac 177

7. FlyingTurtle 136

8. mightymage 127

9. Dr Galaga 106

10. Mister VCS 58

11. SpiceWare 44

12. Fallout_002 38

13. 4KS 37

14. Kurt_Woloch 36

15. Shannon 33

16. MaximRecoil 21

17. LaserHawk 19

18. patbb 16

19. homerwannabee 11

19. rsiddall 11

19. Zoyx 11

22. joeypsp 10

23. maximebeauvis 9

24. HatNJ 8

25. Gamemaster_ca_2003 6

Edited by rmaerz
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