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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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It is the last Sears I need, but without a box, I'll pass. I was not going to collect any variants, but when I bought a lot it cam with 22 and I got 6 of the 7 I still needed all in one week. Since I wasn't really collecting these I can wait for a boxed set.


Thanks for the notice

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That's a pricey manual, although if it's all I was missing I'd buy it to complete the box.

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I asked the seller if it was the actual pic or a stock photo and they said that it was a stock photo, but they would be happy to send pics. Probably just new to eBay and haven't figured out the etiquette yet.


Thanks for following up with the seller. I appreciate the support.


Since reporting it on Sunday via their online form, eBay hasn't done anything. I phone called eBay as to why nothing has apparently been done so far (it has been 3 days, the items are 7 day listings so time is ticking away). They said that they don't have enough people to keep up with reports but that they would escalate mine. I also contacted the other seller directly and asked them to remove the photos.

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I tried to ask neutrally and give them the benefit of the doubt. They mentioned on their eBay storefront that they are new and still learning and to contact them with any questions or concerns. I think it was a good idea to contact them to let them know that, at the very least, it's suspicious. Using genuine pics is just good practice.

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That's a pricey manual, although if it's all I was missing I'd buy it to complete the box.


I'd pay that to get that manual. Fortunately someone here was nice enough to make me a nice deal to complete mine. Although I'd pay that much to get that manual, I wouldn't buy it from this seller. Not a fan.

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Yeah I'm down to just needing Backgammon for Sears, but I have no other Sears that are not CIB, I see no need to start now. I'm waiting for some kind soul to have pity on me.










And waiting….

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Whoever won this auction for the 3 French Canadian games got a bargain... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intellivision-3-FRENCH-CANADIAN-games-Frogger-Q-Bert-Space-Spartans-/221510373835?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEDWX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=fVNtt68HyMmwR1wES3iTLaq3liM%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc


Space Spartans CIB alone is worth 3 - 4 times as much IMO. The seller got screwed on this one, I guess he's used to it :).

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Whoever won this auction for the 3 French Canadian games got a bargain... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intellivision-3-FRENCH-CANADIAN-games-Frogger-Q-Bert-Space-Spartans-/221510373835?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEDWX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=fVNtt68HyMmwR1wES3iTLaq3liM%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc


Space Spartans CIB alone is worth 3 - 4 times as much IMO. The seller got screwed on this one, I guess he's used to it :).

I'm surprised the second bidder didn't go higher ;-)

Edited by JasonlikesINTV
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I'm surprised the second bidder didn't go higher ;-)

Oh believe me, I wanted to go higher but having recently paid 3x times that for "Les Spartiates" I relented. I don't know why I bid in the first place...


I guess it's that compulsiveness that if I see one that is going to sell cheaper than what I paid for it, why not get it and try to make the money back later?


I am trying to be more disciplined with purchases with all those upcoming games/etc since I'm really low on funds.

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compulsive |kəmˈpəlsiv|


1 resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, esp. one that is against one's conscious wishes: compulsive eating.

(of a person) acting as a result of such an urge: a compulsive liar.

2 irresistibly interesting or exciting; compelling: this play is compulsive viewing.


compulsively adverb,

compulsiveness noun

ORIGIN late 16th cent. (in the sense compulsory): from medieval Latin compulsivus, from compuls- driven, forced, from the verb compellere (see compel). Sense 1 (originally a term in psychology) dates from the early 20th cent.

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Oh believe me, I wanted to go higher but having recently paid 3x times that for "Les Spartiates" I relented. I don't know why I bid in the first place...


I guess it's that compulsiveness that if I see one that is going to sell cheaper than what I paid for it, why not get it and try to make the money back later?


I am trying to be more disciplined with purchases with all those upcoming games/etc since I'm really low on funds.

Ya know what's funny? The reason I sold these three games was HOPING I made some money on them. Win some, lose some.... haha

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Ya know what's funny? The reason I sold these three games was HOPING I made some money on them. Win some, lose some.... haha


That's why i'm usually scared to death to sell things in auction form. Once in a while people are willing to bid and pay the going rate or higher and get into heated bidding wars. But other times your stuff will undersell like crazy. It's so risky.

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That's why i'm usually scared to death to sell things in auction form. Once in a while people are willing to bid and pay the going rate or higher and get into heated bidding wars. But other times your stuff will undersell like crazy. It's so risky.

It's happened to me too many times to mention as well. For most games what I do now is put a higher starting bid and a BIN that is reasonable. Only problem is ebay makes you put a minimum 35% difference between starting - BIN.

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