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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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I did my yearly run to the Louisville Arcade Expo yesterday for its opening day in the afternoon into the early evening with my kid.  The first hour about we spent in the vendor area before it got picked over before heading to the rest to do a number of arcade games, including some insane modern Japanese ones all the way back to DK on a cocktail, some time on Duck Hunt as she wanted to since we did last year, a bit of that weird Mario kart real world RC car thing on Switch in a room, and more including pinball a bit.

In the retail space it wasn't as great as last year, for me that is, I like finding import games and there were none for my systems, oddly Gameboy in general was lean too as I tried to get something for her, she ended up with (not pictured) an Alolan Vulpix she loves, so, still a win.

Anyway the first vendor I hit is this guy I like to talk to who comes down from cincy with his own private stuff he swaps out, doubles, etc and he's not expensive.  Didn't see the FC games other than leftovers of last year :( but did spot that Dynamite Headdy game, and he started showing me a few things not out yet and I saw something I almost forgot existed, and haven't seen a cart of in probably 20 years ... Kiwi Kraze aka The NewZealand Story, wanted this so long I was all about it, got the pair for $40.  Another guy in the side space, I came across had the Strider in a snap case with the manual for just $15 and threw in Batman on top for $30.


The Ranger X was Wednesday, someoen dumped a big collection at the half price books, a whole case load of SNES games and Genesis along with a few others, RX was only $20 which was solid so I grabbed it, such a unique hardware pushing yet quality game.


That's it...for now.  I have to go out later today to get some dog food at a shop I discovered had another location near my weekend check of places so maybe??


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I was going to be lazy and no pics, then forgot I had some.  The bottom part still has stickers though. :\


There is a part 2 and I guess 3 for yesterday outside gaming.


Later that day I had to go out to get something along the way I tend to look for stuff and I finally nabbed a copy of Phantasy Star II for $20, a little label aging but not obviously noticeable after I touched it up and blended the space in the largely orange/brownish spot near the purple sleeve in the art if you know it.  Now while that made me happy, what got me and this is the remaining of part 2 and following, same location and former collection part 3 as well.

Someone recently at half price books dropped a collection as I said for video games, another well they did anime.  That's the bundle a few days ago I finally got a nice DVD box set for Silent Mobius, smaller snap case and it was $15 (off $25-30 online.)  I have been watching it attentively, and that day I stumbled into a huge savings on something I gave up on because of the asinine prices online.  Tenchi Muyo Mihoshi Special/Pretty Sammy which tends ot hit $80+ and I got it for $15, same price also on a Tenchi Muyo Movie Collection which has all 3 and it usually is worth $50+.


The third part, I ran into there on the way to job2 yesterday and they were so empty I asked the counter girl if I could take a look behind the counter as they had those big half crate things probably holds 100+ DVDs in each, 3 of them loaded with anime that wouldn't yet fit in the glass or shelf.  It was stunning what i saw in there, pieces missing from what was on the shelf, other nice stuff, but what got me were two particular sets again gave up on because the first goes for $120+ for the 6 DVDs on ebay, that's the Hyper Police series, and then Those Who Hunt Elves 1 and 2 (4 DVDs) all in near spotless ot spotless shape, paid $80 for the spread both all combined worth double that.  I saw maybe something else, but I'm backlogged bad and those were priority, when they hit the shelf I'll risk reading up then. :D





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I'm alone in this, or just inordinately good luck within a week?  This was thrift level values but got lucky with this online.  At first (not imaged) I got the Sega OEM 6 button controller new old stock unboxed, the one with the turbo/slow slider on it.


But what really matters here is this one, $30 shipped, and better yet one of the games was thrown in after the fact and to me a keeper, the Capcom title below.  It was a winner selection given that 7/10 games I wanted/needed, the others are repeats in some form, so, I'll get out of this free in the end. :)  All good Super Famicom games that largely but one cleaned up well (sticker damage to the SMS puzzle title.)  -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S puzzle game, Magical Drop, Magical Drop 2, Panel de Pon, Shanghai III, Super Pang, and Super Strike Eagle (they got the better sticker art!)


