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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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Cuttlecart wouldn't run cassette games. You'd need to rig up a way to have them come in via an audio input - likely some hacking of the hardware itself involved. You could then play them via .wav file on your PC. In other words, it's similar in basic concept to software on cassette for the ECS or other systems of the era.

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The pink/purple one is the APBA Backgammon standard one (most common). I think the green one is the Hong Kong Sears version. I'm actively looking for the white one for my Intellivision Inc copy. I'll the to take some pics later.

The green cart label with white lettering (Hong Kong) is the variant used in the Sears (Hong Kong) Backgammon game. The same cart is used in the French Canadian Backgammon.



Edited by JasonlikesINTV
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Cuttlecart wouldn't run cassette games. You'd need to rig up a way to have them come in via an audio input - likely some hacking of the hardware itself involved. You could then play them via .wav file on your PC. In other words, it's similar in basic concept to software on cassette for the ECS or other systems of the era.


The Keyboard Component tapes were even more complicated than that. They had 4 tracks: 1 read-only digital (code), 1 read-write digital (data), 1 read-only analog (pre-programmed voice or music), and 1 read-write analog (audio recordings). Further, some of the tapes required the BASIC cartridge to be plugged in.


It might be possible to get a tape that only had code (the read-only digital track) to run from the Cuttle Cart. It may require someone to dump the BASIC cartridge for the tapes that require it. The reason for the word "might", even in this constrained scenario, is that it is fairly likely that tapes and/or the BASIC cartridge also access other hardware (besides RAM or ROM) that only exists on the Keyboard Component. If so, then even this wouldn't work.

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Wow, I never thought these would appreciate like this:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2214617690951?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=221461769095&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Nice sale, R



hey! ebay stalker! lol.....its all good. not too hard to figure out is it......


but yeah, i was thinking 10 or 20 bucks an a penny auction with no reserve and free shipping.


the only reason i sold it was that I didnt have a cart for it............


i would of thought everyone would of bought one that wanted one.....it is possible some of the bidders are from AA! Ill never tell. but there was no "shill" bidding, I assure you, this was a real sale.....well, as long as the top bidder pays that is.


i can only imagine what it would of sold at if the half cut cart was included.........I only have 4 "CIB" (w/cart) HB games left......and they are staying in my collection!


I wonder if elektronite has any of these left? hint hint

Edited by revolutionika
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Wow, I never thought these would appreciate like this:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2214617690951?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=221461769095&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Nice sale, R


Really? I can't say I'm too surprised. Anything with the Intellivision name escalates in price almost immediately it seems. I still contend (although others debate this on other boards) that the Intellivision has the strongest and most loyal fan base of any of the retro collectors. I mean how many other retro collectors do you see debating over say made in hong kong vs USA, box style, or even something like tray vs no tray! ;)

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It's not complete. Missing Spiker, LF2, Stadium Mud Buggies, Worm Whomper....



They list LF2, Stadium Mud Buggies and Worm Whomper in the description, but I suppose $5,000 isn't enough monies to warrant taking a few extra pics. Also, he's doing you a favor by not including Spiker:


"To keep the cost of this listing down to make it a bit more affordable, Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball IS NOT included purposefully, this is because it is the most condition specific game and individuals who seek out this game can spend up to a few thousand for a nice example. So obtaining Spiker that fills your individual needs are up to you! Enjoy!"

Edited by JasonlikesINTV
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Since this lot is still being talked about, I finally looked a little closer at this lot...


The "126" comes from:

  • Match5, sealed, serial #006
  • A spare Skiing which is listed separately from US Ski Team Skiing

Based on eBay prices for each item sold individually, this lot would be worth $2100.


That said, buying a lot in bulk involves discounts. I haven't done the math to see what the average eBay bulk discount is, but I'd be ok with saying it's ~50%. Given that, then this bulk lot would be worth $1100.


I wasn't expecting my estimate to come out the same as the $1100 someone else posted.

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A Videoplexer for sale from everyone's favorite seller :roll: pikachu... he actually started the auction at the decent price of $99 and it includes a few htf games.




Off topic, to be honest, I never thought to Search 'Lays Ketchup Chips' on eBay ever! (Viewing sellers other items related to this listing) I can't wrap my head around it actually.. but people are buying them?! When I'm on the road the only thing I miss is a couple of my favourite restaurants (and servers), and maybe my brand of smokes.


The listings are displayed quite nicely. 'Now I got the fever for the flavour of a'….. oh wait, that's Pringles.



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A Videoplexer for sale from everyone's favorite seller :roll: pikachu... he actually started the auction at the decent price of $99 and it includes a few htf games.



You mean I can get Frogger new for under $200?

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