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Recommend the Cream of the crop 5200 titles and uses!


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Well OK here is the thing, now that I am a proud and excited 5200 owner (even more once I get my controller form BEST lol!) I want to know the must have titles and best uses for the 5200, DOORSTOP SUGGESTION'S will be ignored! ;)


I know it might be really tempting to point me to some "recommended titles" thread, please don't, I am totally ignorant of the 5200 but I DO know I am digging it so far. YES I want the recommended must have games, I got 20 games already and my understanding is the library was not that big overall and many are just ports of older 8bit classics but I want to know the must haves including original titles, Homebrews, best accessories if there are others besides the Trak Ball etc. ALSO I only have a Trak Ball controller and while initially impressed I tried it with Soccer and Tennis and felt it lacking to be honest, I am hoping my opinion changes once I try titles like Centipede? I recall something about a "mount" for the controllers to use them in tandem or something? Please 5200 fans give me all your opinions/suggestions/feedback etc I would be so grateful and want to get the best 5200 experience possible! :cool:

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Well OK here is the thing, now that I am a proud and excited 5200 owner (even more once I get my controller form BEST lol!) I want to know the must have titles and best uses for the 5200, DOORSTOP SUGGESTION'S will be ignored! ;)


I know it might be really tempting to point me to some "recommended titles" thread, please don't, I am totally ignorant of the 5200 but I DO know I am digging it so far. YES I want the recommended must have games, I got 20 games already and my understanding is the library was not that big overall and many are just ports of older 8bit classics but I want to know the must haves including original titles, Homebrews, best accessories if there are others besides the Trak Ball etc. ALSO I only have a Trak Ball controller and while initially impressed I tried it with Soccer and Tennis and felt it lacking to be honest, I am hoping my opinion changes once I try titles like Centipede? I recall something about a "mount" for the controllers to use them in tandem or something? Please 5200 fans give me all your opinions/suggestions/feedback etc I would be so grateful and want to get the best 5200 experience possible! :cool:


Tennis can be hard to control. Did you know the key pad controls where you hit the ball on the court? Once you get the hang of it I think the game is really good. Finding a way to hold the controller and work the keypad at the same time can be difficult.


Funny thing I was just thinking to myself yesterday, I love the 5200 so much, but I really can't list any favorite games on the system. All the time I find myself focusing on different titles. The library of games is small but there is lots of quality titles.


My list of favorites to play on the 5200:


Adventure 2


Castle Crisis (with home made paddle)

Centipede (with trakball)



Frogger (even with the odd control method)




Jungle Hunt

Kaboom (with home made paddle)

Keystone Kapers

Koffi Yellow Kopter

Missile Command (with trakball)

Ms. Pacman (starts a little slow but takes off after a couple boards)



Pitfall II


Robotron (with joystick coupler)


Space Dungeon


Most of these titles can be played on other systems but I always thought these 5200 version are better.

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Of the Atari classic systems, I own the 2600, 5200 and 7800 consoles, as well as several of the 8-bit computers. As you know, there's a lot of overlap in the libraries of each. So I'll provide a list of the games I prefer to play on the 5200. (Note: I have the trak-ball controller as well as the BEST Electronics Gold controller, and I'm very comfortable using either of them.) (Note 2: I won't include the sports titles. I own them all, but haven't played them for more than a few minutes, and so can't offer an opinion.)


Zone Ranger









Missile Command

Moon Patrol

Pole Position


Rescue on Fractalus!

Robotron: 2084

Space Dungeon

Star Raiders


Adventure II


Astro Chase

Super Cobra

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ALSO I only have a Trak Ball controller and while initially impressed I tried it with Soccer and Tennis and felt it lacking to be honest, I am hoping my opinion changes once I try titles like Centipede?


Yeah, Soccer and Tennis aren't much to get excited about, Trak Ball or no. Centipede, Milipede (prototype) and Missile Command are the main titles to get the most use out of that Trak Ball.


