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Newbie with a game idea

Brian O

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I made an intro screen for the game as well. I'm new to this, so I'm not entirely sure what's feasible from a graphics/color perspective. Just tried to stay true to the artwork I created for the cartridge/manual, etc.


Again, feedback is welcome. I really appreciate everything you're all doing!


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I made an intro screen for the game as well. I'm new to this, so I'm not entirely sure what's feasible from a graphics/color perspective. Just tried to stay true to the artwork I created for the cartridge/manual, etc.


Again, feedback is welcome. I really appreciate everything you're all doing!

I'm not an expert on complex 2600 programming, but I'm 99% that can't be done on the 2600, at least using batari Basic. While we're at it, I think I made the game a little better still. I used the sprites that were made and modified them a little to fit the scenarios I made for myself programming the way I did.



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I made an intro screen for the game as well. I'm new to this, so I'm not entirely sure what's feasible from a graphics/color perspective. Just tried to stay true to the artwork I created for the cartridge/manual, etc.


Again, feedback is welcome. I really appreciate everything you're all doing!

I'm not an expert on complex 2600 programming, but I'm 99% that can't be done on the 2600, at least using batari Basic. While we're at it, I think I made the game a little better still. I used the sprites that were made and modified them a little to fit the scenarios I made for myself programming the way I did.


I'm lovin it. Nice work, man. Did you use batari Basic to code this?


Why would the intro screen I have laid out not work for the Atari? Is it too man colors on a line? Or did I make the pixels too small? I've never done this before, so I'm pretty in the dark with what can and can't be done.


Thanks again! :)

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I made an intro screen for the game as well. I'm new to this, so I'm not entirely sure what's feasible from a graphics/color perspective.


Here's a more feasible title screen.

Atari 2600 can display one block of image maximun of 48 pixels wide, "1 color" per line. This 48 bit image uses two sprites duplicated 3 times each, because this, you can't display other sprite or even playfield image due lack of free time to calculate it. The 48 bit sprite are used for logo and for the character (wich can be done with 32,24,16 bit wide).


Good luck with your project.


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Did you have a look at Splatform 2600? It's included in SWOOPS!


Hi Thomas -- Just checked out Splatform. It's a great, addicting game.

I had never played SWOOPS. I love the controls, platforms, and smooth horizontal scrolling, and I think that type of gameplay would work well with this game.


My thought was to take that game a step or two farther, and add some additional obstacles, such as walls that jut from the ceiling and floor that partially obstruct your path, forcing you to find an alternate platform route. I also added the black bar that slowly gobbles up the screen behind you (and moves towards you if you delay too long, or backtrack), in order to keep the player moving forward (and, hopefully, create some tension). I also added doors that are essentially walls that span ceiling to floor, and need to be unlocked by stepping on Red-colored platforms, adding some more difficulty to moving forward. I added power ups that would make you jump higher and farther, and help you put more distance between you and the black wall following you, or slow up down or speed you up (when walking on platform).


Not sure how much of that is doable, since I'm more designer than programmer. But I figured I'd toss it out there and see if anyone wanted to give it shot. After seeing your game, Splatform, it seems like it may be.


Thanks again for your input. Much appreciated :)!



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I made an intro screen for the game as well. I'm new to this, so I'm not entirely sure what's feasible from a graphics/color perspective.


Here's a more feasible title screen.

Atari 2600 can display one block of image maximun of 48 pixels wide, "1 color" per line. This 48 bit image uses two sprites duplicated 3 times each, because this, you can't display other sprite or even playfield image due lack of free time to calculate it. The 48 bit sprite are used for logo and for the character (wich can be done with 32,24,16 bit wide).


Good luck with your project.


That's great! I was hoping to keep some of the look/feel I had created for the box art. Just wasn't sure what the rules were for the title screen graphics. Thanks! :D

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Hi Thomas -- Just checked out Splatform. It's a great, addicting game.

I had never played SWOOPS. I love the controls, platforms, and smooth horizontal scrolling, and I think that type of gameplay would work well with this game.

Thanks! :)


My thought was to take that game a step or two farther, and add some additional obstacles,...

Seems logical. Splatform was limited to 1K, so there is definitely room for more.


...such as walls that jut from the ceiling and floor that partially obstruct your path, forcing you to find an alternate platform route.

Not sure if this wouldn't make the game easier or impossible. If you make sure there is a path, then the walls will make the correct way to go more obvious.


I also added the black bar that slowly gobbles up the screen behind you (and moves towards you if you delay too long, or backtrack), in order to keep the player moving forward (and, hopefully, create some tension).

Splatform does this by deducting points for each jump. But only because it was cheap (ROM-wise). It has the advantage that the player can move back if his chosen path leads to a dead end.


I also added doors that are essentially walls that span ceiling to floor, and need to be unlocked by stepping on Red-colored platforms, adding some more difficulty to moving forward. I added power ups that would make you jump higher and farther, and help you put more distance between you and the black wall following you, or slow up down or speed you up (when walking on platform).

Those power-ups and keys will add some variation to the game for sure.


How about flying enemies that you have to evade? Inverted gravity? Or deadly/negative platforms?

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Hi Thomas -- Just checked out Splatform. It's a great, addicting game.

I had never played SWOOPS. I love the controls, platforms, and smooth horizontal scrolling, and I think that type of gameplay would work well with this game.

Thanks! :)


My thought was to take that game a step or two farther, and add some additional obstacles,...

Seems logical. Splatform was limited to 1K, so there is definitely room for more.


