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HSC9 R9: Diamonds Jubilee & HiScoro 2012

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We have a special double header 4 week HSC round, both finish Sunday 24th June 11pm GMT


EVERYONE welcome to play - even if just in the soccer football tourney!


Diamonds Jubilee

we have three of the best A8 games plus one from the archives to try out...

Boulderdash II (or 25th edition XL/XE) - Total completed screens - players who have won a HSC round this season can only start on Cave A on each of the 5 levels; other players can start on Caves A/E/I&M. Play on each of the difficulty levels 1-5 and do as many screens as you can. (5 levels x 16 caves = 80 points total) 1 HSC bonus point for highest screen reached from Cave A Level 1. Press Esc to kill Rockford - shame on you ;) [space Pause]

DiamondZ (fandal) - Total completed screens - players outside the top 10 can enter the code FREEZE to have unlimited time. 1 HSC bonus point for completing the game. [Esc to quit]

DiamondS (English Software Co.) - Hi scores. Move joystick to start. Players outside the top 10 can use fire button to pause the game for some thinking time.

Diamond Mine (Roklan) - Hi Scores. I've not played this one but it looks a nice game, might be a bit hard to see on PAL TV's (for the first 5 mines) so turn the colour to the max!


Scoring These games will be on a points per play basis, these will be totalled and allocated HSC points. 24 for the winner, 22 for 2nd, 20 for 3rd down in single points from here.


Download I've created an ATR with the games (mydos/1050 format) HSC9DiamondsJubilee.ATR


HiScoro 2012

Something new for our HSC, well under my reign anyway! We have a knockout football tournament.

I've picked Thorn/EMI Soccer as it's a decent game (supports 4 player simultaneous if you have an 800 or multijoy). Fandal has an XEX & atarionline.pl has an ATR "(v1)" version that doesn't need the 800 translator. Wait for the settings screen to appear and then MOVE the joystick to change level - pressing fire starts the game!


This may get confusing, if you need any help please post and I'm sure someone will help explain ;)


Group Stage - finishes Wednesday 13th June 10am GMT

10 minute matches - play up to 10 games in a row - you can play more than 10 games but they must be in a continuous block - No restarting! Post ALL of your scores, even when you lose. I'll use the last 10 posted. Normal football scoring 3pts for a win, 1pt for a draw, goal difference etc.


Play on level 2 if you are a reasonable player.

Play on level 3 if you are a top 10 player.

Players outside the top 10 may play on level 1 if you cannot manage level 2 (bluecat!).

Players who have won a HSC round must play on Level 4 for each win they have had:

e.g. I've won 2 HSC rounds so I play 2 of my 10 matches on level 4 (number of HSC wins shown in brackets next to names) and the rest on level 3 as I'm in the top 10 (though not top for some reason... ah yes Scalak :twisted: )



Scalak (3), DieMon (1), paw, firestorm, bluecat, Champions_2002, atarianna, Deteacher, jhusak, Mister VCS, chuckwalla, Joey Z, [Extra Player #3]


trbb (2), Caco (1), roadrunner, jblenkle, Zylon, krupkaj, Einquadrat, Pengwin, Justin Case, a8isa1, Arjen Schumacher. Dryerlint, [Extra Player #4]


McKong (1), Sikor, innuendo, Goochman, twh/f2, beamer320i, skosh, AHA, spookt, GeekGirl, Joey Z [Extra Player #1] [Extra Player #5]


Orpheuswaking (2), horsie, Fallout_002, atariron82, devwebcl, sargie, Cupwinners, mlp, Fandal, Gwobby, Diz, [Extra Player #2] [Extra Player #6]



Quater Finals up to Tuesday 20th June 11pm GMT

4 games in a row - 10 minute games on whatever level is challenging for you - if you win two games on level 1 or 2 you must increase the difficulty for the next two matches. Play as many matches as you like but post all scores - the last 4 will count.


Semi Finals up to Sat 23rd June 10am GTM



USING TEAM 2 (turn on the computer for team 1 ;) )

TWO 10 minute matches on level 3 and then ONE 10 minute game on level 4



Final (& 3rd place playoff) Up to Sun 24th June

1x 45 minute game on level 3 (no practice games) I may change this!


Scoring 1pt for playing, 2pts for reaching the Quarter finals, +2pts for reaching the Semi finals, +1pt for 3rd place, +3pts for the Champion.


I hope this makes sense! If in doubt just play and I'll sort everything out. Screenshots optional. More info on the games on post 26 (Diamond Mine) & post 32 (EMI Soccer & DiamondS) & post 40 (BDII). SCOREBOARDS post 50

Join in and have fun :D

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@trbb , i'm in group B and C ;)

Oops 2 roadrunners and no innuendo :D if you wish you can play the football on level 2 (read top 9 players instead of top 10) :)


Scalak - have you been playing DiamondZ all day?!!! Beaten it already with the timer?! (I guess you have so good work :-o :-o :thumbsup: if you (or anyone else) wants an additional DiamondZ challenge: go for the most screens in a row from the start without going wrong or running out of time )

Scalak can also play left handed then blindfolded standing on one leg singing the Polish national anthem backwards :P

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I can't help translate rules because I don't understand them :P

Yes, with timer :P additional challenge will be very hard ;)


a chink in your armour?!! as I LOVE Boulderdash (especially Boulderdash II) how did that happen :evil: you know if you're still winning near the end of the season we are playing Gwobby Strikes Back! for the final 6 HSC rounds :-D :-D


@rr - you could have kept quiet and played yourself in the final ;)




Edited by therealbountybob
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