I recall something about a "mount" for the controllers to use them in tandem or something?


Yes, Robotron and Space Dungeon came with a bracket to hold two 5200 controllers together. It makes playing those two games MUCH more fun!


I'd recommend tracking down a Coin Controls Competition Pro joystick. They seem to come up on Ebay every so often, and sell for $15-30. While the 5200 joystick is adequate for most games, the CCCP will give you the standard digital control that many of these games were really designed for.


It's a bit pricy, but the AtariMax USB cartridge is also a nice accessory to have... it will let you easily play many of the prototypes and 8-bit computer conversions that are available for the system.

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Get an AtariMax 128in1 Flashcart(or whatever version classics is selling now). You'll reap the benefits not only in terms of convenience, but also have the door opened to some fine hacks and ports and prototypes.


If there is any way you can get hold of a Redemption adaptor, do so. You should also get one or two gold refurbished Best Electronics sticks.


Remember that the 5200 is an afficianado system. It certainly has fine games, but the real entertainment of the system is due to the overall experience it brings. It's about that HUGE black monolith of a system. And yes, it's even sometimes about the floppy analog controllers. If you don't love that sleek sportscar-like console, or you don't get a tingle on your spine when you see the multicolored logo when a game boots up, the 5200 may not hold your attention.


Games I'd recommend:


Adventure II


Super Pac-Man

Jr. Pac-Man

Gorf (with the control hack)

Galaxian (not much like the arcade, but oddly satisfying)

Star Raiders (seems like just a port of the 8-bit, but the analog control and keypad controller makes it a unique and possibly even superior experience)

Defender (beautiful arcade port and feel good game)

Countermeasure (another unique 5200 experience)

Centipede (play with the track ball, an arcade perfect experience)

Space Dungeon

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I've always loved the 5200, since it was new. In fact, my two favorite systems of all-time are the 5200 and the Dreamcast, another system that was prematurely killed off.


In any case, some of my favorite 5200 games are:


* Star Raiders

* Space Dungeon

* James Bond 007 -- never tried this until an HSC a few months ago, and it's a really good game. Similar to Moon Patrol, but better.

* Koffi: Yellow Kopter

* Beef Drop -- I hate that name, though

* Kaboom, with a homemade paddle controller

* Dreadnaught Factor

* Missile Command

* Rescue on Fractalus

* Ballblazer (this is my favorite version of the game)

* Ms. Pac Man

* Choplifter

* Wizard of Wor

* Qix


* Countermeasure - not sure about this one. This was the first game I got for my 5200 back in '82 or '83, along with the pack-in -Super Breakout. For at least a couple of decades I remembered thinking Countermeasure was really neat at first, but grew old and boring very quickly. I then played it again a few months ago and enjoyed it a lot more than I remember enjoying it. That might simply be because back in 1982/3 I was playing games several hours every day, and between Super Breakout and Countermeasure I just got sick of it, whereas in my adult life I now am lucky to find 1 hour/week to play, and in smaller doses Countermeasure holds up better.


And it seems uncool to admit this on this and other online message boards, but I really like 5200 Football and Baseball, and spent many hours playing them with my brother back in the '80s.

Edited by NoahsMyBro
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i like pitfall 2 cause its just fun to run around i pretty much know the place like the back of my hand but it is still fun to walk around the second quest is like 100 times harder than the first



gyruss is great


i dont like berzerk cause it gets really hard and repetitive same with keystone kapers i get to a certain level and my skill level has peaked i think level 12


kangaroo is neat too

digdug is great


poleposition is pretty fun it really makes me swear at those other jerks on the road once you figure out about the black sign on the corner that causes you to smack into the red sign then the rest of the race is easy (funny paradox is that you get more points if you have a late pole position as you get points per car passed and to start at pole 2 vs pole 8 makes you miss out on 6 passes


popeye is nice dont forget to punch the barrel


river raid is neat but it feels like the screen is squashed


wizard of wor is neat unless you are playing with a friend who is a jerk


everybody should have space dungeon on general principal as this is a system exclusive



games that are a waste of money at any cost


space shuttle


miner 2049er

james bond

space invaders


super cobra


congo bongo


i only have 49 games so i may be prejudice against ones i don't have

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Cream of the Crop? That's hard to judge. Here's some thoughts on my favorites then and now:


