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Cave of Kroz updates

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Not sure if this deserves a new topic header, but I thought it more appropriate than posting Kroz progress under the Kroz demo release topic....


Anyhow, as of November 2011 a few things have happened:


- Valter Prette has kindly put together a short list of user suggestions for the game which I will go through over the next month or so. Most importantly, the puzzles need to be simplified and the controls need to be smoothed out. Thanks everyone who participated in that process and especially to Valter for taking the initiative and helping me out.


- I'm about 75 per cent finished putting together a windows-based Kroz level editor that will make the designing process much less arduous. I have to admit, even as its programmer, designing raw Kroz levels is scripting hell. The editor will allow for custom game designs and I may release it when Kroz programming is put to bed.


That's it for now. The winter months are here and I tend to spend more time programming when it's too cold to go outside but not cold enough to work on the backyard ice rink :)



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Excellent news John, thanks for posting an update. I'm really looking forward to this one! :love: I'm hoping for a COLD winter back east this year. :lol: Stay away from the outdoor rink, you'll just get a concussion like Crosby. Stay inside programming where it's safer and warm. :evil:

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Thanks for the update.


Is the level editor user generated, right?


What about a ramdom level generator? is that even possible?


It will be user-generated, yes. A random level generator is possible, but the level scripts would only be as good as the programming of the generator. The beast I'm putting together is more or less a quick hack to get the scripts out quickly.

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Will this game be on cart in the near future. Maybe complete in box.


If it's good enough, I think so.


I'm currently in talks and I have support. But the game needs a lot of work before then. I've wanted to publish an inty game since I first got the system in the Christmas of 1981 (or was it 82?), but I'd hate to have something on cart that was below par.

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Excellent news John, thanks for posting an update. I'm really looking forward to this one! :love: I'm hoping for a COLD winter back east this year. :lol: Stay away from the outdoor rink, you'll just get a concussion like Crosby. Stay inside programming where it's safer and warm. :evil:

A concussion might afford me time to program even more! :) That was a joke, knock on wood!

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Will this game be on cart in the near future. Maybe complete in box.


If it's good enough, I think so.


I'm currently in talks and I have support. But the game needs a lot of work before then. I've wanted to publish an inty game since I first got the system in the Christmas of 1981 (or was it 82?), but I'd hate to have something on cart that was below par.



By all means, take your time and make it perfect!


if/when you do release in cart form, you know you will have a good support base and it will sell good. Us intv fans are rabbid!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent! I'll be willing to play-test a new version whenever it is ready.




Thanks as always DZ. Hopefully soon. Possibly mid-winter. I look forward to your comments.


By the way, I decided to play your old demo again this weekend, this time on my Intellivision I Master Component. I noticed that the controls weren't very responsive. I had a lot of trouble when attempting to go downward.


I thought it may have been my disc controller slowly dying, but when I tried other games, it seemed to work fine.


I wonder if there is some issue with the input decoding? Perhaps it's not as granular as it should be...


By the way, I'd be willing to share my 4-way disc decoding routine used in Christmas Carol if you're interested.



Edited by DZ-Jay
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Excellent! I'll be willing to play-test a new version whenever it is ready.




Thanks as always DZ. Hopefully soon. Possibly mid-winter. I look forward to your comments.


By the way, I decided to play your old demo again this weekend, this time on my Intellivision I Master Component. I noticed that the controls weren't very responsive. I had a lot of trouble when attempting to go downward.


I thought it may have been my disc controller slowly dying, but when I tried other games, it seemed to work fine.


I wonder if there is some issue with the input decoding? Perhaps it's not as granular as it should be...


By the way, I'd be willing to share my 4-way disc decoding routine used in Christmas Carol if you're interested.




Yes, it's a known issue and you've nailed the reason for it. The four directions currently require absolute values, which works well for the keyboard but not the disk. It's one of those things I set up quickly to get things going and it keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list. I fully expected more comments about the movement.

That said, I do recall seeing something earlier about your controller routine. I filed it to the back of mind, meaning to check it out. Now that you've brought it up, I certainly wouldn't mind looking at it and possibly using it.