When i saw the puzzlers on this were all titles I was hoping to come across in a single bundle I'm glad it worked out this well, and Super Pang is a fun surprise.  Equally surprising is the screwy Shanghai game as it's all weird sorts of western matching style mahjong with many options, and even more weird strike eagle isn't even a Japanese game, they just slapped the US board/chips in there for their market as it has not a spot of Japanese anywhere.




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this one was a bit expensive to be thrifty, but it's pretty fun.

I collect custom arcade sticks, and while searching for right-handers, came across this gem of a twin-stick.


I don't use eBay's 'make offer' button, since I don't like interacting with sellers or being a low-baller, but the last couple years I really like how eBay has been doing semi-automated(?) price offers on watched buy-it-now items.  Whenever I see a make-offer button, now I just watch the item, and more often than not get an offer message in an hour or two.  Maybe current eBay sellers could let me know about the seller half of this process and if it's really automated?


This one came to $60 plus $21 shipping.  Even if it's the cheapest controls and encoder, that's close to what I could source the parts for. But generally these custom sticks come with pretty nice stuff, and I'm guessing IL or SUZO-HAPP.


It feels like it's from an estate sale reseller, so RIP to the deceased fan of crazy climber or robotron. My retirement plan is to move to a 55+ community with a woodshop and make crazy arcade sticks, so right in the feels there.


DbK7be5.jpg UWIuiK1.jpg

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Despite the chill of the morning, more so Saturday, I wanted to suss out the rumor that the formerly great flea market down the freeway was returned to the grass with long lanes and the prices to pull up were back.  Both confirmed...and despite the light showing was more than the idiots got for years on the blacktop at ripoff rates (so dumb.)  I walked out of there with a number of nice things from outside and inside, then on the way back hit up the kinda nasty goodwill outlet and for once got something nice out of that too.




The flea south I used to get goodies from until a new idiot bought it during the virus, tripled the rents, and closed the loved field for an uncomfortable small black top patch either got a brain or sold out... properly staked off field, clear paths, rents back to normal for pull up spaces and SHOCK even as cold as it was people showed up more than they did before.  I ended up getting the 1994 bomb caps, little bear thing by the speakers for $3.  Frogger was $10.  Inside got the 2 NES games and the SFC-SNES convertor (which is unique) for $35.  Unique, it has the expansion parts on the side, so chipped games will work!  Almost all out there do not because dumb design.  The 2 GBA and Genesis (Shadow Dancer) were $30.


I hit that outlet goodwill, got the speakers, 2 plush and dk for $5.  The speakers were of course, largely broken and disgusting enough I needed to use a scrub brush, cleaner, then chase it with alcohol and magic eraser for over 30min to get it non-awful.  Barely would turn on, left speaker was out, right worked kind of... tore it down, resoldered all the joints related to the volume wheel, then soaked the volume wheel inside with a toothbrush and scrubbed the crap out of it to get the thing reading right again -- both work, sounds amazing.  They're old labtec/sb/(sega had them for genesis) powered amp, boosting treble/bass speakers and they kick.  Wacky Races was a game exchange, paid up at $15, don't care, perfect shape and fun game.




Then went to the eastern flea today and it rained more good luck.



This one was a lucky break through and through.  Started out with the pac-man and pikachu from the late 90s for $5.  Pac-Man ended up being dead, to start, similar situation to the speakers above.  Then a massive seller of goods had the funko thing, wanted $10 it's worth $40 so I grabbed it.  Another lady who usually is less reasonable had 2 stacks of games 3DS and PS4, wanted $10 a piece, asked her if I took all these for $30 (1/2 off) was ok and she was cool with it.  I ran the area twice, went inside, then popped back out after talking to someone I know in there, looped out wide in reverse and back of the way saw a new truck and at a distance...:o  Gameboy.  He had it at 100, someone was going to the ATM to pay him a bit less.  We settled on $80 which I wasn't too cozy with, but it had Tetris and fresh batteries so I knew it was good, and it's in near perfect shape, just a few hairline bits to the lens light has to catch and a few where the cart rubs in the rear... play it loud clear another keeper.

