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Super Game Module now available for order


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Also, and maybe not the thread for this, but can other Adam Data pack games be ported like Buck Rogers? I know it's common but the floppy and magnetic tapes are dying a slow death. It would be great to have all of those in cart form.


I can already tell you that I will not be offering any other Adam-to-cartridge conversions beyond Dragon's Lair and Zaxxon Super Game. Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom was fine as a pack-in game back in 1983, but it's just a choppy mess of a game by my personal standards. It's kinda pointless to convert the Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr Super Games since Opcode will be releasing the actual arcade port of DK next year, and DKJr is also on Eduardo's to-do list. That leaves the SubRoc Super Game prototype, which is nice, but ultimately not really interesting enough to convert and publish.

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Payment sent! Can't wait for Dragon's Lair and Super Zaxxon on a cart!!!!


Are you part of my customer records? If not, you should contact me in order to get the e-mail I will be sending to everyone on Christmas morning. :)


Also, I would like to mention that with 8 games to be released in late December, between now and then I will only have time to prepare 80 copies of Dragon's Lair, 60 copies of Zaxxon Super Game, 50 copies of King's Valley and 50 copies of Thexder (and also 40 copies of Wonder Boy, 40 copies of Mopiranger, 40 copies of Princess Quest and 40 copies of Quest for the Golden Chalice, in case anyone is wondering). I wish I could do more, but my time constraints are what they are, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't get seriously side-tracked between now and late December. But don't worry, I will prepare more copies of all the games in January, so those who won't be able to get a copy from the first run won't have to wait very long.


However, I should point out that I only have 100 transparent red cart casings in storage at the moment, which means I'll only be able to assemble 20 more copies of Dragon's Lair in January, and the same thing applies to Zaxxon, King's Valley and Thexder. If the demand is there, I'll order more transparent casings from Moldex, but Moldex is far from being quick to deliver, so time will tell how fast I will be able to offer more copies of the SGM games after the initial 100 copies of each game has sold out.


All this to say that if you plan to order any of the SGM games from Team Pixelboy, you should let me know right now, by sending me an e-mail at pixelboy at teampixelboy dot com. :)

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Are you part of my customer records? If not, you should contact me in order to get the e-mail I will be sending to everyone on Christmas morning. :)


Also, I would like to mention that with 8 games to be released in late December, between now and then I will only have time to prepare 80 copies of Dragon's Lair, 60 copies of Zaxxon Super Game, 50 copies of King's Valley and 50 copies of Thexder (and also 40 copies of Wonder Boy, 40 copies of Mopiranger, 40 copies of Princess Quest and 40 copies of Quest for the Golden Chalice, in case anyone is wondering). I wish I could do more, but my time constraints are what they are, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't get seriously side-tracked between now and late December. But don't worry, I will prepare more copies of all the games in January, so those who won't be able to get a copy from the first run won't have to wait very long.


However, I should point out that I only have 100 transparent red cart casings in storage at the moment, which means I'll only be able to assemble 20 more copies of Dragon's Lair in January, and the same thing applies to Zaxxon, King's Valley and Thexder. If the demand is there, I'll order more transparent casings from Moldex, but Moldex is far from being quick to deliver, so time will tell how fast I will be able to offer more copies of the SGM games after the initial 100 copies of each game has sold out.


All this to say that if you plan to order any of the SGM games from Team Pixelboy, you should let me know right now, by sending me an e-mail at pixelboy at teampixelboy dot com. :)


Luc, if we're already on the mailing list do we have to reiterate our interest in the upcoming games? If so, I'm in as always. :)

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