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Building a secret gaming room...

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Sadly a one off. But if you have someone that loves you and can sew.... :D

I'd at least go with an Atari 2600 motif if I was going to rack up owing a favor. Fortunately, I have my own sewing machine. Unfortunately, I don't have room for a Futon/couch in my office/gameroom. Well, I guess I could, but am not willing to give up my electronics workbench now that I finally have it in air-conditioned space. Edited by BigO
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Thongs don't fit me very well ;)


Bragging or complaining? ;)

Not to mention they are SUPER HUGE on me, lol, she is going to kill me when she reads this :grin:


I think you could have gotten away with a secret hideaway discovery, but you might seriously be in trouble now.

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IMO,the purpose of having a secret room doesn't necessarily mean that no one knows about it.Just the fact that it's hidden from view, then opening the book case along the wall or whatever to someone and wowing them with the hidden room, THAT is also cool.

Edited by Rik
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Thongs don't fit me very well ;)


Bragging or complaining? ;)

Not to mention they are SUPER HUGE on me, lol, she is going to kill me when she reads this :grin:


I just realized that you're admitting here that you wear your wife's underwear. Does she know about that?

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make a hidden room that your wife knows about.


I still think its goony that you have to hide your quantity of purchases from your wife. Does she hide the quantity of clothes she buys?


Does she get a secret room to prance around in new outfits in? lol

It's not that we "hide" it, we just don't mention it. Yes, no way in hell my Wife tells me exactly what she spends on clothes, same with my games. I wouldn't lie if approached about it but why let her know, lol..


Anyways, all these responses were just too damn funny so I called my Wife and showed her all you guys that thought this was such a marriage ending offense. As I thought, she laughed hard, agreed that building a secret game cave and hiding video game purchases ending a marriage is rediculous, then proceeded to tell me to use that dumpy room for whatever the hell I want because it's gross and has spiders, lol. I'm still going to hide it, she will forget about it :)


You wife must be super cool. When you get done with your secret room will you help me build one?

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now you just need a secret door behind the tv going outside so you can creep out to the flea markets first thing in the morning!! no really good job :thumbsup: !! secret rooms are the coolest!! my gameroom is a secret room until you open the door. Then it's no longer a secret :-D

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  • 1 year later...

I just found this thread, Whew that was a little crazy at the beginning, people taking things the wrong way but whatever.. People read stuff wrong, and get the wrong idea but you'll have that.. Anyways, I also wanted to build a secret room, ever since I was a kid! I'm fascinated with that kind stuff, I was always a big James Bond fan to. I grew up watching those movies, like everyone else.


Anyways, finding the ideal spot is the trouble, I don't have a basement here in my brick Ranch style house out in the sticks, I do have an old cistern I could possibly do something with but that's a huge project. So I'm somewhat limited to where I could put such a thing. However, I do have a huge separate garage, so that might be the best place.. A lot to think about. ;)


I WILL do this someday though, awesome idea, glad I'm not alone on thinking of that. :D

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lol, no I likely would not be able to get 12 days off a year but maybe a few icon_smile.gif

Seriously, there has to be another Al Bundy like me here on Atariage that "gets" this idea. I am amazed by you guys thinking this would ruin a marriage, etc blah blah

It's a secret video game cave, not an affair, not a gambling or alcohol problem, not a seperate family, not, well you get it icon_smile.gif



Totally serious icon_smile.gif


That would be sooooo cool! Probably not a realistic possibility though, lol


Wow, really? It is "seriously not cool" that I am building a secret gaming room in my house that nobody will know about?

Now I am a bad parent and father because of it? I am a little surprised at the responses from you guys. Really, this isn't that big of a deal? My Wife would not leave me over it if she found it (which lets face it, she will someday) she would probably just shake her head and laugh. I'm building it in an abandoned coal room for christs sake, most people just fill these with dirt, it's a shitty room. Anyways, I thought the whole secret room would be pretty cool, kind of like an episode of "King of Queens" or any other number of light hearted sitcoms where the husband tries to "get away" with something/etc.. I guess if everone is so offended by it and thinks I am a terrible husband and father I'll stop with the updates and keep it to myself. My Wife will find it one day, we will have a laugh and a funny story to tell people over drinks. I would rather not have my fun little project ruined by everyone telling me what a bad husband I am. Sorry guys, didn't realize building a secret game room was such a terrible thing... icon_rolleyes.gif

You're fooling yourself if you think it's laughable or impossible, marriages, friendships and more have been built and broken over FAR less than this. Do you seriously not understand the butterfly-esque effect you're risking? Gaming alone might not harm you, but when she realizes you're going this far just to hide a plain hobby, she may start to wonder what else you're hiding, THAT 's where trouble starts to rear its lil' head.

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You're fooling yourself if you think it's laughable or impossible, marriages, friendships and more have been built and broken over FAR less than this. Do you seriously not understand the butterfly-esque effect you're risking? Gaming alone might not harm you, but when she realizes you're going this far just to hide a plain hobby, she may start to wonder what else you're hiding, THAT 's where trouble starts to rear its lil' head.

You're too late. This thread had been dormant for nearly two years before you and SiLIc0ne revived it. Crazy Climber's wife found out about the room, dropped a flower pot on his head and slammed the door to the game room on his fingers as he was trying to get out. He retreated back to the game room and no one has seen him since. I like to think that he's still playing games.

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