Pac-Man had started to get battery rot, but worse happened not related inside.  Short of it...cleaned non-powered side terminal with vinegar/alcohol, brush... Then inside the switch was flaky so I cleaned/reflowed that, it powered, but barely video and no audio.  Reflowed more places on the board back to the cabling, got video stable, audio was jacked, was worse off, melted the hot glue on the other side, put a solder blob where it was...audio restored.  I like this model, saves scores, good games.


Costly weekend which isn't my normal, but so worth it.

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13 minutes ago, NinjaWarrior said:

I found this for $21.51 at Half Price Books, The Cord looks like in been wound ..I had to straiten it out


Plays Great on my Wii, I got lucky with the Price 


Given it looks in nice shape that's a solid find.  I discovered a spare black one of those I somehow had recently in a cabinet, haven't decided whether or not to get a USB adapter or move it along ...dolphin still is a thing and lack of a button aside it's comfy.

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I'm probably the only one waiting in suspense of figuring out what's inside the custom twin stick, but:

  • better than I expected. IL parts with cherry switches--not my favorite of IL's sticks, but I've been told I'm wrong about that opinion 😉
  • 100% plywood construction. I'm more of an MDF guy, but it's largely done well.
  • some of the exterior countertop artwork is coming off, which offers a view of joinery below--there's a surprise. Gluing/clamping that is tonight's job.
  • electronics is a ps/2 ipac from ultimarc with a usb adapter cable--must date to before they offered dedicated usb ones. It looks like the latency numbers on ultimarc stuff is still absolute top notch.
  • One edge is missing a 3" strip of t molding, and is a slightly odd size, so of course that comes in 20ft rolls (ordered from spain)
  • very clean wiring.

All things considered this stick lucked out and is now back in the hands of somebody who knows what it is and gives at least half a darn. RIP to previous owner, we'll get it polished up.


GZmKNug.jpg awVEDTX.jpg yfNPh9U.jpg

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It was the first dry and warm weekend here to try out the flea market kind of like how testing the water a week ago worked out fairly well.  This time it cost me a bit but far less than one would think as stuff is these days.  On Saturday the weather helped as did the old grass area being open again it loaded up and more, not old days good but between than and the sad stuff the last few years did.  The vendors were cheap cheap cheap which surprised me.


Inside I only got one thing, the turtle from a guy I've known for years it was $10, no stink, no damage, all there, Leo is on my shelf now.  Outside was just all where it was at.  The first thing I came across was that N64 with baseball and cruis'n usa, all the accessories, PVC Felix, a freebie mattel handheld(not viewed, explain later), and the Callie(splatoon amiibo) and that was the costly end of the day at all of $45.  I did later in another pass pay another $10 to get that genesis stick with the saint saiya pegasus figure.  Another vendor I got those other 4 amiibo off of for $3(silver was free due to damage.)  And then another vendor had 50cents per toy/even bagged toy, so that's where the 2 wind up godzillas from 1994 came from, the white robot micronaut, and the complete gargoyles figure too.  The whole day was just $70 (value, minimally $300.)


** The Mattel I got from him(he forgot) last year, it had a rotted battery terminal that crusted, but I kept it as touching 9v to remaining wires worked, he had a beat to death one that was done, but had a good terminal so he gave me it, I mentioned the rot after the fact so he was happy.  In return he's the same guy I got the dead DMG gameboy last year for $10 off of, promised him then I'd show him my repair/restoration and did, he was impressed with the new screen/pokemon GBC style shell which I showed in here last year too.  For now I spliced the good terminal and wire bits to the original pieces, it's ugly and too long, so I may tear it open and do it better, but for now it's tied off and with some electrical tape over the twists. ;)  It's not for sale it's in my desk so I really don't care.