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Excellent! I'll be willing to play-test a new version whenever it is ready.




Thanks as always DZ. Hopefully soon. Possibly mid-winter. I look forward to your comments.


By the way, I decided to play your old demo again this weekend, this time on my Intellivision I Master Component. I noticed that the controls weren't very responsive. I had a lot of trouble when attempting to go downward.


I thought it may have been my disc controller slowly dying, but when I tried other games, it seemed to work fine.


I wonder if there is some issue with the input decoding? Perhaps it's not as granular as it should be...


By the way, I'd be willing to share my 4-way disc decoding routine used in Christmas Carol if you're interested.




Yes, it's a known issue and you've nailed the reason for it. The four directions currently require absolute values, which works well for the keyboard but not the disk. It's one of those things I set up quickly to get things going and it keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list. I fully expected more comments about the movement.

That said, I do recall seeing something earlier about your controller routine. I filed it to the back of mind, meaning to check it out. Now that you've brought it up, I certainly wouldn't mind looking at it and possibly using it.


Below is the actual 4-way "joystick" decoding routine from my P-Mach engine demo. You should be able to adapt it to your own game. It expects two parameters: the input disc bits from the controller register (complemented), and the last direction decoded. The decoded direction is returned as a four-bit vector.


The important part is the look-up table, which contains the heuristics of how to interpret the new input based on the last known decoded value. This allows the user to slide his thumb around the disc, and returns the expected value.

               ; Sprite Directions
               ; Direction Vector
@@None          EQU     %0000                           ; Direction Vector:
@@Up            EQU     %0001                           ;     3   2   1   0
@@Right         EQU     %0010                           ;   +---+---+---+---+
@@Down          EQU     %0100                           ;   | < | v | > | ^ |
@@Left          EQU     %1000                           ;   +---+---+---+---+
               ; Diagonal Direction Marker
@@Diagonal      EQU     %1111
               ; Axes
@@AxisX         EQU     (@@Right OR @@Left)
@@AxisY         EQU     (@@Up    OR @@Down)


;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  .JOYSTK_DECODE                                                          ;;
;;  Function to decode hand-controller input information and convert it     ;;
;;  into a 4-direction vector, like an old-fashioned Joystick.              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  INPUT for .JOYSTK_DECODE                                                ;;
;;      R1      Hand-controller input register.                             ;;
;;      R2      Sprite's current direction.                                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  OUTPUT                                                                  ;;
;;      R0      Trashed.                                                    ;;
;;      R1      New decoded direction.                                      ;;
;;      R2      Trashed.                                                    ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
               MOVR    R1,     R0                      ; Keep a copy of the raw input register
               ADDI    #@@__dir_tbl,           R1      ; Use the input as an offset into the Lookup Table
               MVI@    R1,     R1                      ; Get the Lookup Table value
               CMPI    #CTRL_DIR.Diagonal,     R1      ; Check if this is a diagonal
               BNEQ    @@__done                        ;   If not, we're done.

               ; Compose @@__diag_tbl look-up index:
               ;   +---+---+---+ //...
               ;   | A | INPUT |
               ;   +---+---+---+ //...
               ;     ^     ^
               ;     |     `----> The 2 Least Significant Bits of the input
               ;     `----------> The MOB's orientation axis
               ;                       0 = Vertical
               ;                       1 = Horizontal
@@__diag:       MVII    #@@__diag_tbl,          R1      ; Set up look-up table base address
               ANDI    #3,     R0                      ; Keep only the first two bits

               ANDI    #CTRL_DIR.AxisX,        R2      ; \_ Check the sprite's current axis of movement
               BZE     @@__vert                        ; /

@@__horiz:      ADDI    #%100,  R0                      ;   Horizontal  = %100
@@__vert:       ADDR    R0,     R1                      ;   Vertical    = %000
               MVI@    R1,     R1                      ; Get the new direction

