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Kaz Kompo 2011


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We organize voting on AtariOnline.pl for the best game in particular year since 2006. This is 6th edition, for games PUBLISHED in 2011:




1. Spectipede

2. Mission: Arsoft

3. Music memory

4. Dysc i sikawica

5. Ctetri4

6. Mashed Turtles

7. Sir Ed

8. Dino

9. Cropky

10. Small Reversi

11. Octopus

12. Quad

13. Patrol in the space

14. Blah Blah

15. Tajemniczy Zamek 2

16. Narciarzyki

17. River Raid 2011

18. Blob hunt

19. Space Harrier

20. 64 figury

21. Dzika wyspa

22. Wyprawa

23. Mini zjadacz

24. Biznesik

25. Mif

26. Obwody

27. Oil Business

28. Ortografia

29. Mighty Jill Off

30. Roxblox

31. MArbled

32. Parachute 2011

33. Fester's Quest

34. Star Road

35. Miecz Przeznaczenia

36. Frogs

37. Sheriff's Job

38. Tri-Strip

39. Bouder Dash Mugen 1

40. Bouder Dash Mugen 1

41. Bouder Dash Mugen 1

42. Robbo Bulture 1

43. Robbo Vulture 2

44. Robbo Dla Orląt

45 Tre Robbo 1

46. Tre Robbo 2

47. Tre Robbo 3

48. Tre Robbo 4

49. Tre Robbo 5

50. Tre Robbo 6

51. Tre Robbo 7

52. Tre Robbo 8

53. Tre Robbo 9

54. Tre Robbo 10

55. Tre Robbo 11

56. Tre Robbo 12

57. Robbo Gedzior84

58. Robbo Pandino


Please vote for 10 titles, remember that the order is important because games will get points for place (first on your list - 10 points, second game - 9 points, ... nineth game - 2 points, tenth - 1 point). If you need more details about games look at AtariOnline.pl. However, remember to make yourself familiar with gameplay, don't vote for screenshots!


You can vote here, on Atari Age forum or AtariOnline.pl. Thanks in advance!


Important: authors and publishers can vote for their own games. We trust they will vote honestly, not overuse this privilege to advertise their games :D


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Ah, ok... I thought these were the results. My mistake. That's what I get for trying to work and read at the same time.


Thanks for the correction, now I feel a lot better. Space Harrier for the win! (as if he needs my help).

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Hey xeen!

Gwobby Strikes Back! final version (v1.2) was released in April 2011 ;)

Download here

atarionline.pl is missing this version (and atarimania) :twisted:


Here are my votes: [edited!]

10pts Mighty Jill Off - (Final 2012 version here ) Awesome slick different

9pts Marbled - Excellent a puzzle game that is fun. Nice code save feature too. other programmers take note!

8pts Ctetris (4g) the best a8 tetris? also checkout it's later version Actris

7pts Space Harrier

7pts Gwobby Strikes Back (v1.2) - just so I don't come last in another poll! It's not a bad game ;)

6pts Mashed Turtles - fun 8 player head to head game for the Multijoy


5pts Spectipede - Hoping we'll get a final version soon :)

4pts Patrol in the Space - beautiful H-scrolling, nice tune and graphics, not played past level 10 but starts to get interesting - please add some sound effects!!!

3pts Tajemniczy Zamek 2 (there's an English version of this atmospheric little adventure game somewhere on Atari Age - HERE )

2pts Tri-Strip - Stack-Up type of game

1pts Frogs - Head to head game - looks interesting?


There's quite a few I haven't played: I guess some could do with an English translation e.g. 64 Figury. I didn't vote for Space Harrier as it doesn't run on a 1050 but I'm sure it'll do just fine ;)

Edited by therealbountybob
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First of all: Thank you for yhour vote!


Gwobby Strikes Back 1.2 is not included, because version 1.0 had been included in KazKompo 2010. This is always very hard decision if never version should be on the list. I hope you understand it, especially this is your game and it very cool ;)

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I didn't vote for Space Harrier as it doesn't run on a 1050 but I'm sure it'll do just fine ;)

You can try it on emulator.


Even without playing it this game should always be in one of the first positions.


In fact I don't like very much Space Harrier gameplay but Sheddy's masterpiece is a big achievement for A8 (obviously IMHO).

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First of all: Thank you for yhour vote!


Gwobby Strikes Back 1.2 is not included, because version 1.0 had been included in KazKompo 2010. This is always very hard decision if never version should be on the list. I hope you understand it, especially this is your game and it very cool ;)

ok I'll award my 7pts to Space Harrier ;)

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First of all: Thank you for yhour vote!


Gwobby Strikes Back 1.2 is not included, because version 1.0 had been included in KazKompo 2010. This is always very hard decision if never version should be on the list. I hope you understand it, especially this is your game and it very cool ;)


Why are Bouder Dash Mugen 1, Bouder Dash Mugen 2, Bouder Dash Mugen 3 included then? They are just different levels of a game released years ago? Gwobby Strikes Back 1.2 is equally as valid.

