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Interest Check/FS: Bulk Non Working 360's

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Hey guys,

Lately i have been trying to liquidate some of my stuff i've been using for various projects.

I have been repairing these one-by-one as i am selling them, but lately they have just been collecting dust.

I have about 60 Non working Xbox 360s. About 80% of them are complete but died due to RROD, they have not been attempted to be repaired. About 80% are J-taggable, mostly Xenons and a few Zephyrs

Alot of these are 100% salvageable dependent on your repair skills, very few of them have lost DVD keys or have had repairs attempted on them.


If someone took a general interest, but a serious general interest i would be more willing to take a look and give a better description of what is wrong with each one of them. (make/model/etc.)


I am located in west texas and would prefer to sell these in bulk and to a repair shop/person, i would also like the potential buyer to either arrange for it to be picked up, or pay for the freight shipping. I will break down into smaller lots if the price is right.


Open to any and all REASONABLE offers.


Thanks ahead of time.


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Chuck them in the trash like I did with my 3 RROD 360's.


What a piece of crap Microsoft released upon us.


But i wish you well in tryinf to unload these on someone and later some poor fool who buys one of these on Ebay only to have it get another RROD 2 weeks later cause someone tried to fix it using a wet towel or does crappy soldering on the motherboard.

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Let's not bash on people's posts. He's making it very clear what these systems are...ie: broken. Sorry you've had some bad luck, but vent it somewhere else.




Good luck on your sale.


Well, it was meant more of a bash on microsoft than the guy trying to sell these, I have nothing against him!


3 years later and after 3 systems...and the RROD still brings up bad feelings for me, I was just venting in the wrong place.


I wish your sales well.

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