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Atari 8-bit Marketting / Marketing Samples


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I just received a loose XEGS through eBay. Nothing special and cheap since it is missing the lightgun, joystick, and RF cord. When I unpacked everything, this is what I saw on the underside of the console and keyboard, respectively:





Notice how the PAL options are marked out by permanent marker. I assume these went out to prospective and actual retailers. Anyone else have one?

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These are pretty cool observations. I never thought about looking for socketed chips. I hope this really is a different machine than the retail XEGS.


I'd be happy to post the eBay link but want to make sure that it is okay since this isn't the auction forum.


Also, I found another AA member who has a "Marketting" sample. He has a PAL unit and lives in Europe but bought the thing from B&C! He has the original box and everything else. Thread link here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you! I see that the board revision is different. I guessing that Rev. A (production) comes after Rev. 2 (sample)? Also, my board has 3 socketed ICs, including the one with the red sticker on it. Because of the angle of the shot, it's kind of hard to tell how many of the ICs on the production board are socketed (none)?

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I think only one is socketed, and its not the same one as on yours. And my guess is you have a pre-production version of the board. Similar to how a 1200XL REV-13 is a REV-A board. (At least I think its 13.). I was looking at the date stamps on your chips and the latest I think is week 21 or so of 85. Looking at my board the earliest seems to be a few weeks after yours.

Edited by kheller2
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  • 4 years later...

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