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HSC9 R9: Diamonds Jubilee & HiScoro 2012

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Had a 4 hour BDII session yesterday, got throught from A/1 to M/2 (25,975) (didn't complete M/2 even with loads of men) you do get lots of extra men in the game - the bonus life screens give you a man anyway and another if you complete the screen, and once you get greedy on lots of screens you can make an extra life every time, even if you fail to compete the screen. The 2nd level caves are not too much harder than the first so once you've cracked each screen you should be set. If you are too slow to get a picture your score disappears! (you can trust me :evil: ) [Forgot to say if you leave BDII on the title screen there's a demo of Cave A after a while]


My (10 in a row) footy scores:

L 0-5 (lv4)

W 2-1

L 1-2

L 0-2 (lv4)

W 2-0

D 1-1

W 4-1

W 4-1

W 4-1

W 3-2

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Boulder Dash 2 - 471

Finished Level 1, forever stuck in Level 2


Cave B - top left go under 1st boulder - grab right to drop 2nd boulder. Go left. Go down drop 1st boulder again. Go round bottom of cave to top right do the same to block in the amoemba. WAIT. Munch Diamonds :D

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Great batch of games!


BDII (a nice piece of 8-bit perfection :) )


Made it to lv1 cave F(not solved yet)..so: 1/E, 2,587




Diamond Mine (sorta fun when you figure out what's going on)














Screen 19



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I'm back (from decorating) :-o


Boulder Dash 2 - 2,825


Looks like you're making progress :thumbsup: for the tables I need to know how many Caves you completed ;)


Aaaargh! My effin computer crashed on me in the middle of a go on Diamondz and I wasn't making a note of the passwords :mad: . I was stuck on level 18 :(

All the passwords are on the HSC's Games Hints Tips Codes and Features thread ;)


Anyone else wanting to play in the football knockout stages needs to play at least one game before the deadline EXTENDED until Wedsday 13th. (c'mon guys :) )


Oh, I guess I should get playing...

YES !!!


In a special football match bluecat crushed atarianna 5-3 - at one point I heard them saying where is the ball, both then retired injured :D On BDII they failed to beat Cave A/1 but atarianna managed 90pts :)


Tables UPDATED (please check your scores)

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Level 3:


1. 0:9 lost

2. 0:8 lost

3. 0:5 lost

4. 1:7 lost

5. 1:4 lost


lastest Table:


Diamond Mine

McKong 84740 9pts

DieMON 37520 8pts

atariron82 27030 7pts

Fallout-002 25015 6pts

trbb 21650 5pts

Caco 20000 4pts - this is not my score

Scalak 17300 3pts

roadrunner 16005 2pts

Innuendo 5435 1pt

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