@@__done:       WRET    .JOYSTK_DECODE

               ; -------------------------------------------------------------
               ; This Look-Up table was submitted by Joe Zbiciak as a better
               ; way to identify user intent from the raw controller input.
               ; I've modified it slightly to improve the decoding, and added
               ; heuristics for perfect diagonals.
               ; ---------------------------+----------------------------+----
               ;                            |     Bit #: 4 3 2 1 0       |
               ;                            | Direction: / < ^ > v    #  |
               ;                            +----------------------------+
@@__dir_tbl:    DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 0 0 0 0 -  0
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Down                   ; 0 0 0 0 1 -  1
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Right                  ; 0 0 0 1 0 -  2
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Down                   ; 0 0 0 1 1 -  3
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Up                     ; 0 0 1 0 0 -  4
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 0 1 0 1 -  5
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Right                  ; 0 0 1 1 0 -  6
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 0 1 1 1 -  7
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Left                   ; 0 1 0 0 0 -  8
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Left                   ; 0 1 0 0 1 -  9
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 1 0 1 0 - 10
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 1 0 1 1 - 11
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Up                     ; 0 1 1 0 0 - 12
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 1 1 0 1 - 13
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 1 1 1 0 - 14
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 0 1 1 1 1 - 15
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 0 0 0 0 - 16
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Down                   ; 1 0 0 0 1 - 17
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Right                  ; 1 0 0 1 0 - 18
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Diagonal               ; 1 0 0 1 1 - 19  << SE $13
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Up                     ; 1 0 1 0 0 - 20
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 0 1 0 1 - 21
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Diagonal               ; 1 0 1 1 0 - 22  << NE $16
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 0 1 1 1 - 23
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Left                   ; 1 1 0 0 0 - 24
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Diagonal               ; 1 1 0 0 1 - 25  << SW $19
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 1 0 1 0 - 26
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 1 0 1 1 - 27
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Diagonal               ; 1 1 1 0 0 - 28  << NW $1C
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 1 1 0 1 - 29
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 1 1 1 0 - 30
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.None                   ; 1 1 1 1 1 - 31

@@__diag_tbl:   ; Vertical:
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Left                   ; - - 0 0 0 - NW
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Left                   ; - - 0 0 1 - SW
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Right                  ; - - 0 1 0 - NE
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Right                  ; - - 0 1 1 - SE
               ; Horizontal
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Up                     ; - - 1 0 0 - NW
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Down                   ; - - 1 0 1 - SW
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Up                     ; - - 1 1 0 - NE
               DECLE   CTRL_DIR.Down                   ; - - 1 1 1 - SE


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  • 6 months later...

maybe there are a few surprises or he includes the releases from the other "companys".

Alltogether it will be the busiest year since mattel electronics times.


It's definitely a great year to be an Intellivision fan! Not only are there numerous new titles and re-releases coming out, but various new projects were started with great enthusiasm. We just know that 2013 and 2014 are going to be awesome years too! :)



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Has anyone attempted to contact the original developer of Kroz (Scott Miller)?



I'm sure he'd be delighted his early work is still inspiring people.


Also, the source has been released under GPL 2:


Edited by theloon
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  • 1 month later...

Bob Newstadt (A Blue Sky Ranger) told me that he played Carol at CGE and was very impressed with the control. Better than many of the original games. He said the game was very slick.


Kroz has been licensed (thanks Valter) and John has full freedom to do whatever he likes with the game that is based on the original.


I have been told that we can expect it to be ready by February 2013........we will start working on the game materials now. If anyone can suggest a good artist, or point me in the direction of original packaging/art, that would be appreciated.

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Bob Newstadt (A Blue Sky Ranger) told me that he played Carol at CGE and was very impressed with the control. Better than many of the original games. He said the game was very slick.


Kroz has been licensed (thanks Valter) and John has full freedom to do whatever he likes with the game that is based on the original.


I have been told that we can expect it to be ready by February 2013........we will start working on the game materials now. If anyone can suggest a good artist, or point me in the direction of original packaging/art, that would be appreciated.


Wow, that's very good news indeed! :thumbsup:

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