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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Bootsale on sunday, again.


Loose megadrive with 2 carts, 1 pad and all leads £2 :)


Saturn, loose with leads, manuals, 1 pad, steering wheel, 2 boxed games £10 8)


5 loose snes carts, £2.50


About 20 megadrive games, half boxed, £20


Box of assorted megadrive pads/leads/psu's £4



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I thought it was from the English term for a Trunk. A Boot is the Trunk and people basically sell items right out of their car trunks. Hence a "Boot Sale".



we have a winner !! :D


Your spot on, the actual 'English' :ponder: word for a 'trunk' is a boot.


In England a trunk is either a big box you put stuff in, or the base of a tree.......


..... in many ways you yanks are very different to us !! :P



Is a flee market just the same thing, but with tables and no cars then ?



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Well, sometimes the cars are backed up to the tables, but it depends on the nature of the Flea Market. Still, it's a direct decendant of the Boot Sale. I guess.


Anyway, back on topic..


Three new Long Box PSX games for my collection. All sports.

NHL FaceOff $1.99

NFL GameDay $.99

Striker '96 $.99


Then Tempest X3 jewel case for $4.99.


Lastly, Eternal Darkness for Cube for $12.99. Was told I had to try it out. And I am.

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you mean the actual "British" word, and us "yanks" are only as different as you "brits"



No, no, no...... :D


English is a language as well as a nationality, foreigners respected our ways so much they decided to try and use our language, it worked to an extent, but not entirely it would seem....... :ponder: :P


Come on, pants are underwear, not overwear !! :D



Oh, and I much prefer 'limey' :lolblue:




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Shit !! I just woke my wife up, Im laughing too much... stop it !! :D




Thats womens underwear in 'real' English , whats the yank word for those then ??



What language would you say you speak ?


Is American a language ? (Because its certainly not English.... :P )



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