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Fun with Arcade vs. 2600 screen shots!


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What the crap?! It put my avatar as Mario Bros. 2600! This should be the right one.


(laughs) That's funny...that's weird. I thought my computer was acting up for a second there.


BTW, even though it doesn't look anything like the original, how did Xenophobe play as compared to the arcade game? The 7800 version isn't bad.

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BTW, even though it doesn't look anything like the original, how did Xenophobe play as compared to the arcade game? The 7800 version isn't bad.


It plays excellent (still my #1 favorite 2600 game). Very addictive gameplay, and excellent graphics. Impressive with what they could do with one button.

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  • 2 months later...

You guys are focusing too much on the negative. There were some games where Atari actually looked *better* than the arcade:


Night Driver 2600 was as good as the arcade.




Breakout 2600 I think is far more beautiful (a rainbow!) than the arcade.





And Space Invaders 2600 actually had COLOR! Even to this day, I can't play the arcade version. It's just not as much fun.


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That's not an arcade shot of Space Invaders.. that's a MAME shot! ;) (or a cocktail shot I guess) Don't forget the real thing had background artwork and that whole "arcade ambience" going for it as well (Yeah this is part II, but the first one wasn't too much different ;))



As far as the gameplay 2600 Space Invaders is fun.. but the arcade version undeniably just has so much more depth to the gameplay.



Don't forget the artwork in Night Driver as well! It should be this:

nitedrvr.png Not this vNight_Driver.png:P



I agree about Breakout and Super Breakout though. 2600 is awesome for those games :)

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Atari 2600 can't handle bit-mapped images, because of its lo-res background (25x20?), but it does a decent job on backgroundless games like Space Invaders and Defender.  That it can do.


The horizontal resolution of the 2600 is 40 pixels across. There really is no "vertical resolution" in the sense of the term...since it has no video memory. Vertical pixels can be displayed independantly on each of it's 192 scanlines.

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The horizontal resolution of the 2600 is 40 pixels across.  There really is no "vertical resolution" in the sense of the term...since it has no video memory.  Vertical pixels can be displayed independantly on each of it's 192 scanlines.


I wonder if anybody thought of that for a "Hangman" hack - why not just display the letters vertically to get more!! :ponder:

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Because the horizontal rez. is still only 40. The pixels are flat wedges. Stacking the letters to make room for more would make them look squashed. A better method for this approach would be to use a player object along the side of the screen and make the letters that way.

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