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SIO2SD3 PCB released


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Is there any chance you would finish your design for that?

Very doubtful. On the Rev 2 version, I was bogged-down with the poor button placement, and the lack of accommodations for mounting in a case. That's why, the minute the Rev 3 version came out, I shifted my efforts to that one. It was simpler, has much better ergonomics, much better mounting, smaller size, etc. The size is a big deal too. Since the Rev 2 board is bigger and doesn't have mounting holes, it requires a much larger enclosure. It would probably cost $30-$40 more just for the extra plastic, and the finished product wouldn't be as nice. Since you can get the Rev 3 board for $55, the math didn't make any sense to finish the other version.




It would probably take me 10-12 hours to finish the Rev2 version. Since I've sold a grand-total of ONE of the Rev 3 enclosures (making a tidy $10 profit), spending that amount of time for another $10 is a pretty low labor rate. Economics didn't apply to finishing the Rev 3 version since I wanted it for myself, whether it made economic sense or not.




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Is there any chance you would finish your design for that?

Very doubtful. On the Rev 2 version, I was bogged-down with the poor button placement, and the lack of accommodations for mounting in a case. That's why, the minute the Rev 3 version came out, I shifted my efforts to that one. It was simpler, has much better ergonomics, much better mounting, smaller size, etc. The size is a big deal too. Since the Rev 2 board is bigger and doesn't have mounting holes, it requires a much larger enclosure. It would probably cost $30-$40 more just for the extra plastic, and the finished product wouldn't be as nice. Since you can get the Rev 3 board for $55, the math didn't make any sense to finish the other version.




It would probably take me 10-12 hours to finish the Rev2 version. Since I've sold a grand-total of ONE of the Rev 3 enclosures (making a tidy $10 profit), spending that amount of time for another $10 is a pretty low labor rate. Economics didn't apply to finishing the Rev 3 version since I wanted it for myself, whether it made economic sense or not.




No problem - I can only imagine how much work goes into that stuff. I'll just get on with the XM301 case mod then. I would like to start using the device occasionally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if anyone cares, but I got an email from Shapeways today. They are having a 20.11% off sale on the white strong & flexible plastic from now until new-years. So if anyone was thinking about ordering an SIO2SD v3 enclosure, you can get it for about $14 cheaper than normal for the next three days.




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  • 4 months later...

Does anyone know if SIO2SD3 is still available? Getting emails bounced from mega-hz (and yes, I had the subject line set correctly!)




He may be tied up on some project and unable to reply at this time, according to his profile he hasn`t been on Atariage since March 21. His website address changed recently so his email address might have as well, you could try sending him a PM through the forum, or via the ICQ/Skype IDs listed in his profile

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Does anyone know if SIO2SD3 is still available? Getting emails bounced from mega-hz (and yes, I had the subject line set correctly!)

Wolfram moved to a new appartment, got a new DSL connection and his email address changed: the new one is mega_hz@... , the old mega-hz@... no longer works.


BTW: his new website is http://www.mega-hz.de/


so long,



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  • 8 months later...
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