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VI for SpartaDOS ?


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This version is not crashing when yanking and putting.

Thank you again.


That is not good because I did not change anything in the program :) I just added some code at the beginning, which parses a CLI argument. Which means that "tad unstable" behaviour you observe may be dependent on the position of the code in the memory. In turn, whether this is something inherited from the original, or my error during sourcing the binary, it for now remains unknown.


@w1k: Altirra:



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That is not good because I did not change anything in the program :) I just added some code at the beginning, which parses a CLI argument. Which means that "tad unstable" behaviour you observe may be dependent on the position of the code in the memory. In turn, whether this is something inherited from the original, or my error during sourcing the binary, it for now remains unknown.


The original binary was also crashing when yanking and putting, so most likely it's as you say: depending on position in memory.


Update: It just crashed, in the romantic way :)



Edited by greblus
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Hah! I did the same thing Jon. I even posted a ? to drac about it but caught my error adn edited it :)

Well, in my defence, I read his original post on a 4" mobile phone screen on a bus full of screaming children, and by the time I got home I was paying no heed to the detail... I was just excited to test it.


I suppose we could could disassemble this....

I disassembled it using DIS6502 at the weekend, but Konrad's making such an excellent job of it and is so far ahead of me by a country mile, I'm happy to leave him to it.


EDIT: (Optional) expanding tabs would be great, BTW, especially in 80 columns. :)

Edited by flashjazzcat
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I have it already disassembled. For testing purposes I could prepare a binary which loads at a page boundary or at a fixed address. This perhaps could help to improve the consistency of the program's behaviour and to identify problems using a debugger.

I wondered while looking at the code if some of it depended on certain parts being page-aligned or some such. This sounds like an excellent idea.

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One more version, I have remapped some key combos to match vi documentation: ctrl-g, ctrl-e, ctrl-y, ctrl-f, ctrl-e instead of the same keys with inverse video. Yet some remain to be remapped similarly (I guess the original author thought that the Inverse video key on Atari is an equivalent to Ctrl?).


I have also added initializing all variables to zero, just in case it improves anything (I doubt). I have also managed to reproduce the copy/paste problems, this looks like some pointer gets clobbered, and it indeed looks like a bug in the original.


Today I will not do anything more with it. Happy Christmas again.


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  • 4 months later...

FWIW, if I need a quick edit, I use vi.


If I need to do coding, I typically use emacs. The facilities for C/C++ coding in emacs are just enough, and quite intelligent, without stepping on your toes like many other editors (Eclipse, I am talking to you, you over-bloated piece of shit!)



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FWIW, if I need a quick edit, I use vi.


If I need to do coding, I typically use emacs. The facilities for C/C++ coding in emacs are just enough, and quite intelligent, without stepping on your toes like many other editors (Eclipse, I am talking to you, you over-bloated piece of shit!)



Can not stand Eclipse. . . . . . . .

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  • 2 years later...

Were the SD fixes ever applied to the 80 col version of vi65? Would it work with s_vbxe?


Note the vi65 sources are at




svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/vi65/code/ vi65-code


I was sort of hoping for CC65 but it's ASM :)

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  • 7 years later...

A new version, v0.3, was released last year: https://sourceforge.net/p/vi65/code/HEAD/tree/branches/v0.3/

The v0.3 ZIP with the executable files can be found here: https://singularcrew.hu/vi65/

This editor has a binary size of 7316 bytes!


An additional overscan mode with 58 columns and 25 rows using this 6x8 pixel font would be nice 🙂


Edited by NGFrankW
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Very nice, but the autor forgot to implement some essential movement commands 😱

The attached patch adds the functionality for w, e, and b (or rather more or less their uppercase counterparts). It's a rough prototype, though; there are some issues with b (I'm not sure I understand how some variables work), and – due to how vi65 is designed – de doesn't remove the last character in a word (unlike in VI/Vim).

a.patch motion.patch

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