Sunday did the smaller one east I hit weekly when it's no too cold/wet and met up with my friend.  I've got to know a few vendors there so I seek them out, my old NES guy is missing, I think he maybe sadly not coming back. :(  But another one was there and he gets some really random stuff, this time a big stack of PS2, lesser so PS3/4, xbox360, some wii and pc games...and a genesis console (needed power port soldered down but still worked) and a stack of games.  He only wanted $3 a game!  I grabbed those, and yes I blacked out that one.  I was all over those, they're good titles, as was the dead one I tried to save which was Super Street FIghter II.  The sound was mostly gone, background graphics garbled.  I tried to fix it, put a new cap on the board which got the sound up some but not full, tried to reflow it, tried to replace another ceramic cap, but in the end I thikn someone screwed with it, as it just failed failed failed.  I kept the shell as it was really clean for a replacement but it just wasn't meant to be. :\  $18 day for 6 then 5 games, can't feel bad about it.



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Well I took it easy this weekend, did stuff with the kiddo on Saturday near where the flea was but didn't make it a point to go there.  I swung down there after to get gas thinking it would be less, oddly wasn't, so went across to look for all of 5-10min since neither of us were into it but she spotted what she thought was a turtles toy on a table.  Surprised me, it was, not sure how she figured that out but it was Scale Tail from 1992 in good shape ($5) so I grabbed it (it's a $25 toy loose!)


Today though I went to where I did want to, despite the colder day and a mix of mostly meh...one table was a veritable jackpot.  I dropped just $40, but I walked away with Genesis Mini + Offroad + e-Reader and I can't complain, but not all mind you.  I was passing a goodwill on the way back, that Famicom Mini WTF for here of all places, and wtf at $50 (assholes, no goodwill at goodwill these days) but I wasn't going to leave it there.  People were NOT kidding just how damn small that thing is.  The cords are utterly short, but the gamepad makes the gameboy micro feel a bit more cozy.  The controller is small, length is like edge of NES pad (button side) up to d-pad side edge of select button molding and width is like bottom to top of d-pad, depth of the thing is 1/2 the thickness of the NES controller.... VERY DINKY.  It didn't have the hdmi, usb, or power plug, no papers or cardboard inside either, just the system and the original box so I grabbed it (then ordered the cables, doubt I'll ever get the manual/box contents.)  it's nice, like the unique titles it has, so I'll plug it in when I feel the need and set it on the floor.


Stuns me what an e-reader goes for now, wtf and why?  $60??  I'd love to find a way to print some of those cards.


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Another week another post, I really doubt I'm the only one who consistently as of late have oddly found nice things.


This actually starts with one image (handheld) last Thursday, the rest this weekend in the image at least.  About 10 days ago I went into a HBP and they had this Analogue Pocket Limited Ed system for $250, it just went out, and they were firm but I guess I made an impression.  I went back in then and it was shockingly still there, and they didn't want to sit on it.  I talked to the guy again he's the game dude, and well they got in TWO, another was green but an employee begged for a hold until payday, and well seeing as I once cared he asked if I was cool with $200, and I spun on it a bit, but then did, and actually for less -- I had a 25% loyalty card so it was $150, got the controller for just over $11 with that. :D  That controller is the 8bitdo Ultimate C Bluetooth (switch layout) and works with anything, including my phone.  The handheld was $250 new ($325+ for yellow these days used in box) and controller is $30 new so a big savings.  Whoever got this bought it, removed the shrink, they never once actually used it.  Power cable was still sealed up, had the original 0.1 firmware installed as well from the factory.  It was new.