My most-played games back in the day: Joust, Mario Brothers, Berzerk, Realsports Soccer, Q*bert, Pac-man, Countermeasure, Rescue on Fractalus, Ballblazer, Qix, Defender, and Ms. Pac-Man.


My 10 favorites from among the originals, now that I have played pretty much all of them:


1. Space Dungeon -- my highest recommendation of all these! Need some way to couple the two sticks however. I used cardboard and ducktape back in the day.


2. Qix -- my 2nd highest recommended 5200 game. It might not look like much, but its much better than the original 8bit computer version, and both buttons are put to good use. Its kind of like gambling, seeing when to stop splitting the 2 Qix and 'cash in' you bonus multiplier, then start all over again - until you die unexpectedly!


3. Missile Command -- my 3rd highest recommended 5200 game. Great w/trakball, but also great and unique with the stick, which has absolute crosshairs positioning based on the stick's analogue positioning. Has crappy colors after level 5 though. (baby blue and light purple? ech!)


4. Joust -- its just a well-programmed version! I like the bizarre bird sounds as they ricochet off each other, and the flap-to-flight ratio is much more satisfing than the break-your-finger coin-op original. It still holds up and feels differently enough from the coin-op for there to be reason to play it.


5. Berzerk -- it's hard, it talks, and it's 100% Berzerk. Since pressing the fire button & holding makes your man stop, the analog non-centering 5200 sticks shouldn't be a problem.


6. Star Raiders - if you haven't already burned out of it from years of playing the A8 version, this is a must-play chestnut from Atari's history. You better have the keypad overlay though, or you'll need to memorize what button does what - and hitting * (or is it the # key ?) toggles them to another set of commands! Great game, I still don't quite comprehend how Newbauer did it back then.


7. Gremlins - fun unique game!


8. River Raid -- I prefer a digital stick, but if you have a stock analog with a good center 'dead spot' on it, the analog controls can actually be an advantage. Otherwise same as 8bit version and fine upgrade over my favorite 2600 game. Love the additions of tanks, shooting copters, balloons, and the way the bridges are enumerated as you pass them.


9. Pac-Man -- a fantastic version, not arcade-perfect but more like a game which faithfully recreates the excitement and fun of the coin-op, yet delivers different ghost AI and different patterns on a stretched maze screen. Great loud Pokey-chip sounds and even intermissions!


10. Centipede -- because of the trak-ball! Great port , better than anybody could have expected. With the trak-ball, its a trip to the days of 1980 all over again.


Games I played a lot but not anymore:


Defender - great port! I used to prefer it to the coin-op because it isn't as difficult. But I've had enough.

Vanguard - I hate this game. It took years to realize that despite nice variety and visuals and music, the gameplay is repetitive and sucks. AND, you may break your joystick on this one.

Zaxxon - nope, don't like it anymore. With the omission of rising missiles from the fortress floor, what's the point? It scrolls a wee bit too fast (although perfectly smooth!), and the final Zaxxon battle is so underwhelming and anti-climactic, it is pointless. Am I being too harsh?

Jungle Hunt - like with Vanguard, after a while I realized this game just isn't fun anymore.

Realsports Soccer - it had nice visuals and "depth" back in the day, I guess. You have 3 strengths of kicks to pass down field. But there are some odd control glitches, and the game is SLOWWWWW. It's too dated now.

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5200 is my favorite Atari system and I have them all, including the jaguar.


