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Converting Player position to an antic 4 screen

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What's the best way to synchronize the position of a player with characters on an antic 4 screen? By keeping track with counters or by performing math to convert the player position to 0-23 and 0-39?


I've attempted to use the counter method in the code below (it gets a little messed up when you move left and I haven't solved that issue yet).


What I'm attempting to do is have the robot character (to be redrawn and made 22 pixels high, instead of the current 16) move around the screen and for the code to translate the robot's position to a position on the screen. To have some visual proof that it's working the code plots an "A" when you press trigger.


But is this the fastest way? Is there a better way of doing it?


And I should explain that eventually the robot will move left and right, fall of platforms, and engage with items on screen, but for now I'm only attempting to link player and character movement up.





p1     		= $d0
p2     		= $d2

xpos    	= 1536
ypos    	= 1537
joystick 	= 1538

p0hpos		= 1539
p0vpos		= 1540       
smlframe 	= 1541
frame		= 1542
playcount 	= 1543

xpm2scn		= 1544
ypm2scn		= 1545
xpm		= 1546
ypm		= 1547

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1

       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y	;  WRITES OVER SCREEN
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Main loop
       lda #$80        ; reserve 8 pages
       sta 54279       ; ... and in PMBASE
       lda #32         ;
       sta 623
       lda #62         ; turn on DMACTL. 46 is single-resolution
       sta 559
       lda #3          ; turn on GRACTL
       sta 53277
       lda #16		; single resolution players
       sta 54272
       lda #104	;
       sta 704         ; color players
       lda #28
       sta 705
       lda #0
       sta 710
; set up pm-to-screen
       lda #0
       sta smlframe
       lda #48+4	; starting position of pm. +4 is one character width
       sta p0hpos
       lda #32+4	; adding one char?
       sta p0vpos   
       lda $14         ; slow things down
delay   cmp $14         ; "
       beq delay       ; "

       lda p0hpos      ; store horizontal pos
       sta 53248
       sta 53249

lda #18		;size of player
sta playcount	
       ldx frame       ; begin height count    
ldy p0vpos
       lda shape,x     ; read shape data
       sta $8400,y     ; draw player 
       lda shape2,x    ; read shape data
       sta $8500,y     ; draw player 
dec playcount
       lda playcount
       bne drawloop    ; ...and repeat

       sty xpos
       stx ypos

       lda 644		;trigger (0) pressed?
       cmp #0
       bne stickread
       ldx ypm		; xpm	;get pm-to-screen coordinates
ldy xpm		;y carries horizontal
       lda #33		; get ready to print "A"
       jsr jplotchar

       lda 632         ;joystick
cmp #13
bne up
inc p0vpos
inc ypm2scn
lda ypm2scn
cmp #8
beq down1
jmp routine
lda #0
sta ypm2scn
inc ypm
jmp routine
lda 632
cmp #14
bne right
dec p0vpos
dec ypm2scn
lda ypm2scn
cmp #0
beq up1
jmp routine
lda #8
sta ypm2scn
dec ypm
jmp routine
lda 632
cmp #7
bne left
inc p0hpos 
inc xpm2scn
lda xpm2scn
cmp #3
bne right1
lda #0
sta xpm2scn
inc xpm
inc smlframe
lda smlframe
cmp #4
beq right2
jmp routine
lda #0	;reset smlframe
sta smlframe
inc p0hpos
lda frame
adc #18 ; this will become 24
sta frame
cmp #54
beq right3
jmp routine
lda #18
sta frame
jmp routine
lda 632
cmp #11
beq left0
jmp routine
dec p0hpos 
dec xpm2scn
lda xpm2scn
cmp #0
bne left1
lda #3
sta xpm2scn
dec xpm
inc smlframe
lda smlframe
cmp #4
beq left2
jmp routine
lda #0	;reset smlframe
sta smlframe
dec p0hpos
lda frame
adc #18 ; this will become 24
sta frame
cmp #54
beq left3
jmp routine
lda #18
sta frame
jmp routine

;plot a character <A> at (Y,X)
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       sta (p1),y
       .byte 0,102,0,126,126,102,0,0,0,255,255,219,255,60,255,24,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,109,255,182,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,182,255,109,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,255,255,253,255,60,219,126,219,0; frame 3, right
       .byte 0,0,90,126,0,0,24,24,24,129,129,231,0,0,231,231,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,24,48,96,24,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,48,48,60,0,0,255,129,255,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,48,24,14,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr	.sbyte "****************************************"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                       ===============*"
.sbyte "*                       ===============*"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "* ================                     *"
.sbyte "* ================                     *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*               ==========             *"
.sbyte "*               ==========             *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "* ==========                           *"
.sbyte "* ==========                           *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "****************************************"	
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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My point of view on this.