...such as walls that jut from the ceiling and floor that partially obstruct your path, forcing you to find an alternate platform route.

Not sure if this wouldn't make the game easier or impossible. If you make sure there is a path, then the walls will make the correct way to go more obvious.


I also added the black bar that slowly gobbles up the screen behind you (and moves towards you if you delay too long, or backtrack), in order to keep the player moving forward (and, hopefully, create some tension).

Splatform does this by deducting points for each jump. But only because it was cheap (ROM-wise). It has the advantage that the player can move back if his chosen path leads to a dead end.


I also added doors that are essentially walls that span ceiling to floor, and need to be unlocked by stepping on Red-colored platforms, adding some more difficulty to moving forward. I added power ups that would make you jump higher and farther, and help you put more distance between you and the black wall following you, or slow up down or speed you up (when walking on platform).

Those power-ups and keys will add some variation to the game for sure.


How about flying enemies that you have to evade? Inverted gravity? Or deadly/negative platforms?


Hi Thomas --


You bring up a lot of good points that I hadn't considered. In Splatform, it seems as if the platforms are somewhat random, and created on the fly. Are there parameters around how the platforms should appear? Just to be sure that there is at least one true path to keep you going? If partial walls are added, it wouldn't make sense if there was no way around them. But I like the idea of a wall partially blocking your path, causing you to panic and possibly have to backtrack/find a new path.


As for the black wall that pursues you, I had thought that if you got far enough ahead of it, it would disappear off screen, giving you somewhat of a breather, but if you stood still for too long it would eventually catch up. I like having the black box of impending doom constantly chasing you, keeping you moving forward. As the game progresses, the wall chases you faster, giving you less time to backtrack. I did like how you deducted points for standing still, however.


In terms of enemies/things to avoid, I had originally concepted moving platforms as well (that move horizontally, but I guess vertically could work too), and red boxes with a minus "-" sign on them that would slow down your walking speed. I forgot to put the moving platforms in my manual comp. I hadn't considered flying enemies or deadly/negative platforms because I wasn't sure what was capable without having too much flicker or taking up too much ROM, so I kept things pretty simple. But I do like the idea of flying enemies.


Scoring was also tricky, since I wasn't sure how the score would be handled if a player moved backward, back to a platform they originally stepped on. As a result, I envisioned having points scored based on when a player steps on a platform for the first time. Based on size of the platforms, different points would be scored. Smaller platforms = more points. That said, this could be scrapped all together and the points could just be continuously updated based on how long you survive. Additional points could be added in for platforms (so you get points for time staying alive, plus # of platforms you land on), but I'm not sure if that then over-complicates things. Could also use distance as score as well -- e.g. Your score is how far you managed to go (distance-wise) before you died or were caught by the black wall.


That said, I'm open to any suggestions. I may do some additional screen comps tonight. I wish I could code this damn thing myself! (Why didn't I pay attention in Computer class back in grade school?) :)


Is there a tool I can use to create graphically-accurate screens?


Thanks again for all of your feedback.



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Created a revised screenshot based on the size SeaGtGruff provided (thanks again!). The screenshot shows Jumpy, a Jump PowerUp, and a wall, as well as small, medium and large sized platforms.


I also included the name of the game and the score along the bottom.


Again, not sure if what I have created is feasible, so any feedback/thoughts are welcome :). If this is doable, I will create some more screenshots showing a door and unlock platform.




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Check out the homebrew Man Goes Down.

I think it's similar to yours but MGD is vertical scrolling.


I think MGD is a good source for you understand what is possible to do in Atari 2600 hardware.


In current screen you can't display the logo and score at same scanline, it's all I notice. Remember the limit of 48 pixels per scanline. Well you can display a combination of 24 - space - 24 pixels in the same scanline. This case you must fit the logo in the first 24 pixels wide and the score uses the others 24 pixels.

Edited by LS_Dracon
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Check out the homebrew Man Goes Down.

I think it's similar to yours but MGD is vertical scrolling.


I think MGD is a good source for you understand what is possible to do in Atari 2600 hardware.


In current screen you can't display the logo and score at same scanline, it's all I notice. Remember the limit of 48 pixels per scanline. Well you can display a combination of 24 - space - 24 pixels in the same scanline. This case you must fit the logo in the first 24 pixels wide and the score uses the others 24 pixels.


Thanks, LS_Dracon. I have played Man Goes Down many times. One of my favorite Atari games. Too bad it was never finished :(


I still don't fully understand the 48 pixels per scanline limit. Add that to the many functional things I am yet to learn about the 2600. I revised my screenshots and moved the score to the top right. Not sure if that solves the problem.


Here's what I've attached:


Screenshot 1 (FOD_NEW_Screenshots_1.jpg) -- Shows Jumpy picking up a Super Jump bonus item. A wall hangs from the ceiling, blocking his way. On the left, the black box (the "darkness") moves towards him.


Screenshot 2 (FOD_NEW_Screenshots_2.jpg) -- Shows Jumpy jumping towards the RED platform that will unlock the door (the gray, striped bar that spans the height of the screen). In this comp, the black bar is close. When the black bar passes over the platforms, they turn gray, to show that they are in the dark.


Screenshot 3 (FOD_NEW_Screenshots_3.jpg) -- Jummpy collides with the black box. His eyes turn to an "X" a halo can be seen over his head.



Hopefully, this gives you a good idea of gameplay. I can't show moving platforms, but there would also be platforms that move back and forth horizontally and, possibly, vertically.


Any feedback is welcome! :)


Thanks, Brian.




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