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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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I think he means that a white tray could have been switched over from another title. Shrinked games would be the only way to tell which titles truly got the white tray variant.

Right. The switch could also have happened 20 or 30 years ago. A lot of collectors/sellers are also piecing a CIB copy together. There are also a lot of WTB threads here where someone is just looking for a box or manual. Next you'll find a gatefold box with Intv Inc. catridge and manual on eBay.


So far I've only seen Atlantis and Nova Blast with a white tray.

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Right. The switch could also have happened 20 or 30 years ago. A lot of collectors/sellers are also piecing a CIB copy together. There are also a lot of WTB threads here where someone is just looking for a box or manual. Next you'll find a gatefold box with Intv Inc. catridge and manual on eBay.


So far I've only seen Atlantis and Nova Blast with a white tray.


Here is a thread I started on the topic a while ago. I can confirm that Demon Attack came with a white tray.



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FYI, regarding sealed games...I recently bought some nice condition M Network games from a seller that, as a courtesy, shrink wrapped my games for me prior shipping. I didn't ask for this, they just did it. Another nail in the 'make sure you know your product when it comes to buying shrinkwrapped games' coffin. LOTS of people have shrinkwrap machines. LOTS of eBay games are reseals.


I could have picked a shrinkwrap machine up at a garage sale last weekend for $20.

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So i wonder if anybody here got this? I actually seen this before it sold but it didn't interest me that much. Even though i thought i remembered hearing finding a DK jr. box in that good of shape is not easy.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1114378607221?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=111437860722&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

I tried for it, but it sold instantly. He had some other well priced auctions that also went instantly, including one with a French Can Popeye. I actually won one of his better lots. Pics will come soon - I'm planning a huge mega pickup thread in the next week or so. Stay tuned ;-)

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eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1912886501561?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=191288650156&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


So who ever won this, congrats :) In addition to it being the older Armor Battle box I believe it also has the full color manual. Additionally, the MLB overlays are the much rarer original ones with the MLB logo.



I noticed the seller attempting (unsuccessfully) to sell a larger lot of 9 games which included these two. Asking price was like $18. He probably listed it 6 times with no takers. Spotting the gems of the bunch with my keen eye, I messaged him offering to buy just these two for $10ish. Weeks later he finally agrees to sell them to me (shipped) for $12.25. Woohoo! I check for the auction and find he listed them as an auction, which ended today for $2 less than his asking price for all nine. You're welcome, everyone ;-)

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So who ever won this, congrats :) In addition to it being the older Armor Battle box I believe it also has the full color manual. Additionally, the MLB overlays are the much rarer original ones with the MLB logo.



I noticed the seller attempting (unsuccessfully) to sell a larger lot of 9 games which included these two. Asking price was like $18. He probably listed it 6 times with no takers. Spotting the gems of the bunch with my keen eye, I messaged him offering to buy just these two for $10ish. Weeks later he finally agrees to sell them to me (shipped) for $12.25. Woohoo! I check for the auction and find he listed them as an auction, which ended today for $2 less than his asking price for all nine. You're welcome, everyone ;-)

Thanks for nothin'... :( I once again got outbid at the very last second. My fault though, I planned on putting my highest bid with about 10 seconds to go but for some reason it didn't take! (I like to think it's an ebay bug because it's happened to me before.


You mentioned that this seller was selling a larger lot of 9 games that included these two but I never spotted it. I've been looking for that Armor Battle with a magnifying glass and I would have bid on that lot from the start!

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I tried for it, but it sold instantly. He had some other well priced auctions that also went instantly, including one with a French Can Popeye. I actually won one of his better lots. Pics will come soon - I'm planning a huge mega pickup thread in the next week or so. Stay tuned ;-)


So i wonder if anybody here got this? I actually seen this before it sold but it didn't interest me that much. Even though i thought i remembered hearing finding a DK jr. box in that good of shape is not easy.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1114378607221?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=111437860722&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


I tried for it, but it sold instantly. He had some other well priced auctions that also went instantly, including one with a French Can Popeye. I actually won one of his better lots. Pics will come soon - I'm planning a huge mega pickup thread in the next week or so. Stay tuned ;-)

How the heck do you guys do to spot these auctions that are up for only a few seconds?

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How the heck do you guys do to spot these auctions that are up for only a few seconds?


All i'll say is i'm pretty darn quick at finding these. But when i clicked on it, it already had like 4 views and an offer was put in already. Seems like every single Intellivision auction has 2-6 views before i click on it. Seems some of the people around here don't sleep. Ever. ;)


I swear at this rate, when the $5 Spiker finally pops up, 6 people will own it before me. :-o


And if your looking for a real answer, id hate to give all my secrets away but there are other ways to search things than the old fashioned way. Look into it.

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And if your looking for a real answer, id hate to give all my secrets away but there are other ways to search things than the old fashioned way. Look into it.


He wrote some JavaScript that automatically buys all listings.



if (item.title.contains("spiker") && item.price < 500)


Just listed "Sea Battle not Spiker" for $499 BIN and it sold immediately :)

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Thanks for nothin'... :( I once again got outbid at the very last second. My fault though, I planned on putting my highest bid with about 10 seconds to go but for some reason it didn't take! (I like to think it's an ebay bug because it's happened to me before.


You mentioned that this seller was selling a larger lot of 9 games that included these two but I never spotted it. I've been looking for that Armor Battle with a magnifying glass and I would have bid on that lot from the start!

The original pic of 9 games was poor and I barely noticed it. He sent me additional pics for verification. I saw your bid, which is mainly why I didn't outbid you. It was only going to be a second copy for me to use as trade bait, and I figured you needed it more :) Apparently someone else wanted it even more. Sry.

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I saw your bid, which is mainly why I didn't outbid you. It was only going to be a second copy for me to use as trade bait, and I figured you needed it more :) Apparently someone else wanted it even more. Sry.

Well I appreciate you looking out for me :). With two being sold recently I guess the odds are in my favor the next time one pops up (ever the optimist).

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