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Wow! We need Marble Madness

Curt Vendel

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I hadn't seen Snake Rattle 'n' Roll before. Very interesting.


I'm sure the 7800 could pull off a decent version of Marble Madness that is at least equivalent to the NES version:




What I'd really love to see is a version of the unreleased Marble Madness sequel, Marble Man, which (as far as I know) still hasn't been dumped for emulation:



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More interesting... hmmm. Would you expect the XM to allow for a rotating pseudo-3d background built from multiple copies of the background stored at different angles? Say, background "at 0°", "at 15°", "at 30°", and so on? I would think that the extra RAM would do it, as long as the programmer's up to handling all of that.

Edited by Rex Dart
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I hadn't seen Snake Rattle 'n' Roll before. Very interesting.


I'm sure the 7800 could pull off a decent version of Marble Madness that is at least equivalent to the NES version:




What I'd really love to see is a version of the unreleased Marble Madness sequel, Marble Man, which (as far as I know) still hasn't been dumped for emulation:




Its been dumped. It just hasn't been released, nor is it likely to be.

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The thing about MM is that the difficulty ramps up very quickly, whilst the game itself is relatively short.


Here's a wild idea.:


It might be a nice variation (or a very confusing one), to build an isometric 3D game where rolling on the playfield is a major mode of travel because that might be the most efficient solution for that situation, just not necessarily the only one. On flat areas you might still be able to stop, maybe even walk/run along the play areas. And because you can stop on flat areas, you might have spots where jumping from platforms, climbing, swinging or balancing might be what is called for to access certain areas of the map. This way you could throw in some more puzzle elements.


I'm basically thinking something maybe like a cross between Crystal Castles, Marble Madness and maybe just a touch of Mario. ;)


If you want a much more complicated game, you might have special, smaller play-fields that stress certain, simple techniques that the gamer would learn, that build up the players skill-set. When you reach a certain skill-set level, new skill techniques would unlock, sort of like power-ups. ;) If you really want to go nuts, then you could build scenarios where special skills might prove necessary to solve certain puzzles. Areas may not be accessible until these are learned as a way of preventing the charactor from getting into them early. ;)


Because of the difficulty, instead of dying, you simply restart at the beginning of a section. Perhaps you can have weigh-points, much like the Sonic the Hedgehog games or another way to save.

Edited by AtariNerd
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More interesting... hmmm. Would you expect the XM to allow for a rotating pseudo-3d background built from multiple copies of the background stored at different angles?


Rotation doesn't necessarily make it interesting ;). However, having lots of RAM in the system does allow interesting games to be developed.


I would think that the extra RAM would do it, as long as the programmer's up to handling all of that.


You have to find a pixel artist to work on the game because there will be lots of art assets. In my mind, isometric games aren't a genre where a programmer could just make do with "programmer art" to get them going.

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You can throw Crystal Castles in the mix also. Develop it with trackball support and make sure it has all the warps included.

I would love a trackball 7800 Crystal Castles, that would be insane!

Marble Madness is another one I like, too bad the coin-op goes for so much or I would ad it to the line-up!

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If the NES can do this, then we need Marble Madness on the Atari 7800 !!!









Marble Madness would be something I would absolutely love on my beloved 7800. Such a great game. It has been ported to just about every game system of the era (I think even the SMS had a version in Europe) and the 7800 just deserves this. Maybe one day soon I hope?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marble Madness would be something I would absolutely love on my beloved 7800. Such a great game. It has been ported to just about every game system of the era (I think even the SMS had a version in Europe).


Yup. I have the SMS version. It even plays at the right speed in 60 Hz. It has the oddity of not having that ring thing inside the ball, but it has decent physics and more options than some other versions. I like it better than EA's Genesis version. Oddly enough, I just found out the JP Megadrive Marble Madness is completely different from the US/EU EA version and, telling from a flyer and a youtube video, looks much closer to the arcade than EA's version.


I used to have the Tiger handheld. It didn't play much like Marble Madness, but it had a cool multi-directional controller and was kind of fun.

Edited by BrianC
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I was working on a version of MM on the 2600 in bB, and I got a decent way through it. Maybe I'll try to finish it, because it begs to be. Although graphically it looks pretty different, but it retains to same level design. The main difference was that there were really no hills, so you could go at the same speed the whole time, which really made difference. Plus, I was going to try and give it Trak-Bal "support", but I don't know how I would program that.


I too was thinking of a 7800 version of MM. Maybe some Roadblasters too, pretty please?

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Marble Madness would be something I would absolutely love on my beloved 7800. Such a great game. It has been ported to just about every game system of the era (I think even the SMS had a version in Europe).


Oddly enough, I just found out the JP Megadrive Marble Madness is completely different from the US/EU EA version and, telling from a flyer and a youtube video, looks much closer to the arcade than EA's version.


Can you post links? My understanding is they are identical. And the videos I've seen on Youtube again show same title.

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I think the Atari 7800 could pull of Marble Madness since the trackball can be used for Atari 7800 games like Centipede TB proved. I do think Marble Madness would best an Atari 7800 XM game.


I was just gonna say. If anyone is going to bugger programming yet another game we can already play on a multitude of other systems, I think analogue TB control should be a must here. There's certainly enough joystick incarnations of it floating around.

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Oddly enough, I just found out the JP Megadrive Marble Madness is completely different from the US/EU EA version and, telling from a flyer and a youtube video, looks much closer to the arcade than EA's version.

Can you post links? My understanding is they are identical. And the videos I've seen on Youtube again show same title.

Here's a

. I own both the Electronic Arts (US/EU) and the Tengen (JP) versions, and the Tengen is far superior. I can't say whether it's arcade-perfect, but it's certainly arcade-99%. The sound is light-years better than the atrociously distorted music on the EA port. I keep meaning to get a trackball to try out the trackball support, which looks to be pretty customizable.


I think it's fairly rare but it's certainly not impossible to get -- besides my own, I've seen a couple copies on Ebay here and there. Not sure why it's been so overlooked, though that may be because it hasn't been dumped yet... :ponder:

Edited by thegoldenband
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Can you post links? My understanding is they are identical. And the videos I've seen on Youtube again show same title.


There's that youtube link in the other post, but I forgot where I found the flyer. I think it's somewhere on http://www.gamengai.com (I read somewhere that direct links may not be allowed there, so here's a warning. The search there is a bit wonky. "Marble" brought up the JP MD Marble Madness flyer, but "Marble Madness" or "Madness" didn't). Part of the reason it isn't widespread knowledge is because, as far as I know, the JP MD version hasn't been dumped. Also, there's only one video of the game on youtube showing the JP cart, the EU Genesis is Mega Drive as well, which is why there are videos of a Mega Drive version showing the same game as the US one.

Edited by BrianC
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Can you post links? My understanding is they are identical. And the videos I've seen on Youtube again show same title.


There's that youtube link in the other post, but I forgot where I found the flyer. I think it's somewhere on http://www.gamengai.com (I read somewhere that direct links may not be allowed there, so here's a warning. The search there is a bit wonky. "Marble" brought up the JP MD Marble Madness flyer, but "Marble Madness" or "Madness" didn't). Part of the reason it isn't widespread knowledge is because, as far as I know, the JP MD version hasn't been dumped. Also, there's only one video of the game on youtube showing the JP cart, the EU Genesis is Mega Drive as well, which is why there are videos of a Mega Drive version showing the same game as the US one.


Very cool - never had any idea this was released. Agreed, far more arcade like. I used to have an import game store back during this time, and I must have figured it was the EA version localized. Damn.


I did find a flyer for the never released PC-Engine version of Marble Madness

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