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Building a secret gaming room...

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On a serious note... be sure to add adequate ventilation. You don't want to be found in there after a late night of 3do games, beer, and flatulence. They'll think you David Carradined.


He also badly needs one of those creepy self-portraits, with the removable eyes that you can peer out from... just in case someone comes home and catches him unaware!

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About time with the comic relief guys, was starting to think I was one of the last guys here that still has his testicles :)


For anyone interested I will still update the topic with pics/progress as it happens.


This will likely become a secret again as my Wife will totally forget about it and she hates this room anyways because it has spider webs and smells musty, lol.


I am now looking into a fingerprint reader security entry, I was a guard for 10+ years and I believe I can get one of these pretty cheap :) How awesome would that be? I would also have a CCTV system hooked up to keep the riff raff out ;)


I also am debating using the air filtration system (that was already installed in the house) to have an additional vent blowing out the old steel coal door with a 2 way fan so I can do bong hits even though I have outgrown that era in my life so it would be more for "effect" then anything :)

*edit - well, as Ax mentioned it seems this will have a valid purpose of de-farting my room, now I am totally doing it, lol


Should be able to log some solid hours this weekend, I'll keep you posted!

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He also badly needs one of those creepy self-portraits, with the removable eyes that you can peer out from... just in case someone comes home and catches him unaware!

OMG! Coolect idea ever, maybe not a self portrait but I am going to go with a mona lisa or something, doing this for sure!

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I'm 24 and unmarried.


My girlfriend also likes games and appreciates me not hiding shit from her lol.


Its hard to tell the tone of the post really. If its secrets because youll get yelled at, that sucks.


If its secrets because you want a fort thats more reliable than cushions and sheets, go for it.

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@gamezmaster - YES! Fortress of solitude, well put!

@arkhan- are you kidding me? You are 24, have no kids and not even married? Hahaha, dude, I didn't hide a damn thing from my GF either, who cares if she gets mad, your not even married and have no kids, lol. I just assumed you were my age, married wit childern. Its a totally different ballgame now, your still in the minors. Your GF likes that you don't hide stuff from her, lol, you guys probably still have seperate checkbooks. Oh man, you just made my night :)

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@gamezmaster - YES! Fortress of solitude, well put!

@arkhan- are you kidding me? You are 24, have no kids and not even married? Hahaha, dude, I didn't hide a damn thing from my GF either, who cares if she gets mad, your not even married and have no kids, lol. I just assumed you were my age, married wit childern. Its a totally different ballgame now, your still in the minors. Your GF likes that you don't hide stuff from her, lol, you guys probably still have seperate checkbooks. Oh man, you just made my night :)



I HOPE they have separate check books, they arent even married yet........or now-a-days when BF and GF break up, does she still get half?



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Don't dare question the motives of cc, or your masculinity will be called into question. Its easy to see that it is all a front, he's probably not even married, cross-dresses, and needs little blue pills to perform, if you catch what I'm saying.

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Don't dare question the motives of cc, or your masculinity will be called into question. Its easy to see that it is all a front, he's probably not even married, cross-dresses, and needs little blue pills to perform, if you catch what I'm saying.


Well, Most definetly when you are as old as CC you need little blue bills...that goes without saying!!!!!!!


:twisted: :twisted:

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Uh, yes, we have separate bank accounts/checkbooks. Why the hell wouldn't we? That seems kind of retarded to even bring up.


Also, no, I am not married and I have no kids. I don't want kids. I don't have to have kids. Instead of getting married and doing the family thing, I got a bachelors and a masters in computer science, and started making video games and music instead.


Seems OK to me.


Am I really in the minors? My girlfriend lives with me and I don't have to hide it when I buy video games and want to play them. We're both sitting in a giant game room right now that includes a Tron cabinet, and a Neo Geo cab, among other things like a 55" TV + Surround sound and an XRGB3 and more game consoles and computers than are really necessary. She's playing the Wii right now. No secrets.


Minors. Definitely.



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@arkhan -trust me bro, back when I was 24 I was the same, had a great job as a mechanic, lived with my GF, had seperate bank accounts and our place looked like a dorm room and she at least pretended to like all my stupid hobbies as well. I didn't hide a damn thing either but why would I have to, what would she do, dump me? Oh no, lol. Anyways, yes, you are still in the minors. Eventually that GF of yours will want more. You might also or maybe not but odds are you will end up married with kids someday or the forever bachlor since its pretty rare to find a girl that never wants to have a family, they exsist but very rare. You can pull this life off at 24 but ad 10 years and the girls start moving on. My point? You are not anywhere close to being married with kids so the fact I even bothered listening to your ramblings like you were in my situation is just hilarious to me now and anyone else who is married with kids gets what I am talking about, lol :) its normal though, when I was in your shoes I used to say the exact same stuff, I find comfort in knowing that someday you will get what I mean :) hope you don't take this personally, its not meant as an attack, its just so funny how you sound EXACTLY like the 24 year old me :) ahhh, those were the days though :)

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