* = $4000

p1              = $d0
p2              = $d2

xpos            = 1536
ypos            = 1537
joystick        = 1538

p0hpos          = 1539
p0vpos          = 1540       
smlframe        = 1541
frame           = 1542
playcount       = 1543

xpm2scn         = 1544
ypm2scn         = 1545
xpm             = 1546
ypm             = 1547

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1

       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y     ;  WRITES OVER SCREEN
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Main loop
       lda #$80        ; reserve 8 pages
       sta 54279       ; ... and in PMBASE
       lda #32         ;
       sta 623
       lda #62         ; turn on DMACTL. 46 is single-resolution
       sta 559
       lda #3          ; turn on GRACTL
       sta 53277
       lda #16         ; single resolution players
       sta 54272
       lda #104        ;
       sta 704         ; color players
       lda #28
       sta 705
       lda #0
       sta 710
; set up pm-to-screen
       lda #0
       sta smlframe
       lda #48+4       ; starting position of pm. +4 is one character width
       sta p0hpos
       lda #32+4       ; adding one char?
       sta p0vpos   
       lda $14         ; slow things down
delay   cmp $14         ; "
       beq delay       ; "

       lda p0hpos      ; store horizontal pos
       sta 53248
       sta 53249

       lda #18         ;size of player
       sta playcount   
       ldx frame       ; begin height count    
       ldy p0vpos
       lda shape,x     ; read shape data
       sta $8400,y     ; draw player 
       lda shape2,x    ; read shape data
       sta $8500,y     ; draw player 
       dec playcount
       lda playcount
       bne drawloop    ; ...and repeat

       sty xpos
       stx ypos

       lda 644         ;trigger (0) pressed?
       cmp #0
       bne stickread
	jsr set_adress
	jsr check_walls		
ldx 632
lda xstick,x
adc p0hpos
sta p0hpos
lda ystick,x
adc p0vpos
sta p0vpos
lda tabside,x
bne nochange
;frame rest = 0
sta frame
jmp routine
bpl	rightmove
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeright,x
sta frame
   jmp routine
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeleft,x
sta frame
jmp routine

xstick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
ystick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0                
tabside		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
tabframeright .byte 18,18,36,54	;frames for move right
tabframeleft  .byte 18,18,36,54	;frames for move left - no frames yet 
temp	.byte 0

;p1=robot -lefthigh corner 
lda #33
ldy #$00
sta (p1),y

lda p0hpos
sbc #48
lsr a
lsr a
sta temp
lda	p0vpos
sbc #32
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda sclo,x
sta p1
lda schi,x
sta p1+1
lda p1
adc temp
sta p1
bcc skip
inc p1+1

       .byte 0,102,0,126,126,102,0,0,0,255,255,219,255,60,255,24,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,109,255,182,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,182,255,109,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,255,255,253,255,60,219,126,219,0; frame 3, right
       .byte 0,0,90,126,0,0,24,24,24,129,129,231,0,0,231,231,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,24,48,96,24,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,48,48,60,0,0,255,129,255,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,48,24,14,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr     .sbyte "****************************************"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "****************************************"       
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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Ok extra idea about collision :)


* = $4000

p1              = $d0
p2              = $d2

xpos            = 1536
ypos            = 1537
joystick        = 1538

p0hpos          = 1539
p0vpos          = 1540       
smlframe        = 1541
frame           = 1542
playcount       = 1543

xpm2scn         = 1544
ypm2scn         = 1545
xpm             = 1546
ypm             = 1547