Then I had planned to hit a few places with my friend here and it worked out fairly well for me early and continued.  The flea market didn't oddly have much I cared about, but scored that stack of Pokemon MewTwo Strikes Back BK trading card sheets, 55 of them, a series has 20 and I have one full, one at 1-15, and a good deal more into another set with some doubles and triples.  I paid $20 on those, but I found out poke-nuts pay like $15-20 a sheet for them...why?!  Bulk drops it but even like 20 can score nearly $80.  I intend to keep the best of the best of the 1-20 set then sell them cheap to a collector to dig out of my Analogue Pocket purchase. :\  I did pay another $5 for the (yes I did) old 1983 My Little Pony/1991 Bullwinkle and Mario plush, and another $5 for that stack of manuals/gba ad inserts.


Beyond that I had met up with my friend and at this rate, that worked out well, even he got some really solid stuff from some 2-3 gen back xbox/ps stuff a big personal win was JetSet/Sega GT combo among others.  I was told of a flea at a police dept on the way back, ended up being a dud either due to a car show later in the day, no one gives a flip, or clouds?  I ended up getting that Groudon for 25 cents, but I almost walked off not seeing it in a dark box, but in the corner was the Pokeball Plus in the box complete...asked how much $5?!  YES and later when charged I found out the old owner didn't use it, MEW IS IN IT!  It's worth like $70 that way ($40-50 otherwise) and I AM KEEPING THAT.  Wanted that thing when it came out.  He ended up with some solid anime dvd/ps2 dvd games there as well, but it was largely a dud so we went a couple blocks over to the toy mall and that oddly worked out too well.  While we were there talking he showed me a mixed NES/Gen/2600/XB350(console only) gmae/console/accessory pickup he got for a stellar deal and I offered to help clean up his funky copy of Mega Man 1, in return he gave me that Super SF2 cart (the one I had the other week was a dud, glad I kept the shell as his was ripped.)


The toy mall was stunning, had some stuff I've never seen like Japanese goods, and a bit of other crazy stuff.  The toy mall presented me with stunningly those SMB1 and SMB2(FDS) guides.  1985 Family Computer Super Mario Bros Complete Strategy Guide (1985) and Family Computer Pocket Strategy Series 5 Super Mario Bros 2 Winning Strategy (1986) and they're just amazing, utterly love these books.  They were $18/ea and worth every bit of it.  I also got the Joe & Mac for $10 and STG on SNES for $30.  Another store we hit before calling it a day a toy/gaming/etc old shop I got Castle of Illusion and the 11 NES sleeves for $18.


Today I found FF6 Advance for $55 and an old SNES-PS era brand name game storage unit thing for $5, needed a bit of cleaning, had the lay in 24 SNES game holder slot things too over the CD/PS1 memory card base tray built into it.


Thursday cost me $161 before taxes.  Saturday got me another 129.25  Sunday another $60 -- ouch :(  Honestly, too rich for my blood or pocket, glad the non-flea stuff takes my ebay account tied card.


I really do love that art on the Mario books, take a look at that one page spread out.  it has some dark stuff in it the old Mario manual didn't cover about how Koopa turned the citizen into blocks, the blocks we break to find hidden stuff or for points, Mario basically was doing mushroom genocide. :o









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I feel bad making more posts since no one else does, and I know it's not a lack of people seeing stuff, it's motivation and I get that.  I have a small update, but no images this time.


