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Gauntlet Pre Order and Playable Demo


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Received mine yesterday. First, I liked the art on int. Then, the music on starting is really good. I also liked the sprites of the heroes. The scrolling has the limitations we already know, but I think you can get used to it (played with warrior till level 18). It's just me or is difficult to start a 2 player game? Because I have to start a single player, then use the 2 player joystick to select a hero and then hit the fire buton to start the player 2. One thing that I noticed is that the player 2 shot has the shape of a square, unlike the player 1. Also, sometimes the player shot dissapear. Haven't tried two player yet. To pause the game, you hit "pause", to resume, "start". Overall, I think it's a great work and would like to say thank you to Mean Hamster/Ziggystar.

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I'm watching this on YouTube and it seems to be quite different than the Domark/US Gold version for the Atari 8-Bit computers.


The theme music is from Gauntlet II which is cool because it was a better theme anyway.


Scrolling may be "bad" but it doesn't look worse than the commercial 8-Bit version. I'm impressed.


Here's a vid of the 5200 version:



And here's the terrible XL/XE version:


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Well, it is only 1 level.


It's pretty obvious the 5200 needs some sort of RAM upgrade or figure out how to use RAM on the cartridge despite the cartridge port not having such lines on it [vs the 7800]. I wish I could remember the thread that CPU Wiz talked about custom cartridge PCBs for the 5200 with upgraded specs...


Similar to what has been suggested for the 7800, it might be a good idea to figure out how to get Dark Chambers - from A8 - running on the 5200 and then skinning it with Gauntlet maps [say, using Ed Logg's maps from his NES version] and mod the rest. It would be a lot of work but totally kick ass if it was pulled off.

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Absolutely! Why is there not a port of this for the 5200?!?!?


Just to be clear, Gauntlet IS a port that exists, with multiple levels. Mean Hamster Software released this in 2012, as you can see from reading back a few pages on this very thread. It doesn't seem like MHS/ziggystar likes to keep their titles available for long, which makes most of their ten 5200 games hard to find now.


In case anyone is curious, the ten games are:


5 ports of classic Atari computer 1980's First Star titles:


Boulderdash 2

Flip and Flop


Rent Wars


5 5200 homebrews:

Haunted House II 3D

Combat Two





Flip and Flop is still listed for sale on atari2600.com. The rest of them are now REALLY tough to track down. Still looking for Boulderdash 2, Klax, and AtariTris myself.

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