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1

       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y     ;  WRITES OVER SCREEN
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Main loop
       lda #$80        ; reserve 8 pages
       sta 54279       ; ... and in PMBASE
       lda #32         ;
       sta 623
       lda #62         ; turn on DMACTL. 46 is single-resolution
       sta 559
       lda #3          ; turn on GRACTL
       sta 53277
       lda #16         ; single resolution players
       sta 54272
       lda #104        ;
       sta 704         ; color players
       lda #28
       sta 705
       lda #0
       sta 710
; set up pm-to-screen
       lda #0
       sta smlframe
       lda #48+8       ; starting position of pm. +4 is one character width
       sta p0hpos
       lda #32+8       ; adding one char?
       sta p0vpos   
       lda $14         ; slow things down
delay   cmp $14         ; "
       beq delay       ; "

       lda p0hpos      ; store horizontal pos
       sta 53248
       sta 53249

       lda #18         ;size of player
       sta playcount   
       ldx frame       ; begin height count    
       ldy p0vpos
       lda shape,x     ; read shape data
       sta $8400,y     ; draw player 
       lda shape2,x    ; read shape data
       sta $8500,y     ; draw player 
       dec playcount
       lda playcount
       bne drawloop    ; ...and repeat

       sty xpos
       stx ypos

;       lda 644         ;trigger (0) pressed?
;       cmp #0
;       bne stickread
	jsr set_adress
	jsr check_walls		
ldx 632
lda xstick,x
adc p0hpos
sta p0hpos
lda ystick,x
adc p0vpos
sta p0vpos
lda tabside,x
bne nochange
;frame rest = 0
sta frame
jmp routine
bpl	rightmove
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeright,x
sta frame
   jmp routine
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeleft,x
sta frame
jmp routine

xstick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
ystick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0                
tabside		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
tabframeright .byte 18,18,36,54	;frames for move right
tabframeleft  .byte 18,18,36,54	;frames for move left - no frames yet 
temp	.byte 0

;p1=robot -lefthigh corner 
ldy #$00
lda (p1),y
beq	checkhead2
lda 632
ora #$01
sta 632
jmp checkleft
lda (p1),y
beq	checkleft
lda 632
ora #$01
sta 632
ldy #40
lda (p1),y
beq	checkright
lda 632
ora #$04
sta 632
lda (p1),y
beq checkfeet
lda 632
ora #$08
sta 632
ldy #80
lda (p1),y
beq	checkfeet2
lda 632
ora #$02
sta 632
lda (p1),y
beq checkend
lda 632
ora #$02
sta 632


lda p0hpos
sbc #48
lsr a
lsr a
sta temp
lda	p0vpos
sbc #32
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda sclo,x
sta p1
lda schi,x
sta p1+1
lda p1
adc temp
sta p1
bcc skip
inc p1+1

       .byte 0,102,0,126,126,102,0,0,0,255,255,219,255,60,255,24,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,109,255,182,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,182,255,109,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,255,255,253,255,60,219,126,219,0; frame 3, right
       .byte 0,0,90,126,0,0,24,24,24,129,129,231,0,0,231,231,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,24,48,96,24,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,48,48,60,0,0,255,129,255,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,48,24,14,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr     .sbyte "****************************************"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "****************************************"       
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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Thanks the real bb. My first attempt at the code used similar math but I was worried that it would slow things down, even in machine code.

Eagle, thank you again! I really need to start working up the graphics now to see how it's going to play.

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the logic described in the turbo basic screenshot is the right one


so... actually you do this


lda player_xpos ;shadow register not the hardware register


sbc #border_value ;depends on your screen layout but for a 40 byte screen it is $30

lsr ;div 2

lsr ;div 2 = div 4

;now akku contains the collum


lda player_ypos


sbc #border

lsr ;div 2

lsr ;div 2

lsr ;div 2 = div 8

;now akku contains the row


lda screentabl,x ;contains the start adress of each line precalculated in a lookup table

sta $b0

lda screentabh,x

sta $b1

lda ($b0),y ;read char at player position


my 2 cents


can not see a faster method for calculating out of player positions

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>can not see a faster method for calculating out of player positions

There are many.

It depends on how quickly you need and how much memory you have.


example for every line starts on page


ldx player_xpos
lda tabx,x
sta $B0
ldx player_ypos
lda taby,x
sta $B1
ldy #$00
lda ($b0),y

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Eagle, sure... but Avram is not yet into "hardcode optimisation" mode... he was thinking as far as I understood that the Turbo Basic "formulars" where hard to transfer into ASM. and I doubt that he is yet at the point where he is counting CPU-cycles wasted in lazy code segments... ;)

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Heaven, thanks for your take on the code. And you're correct - optimization is something I'm not capable of at the moment BUT what's good about the code that you, Eagle, Gauntman, Flashjazzcat, Groovybee etc have posted is that I'm forced to attempt to understand the more advanced 6502 coding. I'm learning absolutely loads right now and am still trying to understand the latest piece that Eagle wrote (i.e. why ORA to the joystick location and write it back?).