For starters, another post already mentioned the redemption adapter. I recommend it highly even though I do not yet own one. Also, get a PC controller adapter cable from Bohoki ASAP. Opening up your controller options with 5200 is always a good thing.


Working trac ball is excellent and only way to play Missile Command and Centipede.


Recommended games:


Moon Patrol

Ms. Pac Man






River Raid

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Vanguard - I hate this game. It took years to realize that despite nice variety and visuals and music, the gameplay is repetitive and sucks. AND, you may break your joystick on this one.




thank you vanguard used to be my favorite game but the last few years ive realized the flaw that was programmed into it


the arcade version allows you to fly diagonals the 2600 version lets you fly diagonal but 5200 only up down or left right which makes it kind of like playing with an etch a sketch when playing the later levels faster like the stripe zone where unless you are pixel perfect you will slam into a wall cause you cant go diagonal


i cant give enough praise to kangaroo i just love punching the monkeys


pengo is good too i love pecking the wall stuns the enemys remembering which block contains dormant enemys is challenging

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games that are a waste of money at any cost


miner 2049er






Anyway, the question with the 5200 isn't so much "which games are good?" as it is "what kinds of games do you like?" There are very few bad games for the 5200, and even most of those aren't really THAT terrible, as terrible games go. For the most part, any type of game you like, the Atari 5200 does well.


Some of my favorites include:


*Space Dungeon


*Adventure 2


*Miner 2049er

*Space Invaders (it's basically the same as the 400/800 version, but there are notable differences)


*Pitfall II (this is the ONLY version of Pitfall II that has a secret -and insanely difficult- world after the first is completed)


*Frogger II

*Super Cobra (for some reason)

*Star Wars: The Arcade Game


(Which isn't to say there aren't others!)


A couple of games I can do without are Pole Position and Kangaroo. I'm not saying they're bad games; I just never cared much for either of those games. Especially Kangaroo and its maddeningly touchy jumping requirements, and the deaths that can result from falling from heights that don't even clear the height of your kangaroo. But, if you like Kangaroo and Pole Position, the 5200 ports are pretty good.


James Bond 007 is mediocre. It's not as bad as a lot of people say it is, and it's at least somewhat interesting for at least a little while. Plus, it's mildly rare, so bonus on that.


Congo Bongo might be the one 5200 game I have (and I have probably ~75-80% of the 5200 library) that I would call a flat-out piece of garbage. Its saving grace is that the cartridge is somewhat attractive aesthetically, and adds "flavor" to a collection of cartridges. Even the graphics aren't that bad (they could have been better, though), but the gameplay is a mess. But, in fairness, I think Congo Bongo is a shit game on ANY platform. Maybe you'll see something in it that I don't.

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My 5200 arrives this week so this thread is pretty timely for me as well. I never had one growing up, nor did any neighbors, so it will be completely new to me. I understand the general consensus is that Congo Bongo is the E.T. of the 5200 system.



no gorf is the et of 5200


congo bongo is just the congo bongo of the 5200

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Here's my favorites:


Adventure II


Beamrider (yeah I like this one, so sue me)


Bounty Bob Strikes Back

Castle Crisis



The Dreadnaught Factor

Dig Dug


Koffi Yellow Kopter

Missile Command

Moon Patrol

Pitfall II

Pole Position


Rescue on Fractalus

Robotron 2084

Space Dungeon

Star Raiders

Wizard of Wor

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I'll have to throw in my two cents worth. For me, I was one of the lucky kids on the block when then 5200 was first released. However, my nearest neighbor was like 10 miles away in either direction. So...the Atari was pretty much all mine to myself with an occasional Centipede tournament with my Mother. The 5200 remains my favorite due to the arcade-style game play it can deliver. As mentioned, Space Dungeon is an exclusive to this system and should be a part of any 5200 library. Someone else mentioned to avoid Space Invaders. While the game does seem to step away from the 2600 version...it is interesting to see the last set of characters morph. It's fun in its own right. The item in question for using two joysticks in tandem is called a controller holder. You might be able to pick one up from Collector's Cards and Games or My Atari. I'm not sure though.