Due to the pocket, I went doing some deep dive into a few places online social media, web, web forums to find out if the dock was ever fixed, or at least fixed enough.  I found it was.  The system I was finally told after getting some butthurt fanboy negatives on posts(why?!) asking I got an answer.... largely it is.  The dock now will save the resolutions/display levels and the rest in audio/visual/system display format and so on and remember it from sleep, power off, transfer to-from the dock.  It also will see and use controllers wired or otherwise too (if you're asking, I had someone already DAC is still fubar which is rotten.)  You still have stupidly grayed out button re-confiruation which is idiotic, but it seems to default fine on what I tested so enough of a win.  I went checking, dumb luck twice struck because I found an open box never loaded/updated/plugged in unit and made an offer, ended up paying the normal price ($100) and an added 10 to cover the shipping/fees on it and got it just 2 days later (usps oddly fast) so I've been using that with my yellow pocket. :)


Around that, I got a solid nearly 1/2 off the usual price on Space Harrier for Famicom, and screw the haters, it's actually quite good.  Sure the visuals are smaller, and the audio isn't sega chip tune...but play wise it works and quite well, even has the bosses and stuff and it's fast, smooth, no chop.  Others like it like 3D World Runner I feel are lessers.  And this weekend only did a fast dip into a small flea, came away with a small win, for $3 I got the Diablo 3 Collectors Box content of the Diablo skull with 4GB SoulStone USB stick in its forehead.  It was dirty and I questioned it, but cleaned up amazingly like new and the stick was clean, clear and virus free so I found out what the old contents were and restored it. :D (D2, D2 exp and a D2 icon)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eco Thrift for like $2.68


TriPod for my Phone





Greatest Hits Journey Remastered $3.99




SNES Classic Controller $10.45


I just hate when they do this to the Controller, Wind up the Cord like that :(




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On 5/6/2024 at 2:09 PM, Tanooki said:

I feel bad making more posts since no one else does, and I know it's not a lack of people seeing stuff, it's motivation and I get that.


I'm still going to the thrifts on the regular, there is nothing gaming related to be found most of the time.  I'm sure you guys don't want to hear about my coffee cup, DVD, and work clothes pickups.  :D



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Oh no I get it.  I don't report everything anymore either.  For instance last weekend I got MMPR the Movie on SNES for $5 and a 1989 plastic kids dinner fun plate for Super Mario Bros with Mario, Luigi, Princess and Koopa on it for another $15.  A day earlier found this need book called Arcade Mania for $10 (books $20+ on ebay) so it looks fun asi t's about japanese arcades past (retro) and present, the ufo stuff, dance, other motion, bullet hell, fighting etc.  A huge win to me was a epic price wise f up yesterday at half price, they put a $10 sticker marked as Pokemon gold pokedex guide on a Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green 1st party Nintendo guide that hits $80-100 on ebay. :)  Today I came across a nice deal for $25, got Gumshoe and Space Shuttle Project for NES as it looked like something fun and different plus the price was a good savings.


If I find something worthwhile soon or whatever to motivate me I'll wrangle up an item image for local.  I have some really nice goodies I snagged for a few steals coming in with import stuff though. :D

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Do yard sale finds count as thrift finds?  Well, I'm going to post anyway.


Yesterday I found a Denon AVR 1913 receiver at a yard sale for $5.00.  It had a note on it that the HDMI output didn't work, but for a fiver, I thought I'd take a chance and see if I could fix it.  I did a factory reset tonight, connected it to a spare TV and my Blu-Ray player and voila!  I don't yet know what I'll use it for, but it was a great find!  I also ended up with some tin beer advertising signs and a couple NERF guns.  All look good and work good too!  Some days, you win.

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5 hours ago, Neon Wraith said:

Do yard sale finds count as thrift finds?  Well, I'm going to post anyway.


Yesterday I found a Denon AVR 1913 receiver at a yard sale for $5.00.  It had a note on it that the HDMI output didn't work, but for a fiver, I thought I'd take a chance and see if I could fix it.  I did a factory reset tonight, connected it to a spare TV and my Blu-Ray player and voila!  I don't yet know what I'll use it for, but it was a great find!  I also ended up with some tin beer advertising signs and a couple NERF guns.  All look good and work good too!  Some days, you win.


That's Awesome!  In my living room I have a (...looks) a Denon AVR-1906,  and I've had Great Luck with it!  It replaced a SONY where some of the channels died ;(


It's so crazy to think I paid hundreds of dollars for mine,  and you find one for $5!!  Good Job!