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;Tabstick - what you read from 632
;	0000	;--
;	0001	;--
;	0010	;--
;	0011	;--
;	0100	;--
;	0101	;right down
;	0110	;right up
;	0111	;right
;	1000	;----
;	1001	;left down
;	1010	;left up
;	1011	;left
;	1100	;---
;	1101	;down
;	1110	;up
;	1111	;no move
; simply - bit 0 = 0 - up
;          bit 1 = 0 - down
;          bit 2 = 0 - left
;          bit 3 = 0 - right



I checked head - if char is there then i do ora #%0001 (ora #$01)

from table

; 1110 ;up - ora #%0001 = 1111 <- that means stick no move ;)

Edited by Eagle
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Okay Eagle - I'll admit I'm stumped (not all that hard to do).


1) I added the reversed frames for the robot so that it can 'walk' left. Besides adding the extra frames just The two things I changed were the heigh of each frame (it's gone from 18 bytes to 25 bytes) and this part here:


tabframeright .byte 18,18,36,54 ;frames for move right 
tabframeleft  .byte 18,18,36,54 ;frames for move left - no frames yet  


I assume that with my larger frames it should read like this:


tabframeright .byte 25,25,50,75 ;frames for move right 
tabframeleft  .byte 100,125,150,175 ;frames for move left - no frames yet  


The frames for the left frame follow immediately after the frames for the right.



frame 0, rest

frame 1, right

frame 2, right

frame 3, right

frame 1, left

frame 2, left

frame 3, left



(same structure)


I'm not on the computer I was working on but can post the code tomorrow. Right now it gets garbled when moving a different direction.


2) I haven't tackled this but wanted to ask this question. I want the robot to fall off platforms. Is it simply a matter of adding something along the lines of this?


       ldy #80 
       lda (p1),y 
       beq     checkfeet2 
       is the character a space? If so, then fall
       is the character a unpainted platform? If so, then paint and decrease unpainted platform counter

       lda 632 
       ora #$02 
       sta 632 
       lda (p1),y 
       beq checkend 
       is the character a space? If so, then fall
       is the character a unpainted platform? If so, then paint and decrease unpainted platform counter

       lda 632 
       ora #$02 
       sta 632 



Edited by Avram
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Your stick procedure was correct. But too long.

I just try show you different point of view.

With this stick procedure you will have some problems.

Not because of your programming skills.

Simply, it is different than others.

The procedure for jump, can cause you some problems.

But I think you can handle this.


* = $4000

p1              = $d0
p2              = $d2

xpos            = 1536
ypos            = 1537
joystick        = 1538

p0hpos          = 1539
p0vpos          = 1540       
smlframe        = 1541
frame           = 1542
playcount       = 1543

xpm2scn         = 1544
ypm2scn         = 1545
xpm             = 1546
ypm             = 1547

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1
       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y     ;  WRITES OVER SCREEN
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Main loop
       lda #$80        ; reserve 8 pages
       sta 54279       ; ... and in PMBASE
       lda #32         ;
       sta 623
       lda #62         ; turn on DMACTL. 46 is single-resolution
       sta 559
       lda #3          ; turn on GRACTL
       sta 53277
       lda #16         ; single resolution players
       sta 54272
       lda #104        ;
       sta 704         ; color players
       lda #28
       sta 705
       lda #0
       sta 710
; set up pm-to-screen
       lda #0
       sta smlframe
       lda #48+8       ; starting position of pm. +4 is one character width
       sta p0hpos
       lda #32+8       ; adding one char?
       sta p0vpos   
       lda $14         ; slow things down
delay   cmp $14         ; "
       beq delay       ; "

       lda p0hpos      ; store horizontal pos
       sta 53248
       sta 53249

       lda #18         ;size of player
       sta playcount   
       ldx frame       ; begin height count    
       ldy p0vpos
       lda shape,x     ; read shape data
       sta $8400,y     ; draw player 
       lda shape2,x    ; read shape data
       sta $8500,y     ; draw player 
       dec playcount
       lda playcount
       bne drawloop    ; ...and repeat