Vanguard on the 5200 is much better than the 2600 version in terms of graphics and sounds. Moon Patrol is fun and full of detail. Qix gives a great challenge in a twisted sort of way while Star Raiders will entertain for hours. I still have not been able to get my overall score in that game past Ace. It is hard to tell favorites as almost all the titles for the 5200 are great adaptations. I would have to suggest picking up some of the prototypes that didn't make it to production like Sinistar and Jr. Pac-Man. Super Pac-Man and Millipede are killer apps for this console and it's too bad they never went into production. I'm surprised that Atari didn't make a TRON game for the 5200 (based on the actual arcade). Those made by Parker Bros. seem to be somewhat of a collector's item so I would concentrate on finding those first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This topic is helpful for me as i picked up a 5200 last night on a whim. I walked into the local media exchange business and there it is sitting for 30 dollars. It is a 4 port and only one controller was salvageable but it came with 10 games. Also the video/power box didnt export a clear video signal, so last night I hooked in a RCA cord into the alternate port by popping the top. Today I hit a second break by finding a bag of assorted electronics crap with a working 5200 power/video box for 3 bucks after reading last night that these can cost 30-40 so i figured i would take a shot on it for 3 bucks. Well worth the 33 dollar investment, I didn't know how well until having played it since I had actually never even touched one before last night.


As far as the VCS adapter, anyone know a fair price? I've seen them around a few places. Also anyone know a fair price for carts? I've seen super breakout at 5 dollars locally and I have 2 copies of centipede and mario bros so I can probably do without those. Ive been to Cleveland and saw Qix once for 15 dollars with the manual, having no idea if that was a fair price. This place in Cleveland has a decent selection but the price on 2600 carts is fairly steep so I am assuming the 5200 carts there follow suit any sort of guideline price?


Anyway so far I love the arcade feel of the system and played pac-man for a few hrs last night. Probably need a better functioning controller, anyone know of some sources of information to outline making custom controllers?

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Anyway so far I love the arcade feel of the system and played pac-man for a few hrs last night. Probably need a better functioning controller, anyone know of some sources of information to outline making custom controllers?



i've got a couple options for you i can walk you through making one if you give me a clue as to your adventure level assets and skill level


first off i would recommend a pc to 5200 adapter instructions can be found on the net really easy and there is a guy who made a few for sale for the peeps here


you can modify certain 2600 controllers with resistors


you can repair your buttons in older 5200 controllers with aluminum foil dots


you can make an arcade controller with arcade parts


to me the hardest part is acquiring femail 15 pin plugs that will fit and stay in a typical 5200 unit


you can adapt a 2600 keypad to be a 5200 keypad

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Anyway so far I love the arcade feel of the system and played pac-man for a few hrs last night. Probably need a better functioning controller, anyone know of some sources of information to outline making custom controllers?



i've got a couple options for you i can walk you through making one if you give me a clue as to your adventure level assets and skill level


first off i would recommend a pc to 5200 adapter instructions can be found on the net really easy and there is a guy who made a few for sale for the peeps here


you can modify certain 2600 controllers with resistors


you can repair your buttons in older 5200 controllers with aluminum foil dots


you can make an arcade controller with arcade parts


to me the hardest part is acquiring femail 15 pin plugs that will fit and stay in a typical 5200 unit


you can adapt a 2600 keypad to be a 5200 keypad


I basically have no experience as far as making electronics but have done simple controller fixes in the past just nothing with soldering so far. Actually to get the one controller working I took it apart and cleaned it with the eraser/alcohol method, but the fire buttons are still iffy at best. I also feel like although it works, the 5200 stick is not preferable to me. I read about the aluminum foil trick but and even it works I feel like because of the stick, I may still want something better.