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Posted (edited)

Ok like I said if I had a reason to do an image I would, and well, actually today ended up going from great to wow in two parts...  So the first image rolls up what i said before about MMPR, Mario plate, the arcade japan book, pokemon guide mismark, and gumshoe with space shuttle too for nes.


And then... yeah, this went well today and the flea market came up cheaply priced and high on value for me.  First was a slow start with this weird PSP tryhard Genesis emulator/system on a chip thing which has supposedly nearly a million games (try 80 then repeats) and oddly had the couple carts also made for it usually not bundled which have like 30-35 ea and another nearly 1M repeats. ;)  Truly stunning games on it though, and a few screwball hacks like a reprehensible SMB clone where jumping on stuff kills you.  El Viento, Streets of Rage 3, Turtles, Dragon's Fury, Ristar, some Sonic stuff, Golden Axe 2, and quite a few more... $10.  I was cruising a bit as it was early, guess it went out after a pass, but damn...... Pac-Man coleco, stickers aren't stained from dry glue, battery door, had slight crust n' rust that cleaned away -- works perfect for $12.  Then in the rear in a really random pile of pins, found for just $1 a PS4 Seagate 2TB Game Drive and for another $2 a PS4 Dual Shock controller too.  They do work, reformatted exfat the drive and they're 100% solid.  $25 total.


I hit the goodwill after on the way home, got that disk case for a dollar, but what I really appreciated too was the odd find of that truck, unmarked but figured it out it's made in Japan, Nomura made it, 1960s, it's almost spotless other than the star on top, it's missing a canopy saying US Army and a little trailer, it's worth around $150 if it were all there, but hey it was just $19 for the truck and it's in my antique cabinet.




A bit later, not sure why the hell this never was found by anyone at an estate sale all weekend up until mid-day today, but yeah...the owner (old couple moving to a condo in FL) put this box of NES games/sleeves up for $40.  I was the fastest there and closest near by...some really really good stuff here.  About 1/2 are doubles but the rest I really could use, and a couple I had been seeking out locally too. :P~  The original owner was their son, stored away in a box for over 30 years, dusty/dirty a bit on the outside, but these games have no dents/wear on the stickers largely looking fresh out of the box.  I can upgrade a few of my games that weren't original personally owned, and add a few more for me too. :D



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@CapitanClassic Yeah I know it's a doozy, far more than Tyson with the white bullets, up there nasty like the 5 screw tyson and mega man 1 are.  I was hoping for the bullets when I saw tyson in the sleeve, but it wasn't.  Gotcha is one solid third party gun game, probably best one on the system other than perhaps Freedom Force but i'm not versed in that one really.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, I used to own a copy of Freedom Force. It plays pretty well for a light gun game.. Like a precursor to Lethal Enforcer. I probably sold it about 2010 for $5 (it's $20 now on Price charting, but that's likely just inflation). I also sold a Gotcha at the same time, but don't know if it was the 5 screw variant (I tell myself it wasn't since there's nothing I can do about it now, and no one was really looking for 5 screw variants, except for Gyromite, Excitebike, etc that had Famicom converters inside.)

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Recent game thrift finds have been nice, the wii games I saw right as they got put on the shelf, and Frogger 2 I actually intended to play the PC Version soon.

The coleco plug n play gives me NES on a chip vibes when I tried it, although maybe this isn't the case.

DOOM DVD I picked up purely because it has an XBOX demo on the disc... surely no other movie did this?






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I think the UMD version of Stealth had a couple Wipeout Pure stages on it, if memory serves. And I think you're right about the Plug and Play; I recall it getting panned by critics for its lack of authenticity. Early Intellivision and Atari 2600 P&Ps had the same issues, being designed for NES hardware. (Solaris is HUGELY different from the 2600 game, and hugely inferior, for this reason.)

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