       sty xpos
       stx ypos

;       lda 644         ;trigger (0) pressed?
;       cmp #0
;       bne stickread
	jsr set_adress
	jsr check_walls		
ldx 632
lda xstick,x
adc p0hpos
sta p0hpos
lda ystick,x
adc p0vpos
sta p0vpos
lda tabside,x
bne nochange
;frame rest = 0
sta frame
jmp routine
bpl	rightmove
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeright,x
sta frame
   jmp routine
lda p0hpos
lsr a
lsr a
and #$03
lda tabframeleft,x
sta frame
jmp routine

xstick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
ystick		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0                
tabside		.byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
tabframeright .byte 18,36,54,36	;frames for move right
tabframeleft  .byte 18,36,54,36	;frames for move left - no frames yet 
temp	.byte 0

;p1=robot -lefthigh corner 
ldy #$01
lda (p1),y
beq	checkleft
lda 632
ora #$01
sta 632
ldy #40
lda (p1),y
beq	checkright
lda 632
ora #$04
sta 632
lda (p1),y
beq checkfeet
lda 632
ora #$08
sta 632
ldy #81
lda (p1),y
beq fall_down
lda 632
ora #$02
sta 632
lda 632		;set stick down
and #$0d	;%1101
ora #$01	;clear stick up - robot fall down
sta 632

lda p0hpos
sbc #48
lsr a
lsr a
sta temp
lda	p0vpos
sbc #32
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda sclo,x
sta p1
lda schi,x
sta p1+1
lda p1
adc temp
sta p1
bcc skip
inc p1+1
       .byte 0,102,0,126,126,102,0,0,0,255,255,219,255,60,255,24,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,109,255,182,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,0,255,255,251,255,60,182,255,109,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,126,120,126,126,126,0,255,255,253,255,60,219,126,219,0; frame 3, right
       .byte 0,0,90,126,0,0,24,24,24,129,129,231,0,0,231,231,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,24,48,96,24,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,24,48,48,60,0,0,255,129,255,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,6,6,0,0,24,48,24,14,0,0,255,129,255,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr     .sbyte "****************************************"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "****************************************"       
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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Okay. Here's the code with the new robot graphics. One of the things I don't understand is the frame code. I've expanded each frame to 25 bytes high but the code reading them incorrectly, as well as leaving a trail. What I am I doing wrong?


* = $4000

p1              = $d0
p2              = $d2

xpos            = 1536
ypos            = 1537
joystick        = 1538

p0hpos          = 1539
p0vpos          = 1540       
smlframe        = 1541
frame           = 1542
playcount       = 1543

xpm2scn         = 1544
ypm2scn         = 1545
xpm             = 1546
ypm             = 1547

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1
       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y     ;  WRITES OVER SCREEN
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Main loop
       lda #$80        ; reserve 8 pages
       sta 54279       ; ... and in PMBASE
       lda #32         ;
       sta 623
       lda #62         ; turn on DMACTL. 46 is single-resolution
       sta 559
       lda #3          ; turn on GRACTL
       sta 53277
       lda #16         ; single resolution players
       sta 54272
       lda #104        ;
       sta 704         ; color players
       lda #28
       sta 705
       lda #0
       sta 710
; set up pm-to-screen
       lda #0
       sta smlframe
       lda #48+8       ; starting position of pm. +4 is one character width
       sta p0hpos
       lda #32+8       ; adding one char?
       sta p0vpos   
       lda $14         ; slow things down
delay   cmp $14         ; "
       beq delay       ; "

       lda p0hpos      ; store horizontal pos
       sta 53248
       sta 53249

       lda #25         ;size of player
       sta playcount   
       ldx frame       ; begin height count    
       ldy p0vpos
       lda shape,x     ; read shape data
       sta $8400,y     ; draw player 
       lda shape2,x    ; read shape data
       sta $8500,y     ; draw player 
       dec playcount
       lda playcount
       bne drawloop    ; ...and repeat

       sty xpos
       stx ypos

       jsr set_adress
       jsr check_walls         
       ldx 632
       lda xstick,x
       adc p0hpos
       sta p0hpos
       lda ystick,x
       adc p0vpos
       sta p0vpos
       lda tabside,x
       bne nochange
;frame rest = 0
       sta frame
       jmp routine
       bpl     rightmove
       lda p0hpos
       lsr a
       lsr a
       and #$03
       lda tabframeright,x
       sta frame
   jmp routine
       lda p0hpos
       lsr a
       lsr a
       and #$03
       lda tabframeleft,x
       sta frame
       jmp routine

xstick          .byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
ystick          .byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0,0,1,$FF,0                
tabside         .byte 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,$FF,$FF,$FF,0,0,0,0
tabframeright .byte 25,25,50,75 ;frames for move right
tabframeleft  .byte 100,100,125,150 ;frames for move left - no frames yet 
temp    .byte 0