I would like to make some sort of controller from arcade stick/arcade buttons with some sort of keypad. I have a couple spare video touch pads that I picked up just finding them at various places for a dollar or two. Like I said I have no electronics soldering experience, I have soldered copper pipe, but would probably be uncomfortable soldering on a highly populated board, I might be able to solder if I could pick the size of the black board etc, but I don't think that adapting 2600 controllers will be an immediate option. Reading electronic schematics seems somewhat complicated still, so I have a rudimentary understanding of that sort of thing.


I am unsure what the pc to 5200 adapter will do? Though I saw them mentioned, I probably should do some more primer reading I suppose. Also how would one get the 5200 female 15 port connection? I was sort of assuming I could use one from the controller I have that is beyond repair, which it appears someone ripped apart and just messed with it and actually made all its problems much worse.

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Anyway so far I love the arcade feel of the system and played pac-man for a few hrs last night. Probably need a better functioning controller, anyone know of some sources of information to outline making custom controllers?



i've got a couple options for you i can walk you through making one if you give me a clue as to your adventure level assets and skill level


first off i would recommend a pc to 5200 adapter instructions can be found on the net really easy and there is a guy who made a few for sale for the peeps here


you can modify certain 2600 controllers with resistors


you can repair your buttons in older 5200 controllers with aluminum foil dots


you can make an arcade controller with arcade parts


to me the hardest part is acquiring femail 15 pin plugs that will fit and stay in a typical 5200 unit


you can adapt a 2600 keypad to be a 5200 keypad


I basically have no experience as far as making electronics but have done simple controller fixes in the past just nothing with soldering so far. Actually to get the one controller working I took it apart and cleaned it with the eraser/alcohol method, but the fire buttons are still iffy at best. I also feel like although it works, the 5200 stick is not preferable to me. I read about the aluminum foil trick but and even it works I feel like because of the stick, I may still want something better.


I would like to make some sort of controller from arcade stick/arcade buttons with some sort of keypad. I have a couple spare video touch pads that I picked up just finding them at various places for a dollar or two. Like I said I have no electronics soldering experience, I have soldered copper pipe, but would probably be uncomfortable soldering on a highly populated board, I might be able to solder if I could pick the size of the black board etc, but I don't think that adapting 2600 controllers will be an immediate option. Reading electronic schematics seems somewhat complicated still, so I have a rudimentary understanding of that sort of thing.


I am unsure what the pc to 5200 adapter will do? Though I saw them mentioned, I probably should do some more primer reading I suppose. Also how would one get the 5200 female 15 port connection? I was sort of assuming I could use one from the controller I have that is beyond repair, which it appears someone ripped apart and just messed with it and actually made all its problems much worse.


we(you) really ought to start a new thread about your adventures


it is not hard to get basic projects going as all my projects have been passive circuits fairly easy to make but there are many levels of simple


my simple may be unfathomable to some




basic skills required are crimping connectors for arcade buttons and joys to soldering to potentiometer posts and connectors

stripping cable without wrecking the inner wires stripping wires without wrecking the conductors


parts lists are easy to make but the parts themselves are hard to track down unless you have a decent electronic part store nearby


a good atari joystick to mod from the 2600 is the wico ball or bat stick as they have 2 fire buttons and since coincindentally a 2600 joystick needs 6 wires u,d,l,r,f,ground and the 5200 needs 6 wires X,Y,common,b1,b2,ground you can just use the cable and make an adapter from the 9 pin to 15


i'd love to be able to be able to make them for people but the time and expense in the little things and shipping costs at the end of the day there are not many takers


i made a super awesome controller out of arcade parts and a kids controller but the amount of time and parts and shipping i would probably have to ask $100 to even break even and at that i would worry since it is basically one off experimental and i dont know if i would trust it to anyone cause if one wire inside lets loose there is no way a person could figure out my insane rats nest inside


Edited by bohoki
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