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I want an 8 Bit... what do I want?


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Received! With a stuck constantly repeating Z. All fixed, after I took a self taught crash course in 800xl keyboards. I of course dumped every single copper spring when I flipped the disassembled keyboard over. Oops. One (the Z) was stuck and extended. Goofing around in BASIC.. MAN this keyboard feels..... different? I have an original IBM PC keyboard, and it's load, springy, noisy.. I expected that. This is.. different. :ponder:


Played Star Raiders for an hour or so. Said meh this is easy. Then I tried Commander level. :( Good times will be had. I am pleased.

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Received! With a stuck constantly repeating Z. All fixed, after I took a self taught crash course in 800xl keyboards. I of course dumped every single copper spring when I flipped the disassembled keyboard over. Oops. One (the Z) was stuck and extended. Goofing around in BASIC.. MAN this keyboard feels..... different? I have an original IBM PC keyboard, and it's load, springy, noisy.. I expected that. This is.. different. icon_ponder.gif


Played Star Raiders for an hour or so. Said meh this is easy. Then I tried Commander level. icon_sad.gif Good times will be had. I am pleased.


God to see you are already having fun with the machine! I'll be looking forward to your threads in a few months asking about upgrades ;-)

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Received! With a stuck constantly repeating Z. All fixed, after I took a self taught crash course in 800xl keyboards. I of course dumped every single copper spring when I flipped the disassembled keyboard over. Oops. One (the Z) was stuck and extended. Goofing around in BASIC.. MAN this keyboard feels..... different? I have an original IBM PC keyboard, and it's load, springy, noisy.. I expected that. This is.. different. :ponder:


Played Star Raiders for an hour or so. Said meh this is easy. Then I tried Commander level. :( Good times will be had. I am pleased.


I have a couple of 800XL keyboards I found in the garage that have issues with some keys not working. One doesn't have the mylar (it's the PCB type) so maybe worth the time to take apart or give it to someone who can fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a few weeks, I have to say I'm quite pleased with this. I restored it via painting the case.







I'm pleased with the unit. My girlfriend and I were chugging along on Centipede for awhile Saturday night. I used to hate Centipede, but I've only had the 2600 version. I like this.


Now I just need to figure out what mass media storage setup I want :ponder:

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As already written


I think SIO2SD is better than SDrive (BTW, perhaps I will sell my beautiful SDrive NUXX).

If you want to save money, AA user Pigula sells SIO2SD for $40 (without SIO cable)

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As already written


I think SIO2SD is better than SDrive (BTW, perhaps I will sell my beautiful SDrive NUXX).

If you want to save money, AA user Pigula sells SIO2SD for $40 (without SIO cable)



my SIO2SD came from Pigula, heavily recomended!

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After a few weeks, I have to say I'm quite pleased with this. I restored it via painting the case.

Looks like new. What's the paint item you used? I guess it's not normal house paint.


10 GOTO http://morethangames.a8maestro.com


30 GET SDrive



60 recommends = recommends + 1





I tried to run that and line 50 produces an error. I guess ENJOY is not a BASIC keyword. How about:


50 NOTE AmountOfMoneyLeft

60 ON AmountofMoneyLeft GOTO FileForBankruptcy, VisitARelative, Bank, DisneyWorld

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I used some RM Plastic Adhesion Promoter.. My can was aerosol, but I can't find it anywhere. I'll post the # of it if you are interested.


Paint was Rustoleum Furniture paint, Satin finish, in "Almond"


Can looks like this




I scrubbed the case clean with BleachWhite, hosed it off, let it air dry, did two thin coats of adhesion promoter and waited overnight Next night I sprayed two or three thin coats of the Rustoleum, and let it sit for 2 days. It passes a fingernail test. I'm sure if I dug at it with a key it'd peel but anything would. It presents well, and the color is ALMOST exact. I say "almost".

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I scrubbed the case clean with BleachWhite, hosed it off <snip!>


This is how I clean old computers, too! This is marvelous stuff. Nasty fumes, yup. Please wear hand protection, too! If you don't it'll leave your hands with a "soapy" feeling that just won't seem to wash off, no matter how much water. Later on, your hands will feel dried like an old chamois cloth in the sun. Next couple of days, you'll shed a dermal layer. Also want to keep this crap off metal parts. I use it to clean auto engines and once it tarnished the intake runners on an aluminum intake.


But man, with a toothbrush and this stuff, you'll clean the textured surface of an 800XL as well as it can possibly be done, esp ground-in greasy dirt where it's been touched a lot, like around the power switch, etc. Also I take each keycap and toothbrush and scrub it with this as if it were a tooth.


<and now, back to the regularly-scheduled programming. Apologies for off-topic>

Edited by wood_jl
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