;p1=robot -lefthigh corner 
       ldy #$01
       lda (p1),y
       beq     checkleft
       lda 632
       ora #$01
       sta 632
       ldy #40
       lda (p1),y
       beq     checkright
       lda 632
       ora #$04
       sta 632
       lda (p1),y
       beq 	checkfeet
       lda 632
       ora #$08
       sta 632
       ldy #81
       lda (p1),y
       beq 	fall_down
       lda 632
       ora #$02
       sta 632
       lda 632         ;set stick down
       and #$0d        ;%1101
       ora #$01        ;clear stick up - robot fall down
       sta 632

       lda p0hpos
       sbc #48
       lsr a
       lsr a
       sta temp
       lda     p0vpos
       sbc #32
       lsr a
       lsr a
       lsr a
       lda sclo,x
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       lda p1
       adc temp
       sta p1
       bcc skip
       inc p1+1
       .byte 0,102,126,0,0,24,60,126,60,36,24,0,255,255,231,165,36,60,255,24,24,0,0,0,0; rest. Note, pm is 26 bytes tall
       .byte 0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,0,0,126,126,126,114,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,0,126,126,126,118,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,126,126,126,222,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0; frame 3, right
.byte 0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,0,0,126,126,126,78,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,126,0,0; frame 1; left
.byte 0,0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,0,126,126,126,110,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 2; left
.byte 0,0,0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,126,126,126,123,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 3; left
       .byte 0,0,0,00,90,126,24,0,0,0,24,24,195,129,153,153,219,0,255,231,0,231,0,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,24,24,0,32,32,60,0,0,255,0,221,129,1,238,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,24,0,32,64,120,0,0,255,0,238,1,129,221,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,0,32,64,224,0,0,255,0,119,128,129,187,0; frame 1, right
.byte 0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,24,24,0,4,4,60,0,0,255,0,187,129,128,119,0; frame 1; left
.byte 0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,24,0,4,2,30,0,0,255,0,119,128,129,187,0; frame 2; left
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,0,4,2,7,0,0,255,0,238,1,129,221,0; frame 3; left
       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr     .sbyte "****************************************"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                       ===============*"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "* ================                     *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*               ==========             *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "* ==========                           *"
       .sbyte "*                                      *"
       .sbyte "****************************************"       
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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You test me? :)

You lost two bytes in your data :)


       .byte 0,102,126,0,0,24,60,126,60,36,24,0,255,255,231,165,36,60,255,24,24,0,0,0,0; rest. Note, pm is 26 bytes tall
       .byte 0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,0,0,126,126,126,114,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,0,126,126,126,118,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,6,126,96,96,126,126,126,24,30,126,126,126,222,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0 ; frame 3, right
       .byte 0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,0,0,126,126,126,78,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,126,0,0 ;<- you lost 1 byte here (last zero)  - frame 1; left
       .byte 0,0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,0,126,126,126,110,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 2; left
       .byte 0,0,0,96,126,6,6,126,126,126,24,120,126,126,126,123,126,60,255,0,0,126,126,0,0; frame 3; left
       .byte 0,0,0,00,90,126,24,0,0,0,24,24,195,129,153,153,219,0,255,231,0,231,0,231,0; rest
       .byte 0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,24,24,0,32,32,60,0,0,255,0,221,129,1,238,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,24,0,32,64,120,0,0,255,0,238,1,129,221,0 ;frame 2, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,26,2,2,0,0,0,0,32,64,224,0,0,255,0,119,128,129,187,0; frame 1, right
       .byte 0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,24,24,0,4,4,60,0,0,255,0,187,129,128,119,0; frame 1; left
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,24,0,4,2,30,0,0,255,0,119,128,129,187,0; <- you lost 1 byte here (first zero) frame 2; left
       .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,88,64,64,0,0,0,0,4,2,7,0,0,255,0,238,1,129,221,0; frame 3; left

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