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Ebay Feedback


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Do you guys leave the standard "A+++++ seller/buyer, will deal with again" garbage?

For the past few years I have been leaving all sorts of rediculous feedback messages. Sometimes the other party gets a little upset; I guess some people cant see the joke. I always leave positive feedback when deserved though.


What are some of you funny feedbacks? Im starting to lose some creativity in mine.

Edited by Skarrj
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heres a few of mine:

The most reliable coke dealer Ive ever used

Seller dumps plastic six-pack rings in ocean........dolphin murderer

Box contained a kilo of cocaine, i'm not a drug mule you son of a bych



one of thier responses:

■Reply by frank-n-stangs (Jan-23-09 17:15):

Packed it myself, no dead possum was sent! Just a flat molding. I have no Clue!!

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I only leave the random strangeness when it is a bad seller...here are a couple of mine:

Ordered 10 atari carts...received 8 giraffe abortions...nice pack job

I'm Ron Burgundy...go F&%K yourself San Diego

I didn't realize Bernie Madoff could eBay from prison!!!


Work hard...onions in the tequila will pay in penguins!

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I bought an item from a seller that was improperly advertised- it was a cd, but a first edition printing and it sounded like shit. The seller wasn't very cooperative. Rather than leaving him a negative, I left a positive and said "Seller mistakenly sent me VHS tape 'Ass Kittens'- VERY inappropriate!" He was not pleased.

Edited by toptenmaterial
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I stick to the tried and true comments about honesty in description, speed of shipping and packaging. It's not much but a sincere positive review is the least I can do for those sellers who actually care about how an item arrives in a sellers hands.

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I use the exact same one for almost every auction. "Item arrived as described." unless a seller actually went out of their way to do something other than what they are expected to do... ship the item. Mostly because I hate the feedback structure of eBay but also partly because most (not all) sellers hold feedback hostage till you give them a positive.


I think in the past 200 auctions I have left maybe 3 that said something else.

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The most rewarding feedbacks I have given are when you get hosed and you leave honest negative feedback, - and the seller posts a reply to your feedback saying you are a scamming / dishonest / blackmailing son of a bitch... or words to that effect - because then you get the final right of reply, and by that point there's no holding me back ;)

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The most rewarding feedbacks I have given are when you get hosed and you leave honest negative feedback, - and the seller posts a reply to your feedback saying you are a scamming / dishonest / blackmailing son of a bitch... or words to that effect - because then you get the final right of reply, and by that point there's no holding me back ;)

After being on eBay since '99, I bet I haven't left more than a half-dozen negs. Left my most current just yesterday. Seller was selling a bluetooth USB adapter and showed that it came from FL and in a retail pkg. I like ordering my things from within the US whenever possible, because well, I want what I bought just like anybody else. So, 2+ weeks go by, and I finally the adapter, and it's in a bulk pkg and shipped from China. I message the seller and bring up my concerns, and he ignores my first message. He finally responds to my second inquiry with a canned response of "it's been shipped".


Back on topic, I can't wait until my next positive experience on eBay so I can leave...

"Gr8 seller - got a hand job at no extra charge"

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So in what ways would you like eBay to change their feedback system?

I think that a drop down list of appropriate responses would be fine. Alternately I never understood why when you leave positive feedback a text response is required. I could see the number of issues for negative feedback, they should have to say why in particular, but if you have a good experience, you had a good experience and a lot of times there is nothing more relevant to say.

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...I hate the feedback structure of eBay...


So in what ways would you like eBay to change their feedback system?


There is no real arbitration for negatives, if someone wanted to destroy someones rep, they could singlehandedly do that. You could request mutual withdrawal of feedback, but good luck getting someone being unreasonable to do that. Now sellers cannot ever give a negative for a unruly buyer...


Too often sellers hold feedback hostage. They refuse to leave feedback until you have left "positive" feedback... and about 30% of the time they don't return positive feedback anyway... I know the whole "It's voluntary" argument, but if they are begging you to leave feedback through the eBay messaging system, they had darn well better reciprocate. If they are going to leave feedback, sellers should leave it as soon as payment is made... the buyers job is done at that point... they paid for the item. The entirety of the rest of the deal rests solely on the seller.


I have done somewhere around 800 transactions on eBay with my current account and have left feeback for each one, yet I have only received 600 feedbacks for those transactions.


You can see that the seller has all the power even tho they can't leave negatives anymore.


Now, this is the worst part of the feedback system there... since sellers cannot leave negatives anymore, EVERYONE who does not "sell" on eBay has 100% feedback score as long as they paid for each auction. Even if he is the customer from hell and tries to find ways to get bogus refunds or threaten negatives if he doesn't get discounts, he looks to be a perfectly upstanding buyer according to his feedback. There are NO checks and balances on the eBay feedback system.


The only solution I would suggest is to allow ALL buyers and sellers both the ability to give negatives AND the capability adjust their negatives in the future. Some people have quick tempers or interpret messages incorrectly and assign a negative to "punish" the other party, but then the other party may explain themselves better and work out a solution to make everyone happy... but guess what, he is stuck with the negative if the other party doesn't agree to mutual removal. That is where feedback arbitration would be useful... a third party could arbitrate a discussion and determine if the negative will stay or not. The arbiters decision is final.


But I'm sure there are dozens of other solutions that would be better than the broken system that is in place now.


**looks around and notices I seem to be standing on a soapbox... steps off soapbox... looks around again and starts munching on my nummy sammich** :ponder:

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Back when sellers could leave a negative I was scared to leave one because I thought I would get one just for leaving one. I also don't like it when I leave feedback but don't receive it. If I could change things then what I would do is bring back negative feedback but have it that no feedback shows up until both parties have left it and then they get posted simultaneously. If it was done that way then you couldn't be punished by the feedback you leave and it would be impossible to receive feedback without leaving it.

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Back when sellers could leave a negative I was scared to leave one because I thought I would get one just for leaving one. I also don't like it when I leave feedback but don't receive it. If I could change things then what I would do is bring back negative feedback but have it that no feedback shows up until both parties have left it and then they get posted simultaneously. If it was done that way then you couldn't be punished by the feedback you leave and it would be impossible to receive feedback without leaving it.

Agreed. Sellers with lots of feedback could extort new users- if a new guy has 2 feedbacks and 1 of them is a neg, then he has only 50 percent good feedback. I've hears many horror stories of feedback extortion on eBay. It's always a good idea to take a look at the feedback that the seller gives before you bid. Before, when sellers could give negs, I saw lots of retaliatory feedback. That is why whenever I sell an item, I give the buyer good feedback as soon as I'm paid. I have also found that it is next to impossible to have negative feedback removed. My old roommate who was also a seller sold a guy a yoyo of all things, and the guy wanted a refund for a non-valid reason. My roommate initially offered him %25 back. The guy immediately gives him a negative (and sends him a really nasty PM- over a f#cking yoyo). My roommate writes under the feedback that it was unwarranted and an example of feedback extortion. He then appeals to eBay to have his neg removed (which has dropped him down to 97% positive), but the process of appeals is so weird and cryptic that neither of us can understand it. In the meanwhile, this scammer, who does seem to understand how things work, gets my buddy's comment removed and somehow leaves an additional nasty remark! The moral of the rant: make things easier to understand for users and inform users of their rights. They should hire screening staff (especially with their rate hikes). Yes it is convenient and sometimes you luck out, but it is also the McDonalds of retro gaming. Your item fees do not go to anyone who isn't already filthy rich, and they do not go to anyone who cares about you or your rights as a consumer. The solution, of course, is to support the local AA marketplace, or Game Gavel, thrift shop, yard sale or whatever.

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