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Why are Bouder Dash Mugen 1, Bouder Dash Mugen 2, Bouder Dash Mugen 3 included then? They are just different levels of a game released years ago? Gwobby Strikes Back 1.2 is equally as valid.


As I mentioned - it is always hard and indyvidual decision. We usualy include BD and Robbo compilations because levels are the main strong of this games and make it separateable (engine is the same).

In this case we treated Gwoby SB 1.2 as a fixed and improved version of 1.0. For the very same reason we do not inclde all versions of games in compilation (for example 1.0, 1,1 etc).

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I have come to the conclusion that I must learn Polish before I can submit a fair vote. As it is now I can't understand enough to play all of the submissions. :(


Ok - give me an example of the game you have problem with, because for some of them there are engish version as well ;)

And in my opinion this is still fair vote which motivate authors to do some translations next years ;)

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ok I'll ward my 7pts to Space Harrier ;)


Thanks for your vote, correction and understanding again ;)

Gwobby likes to be the hard-trodden underdog :D I edited my vote as I forgot Tajemniczy zamek 2 - English ver HERE


A rough idea how to play 64 figury would be nice and Fester's Quest I couldn't figure out what to do?

Edited by therealbountybob
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64 figury:

Video: http://www.videobb.com/video/6oD4MtyoXOsO

Video Download: http://www.freespace.com.au/filehosting/847132

Description, inscriptions, technical remarks (in Polish - I used Google Translator): http://www.freespace.com.au/filehosting/615811


Mini Zjadacz (video): http://www.videobb.com/video/zdwoSChuUPCM

Edited by feather
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Thanks feather :)


Here's some of the googlised txt for 64 Figury, I watched the video but was non the wiser!!! Looks like it's a 'mastermind' type of game; colours indicate correct row/column/position.


How to play?


¹ On the map there are 64 figures, but not on their favorite places. Try to set them so that by ³ y satisfied, then the background color and become yellow you.


And the background color will be changed to ³ in dependence on the setting of figurines.


Alpha level:

Green - the only good line.

Blue - just a good column.

Black - on the white line and ³ ³ than the column.

The level of beta:

Red - can e ³ correct house in a row, and can e designed especially in the column?

The level of gamma

Turquoise - certainly not in its place. Besides, we only know how many figures are in the correct house ³ While in line, and designed especially for the column.


The game is played Always use ¹ c d ¿ojstika or the arrow keys ³ kami. Operation after pressing fire, RETURN, or P.


Operating the Main Menu is a class according to the scheme:

SELECT - what you want to change,

OPTION - Change It

START - run the command (as ¿ends after typing the name of the record),

BREAK - to leave the game (output).

Pressing ESC:

during the game breaks it down;

mode changes in the game removes the record;

if you do ³ ¹ b ¹ c d type the name (after the record), allows you to re-entry.

Caution. To record has been stored, the disk can not e byæ write protected.


LEVEL - the level of the game.

Effect - the effect (your state point during the game).

RECORD - obtained a record (for each and every level separately).

NAME - name record holder.

How to play - the game (in Polish).

START - start, or starts or play.

NOTE - wait, or even set the game board is drawn.

GAME! - Start Playing - time is running out!


Technical Notes


First The game can you start the disk drive from anywhere, although the default is # 1

Second The name of the game FIG64A.TB not can byæ changed, with except the extension (in this case. TB), though, as the program must be "odnaleŸæ".

Third The file is not an integral AUTORUN.BAS ¹ ¹ parts of the game, s valve serves only to automatically run when you turn on your computer. The game can you "odpalaæ" without this file, but if we use it, the name (AUTORUN.BAS) ¹ ³ including an extension not can byæ changed.

4th It is desirable that the drive would not write-protected ³, the bed can ¹ s ³ ¹ byæ saved axis outstanding records in the game and configuration settings.

5th The game ¿s opuszczaæ be switched manually using the BREAK key, otherwise you will not be saved ¹ configuration settings.

6th Color reproduction can e byæ various wash, in dependence on the copy of a computer or monitor. Mentioned in the description of the game the color yellow you, can have an even shade of dark orange, so there is possible to produce the change. Pressing the drawing board at the time of the SET (SHIFT + TAB) varies with the color register # 1 to # 14 (green and yellow you). Return to the previous color ¹ t alone by this method.


Bluki, December 2011

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It is always not easy to find previous years winners on Atarionline:



His Dark Majesty

Ocean Detox

Dr. Mario


Kolony 2106


Ghastly Night

(I want to mention Tempest Xtreem, only 5th place because a commercial product - not everyone could play it).


Bomb Jack


Knight Lore






Flowers Mania



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Hi xeen,


back to the games released and then updated after the vote: like Gwobby (which is much improved with new features,
bug fixes, in the final version); this is a bit unfair as if a game is released in January and improvements are made during the year it will benefit in the voting. The final versions of some games will never get voted on
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