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The NEW High Score Club 1.11 ~ Starmaster Game 4


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This is Week 11




You must protect your starbases by destroying all invading enemy starfighters before they destroy you or your starbases. You must accomplish your mission quickly, using the least amount of energy, sustaining the least damage. Succeed, and you will be rewarded. Fail, and you will be destroyed. The destiny of the galaxy is in your hands.


Game Name: StarMaster

  • Released By: Activision, 1981

  • Left Difficulty: N/A

  • Right Difficulty: N/A

  • Game Mode: Game 4 - Difficulty

Post your scores right here in this thread, and I will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone else. The deadline for posting scores is Midnight, December 2, 2012.



Patch Bonus Receive ONE bonus point for getting the Activision patch of 9,000!


Team Bonus !

If our TOP 10 Scores average 9000 or more on Starmaster then everyone in the top 10 on Starmaster receives 1 more bonus point even though you might not break 9000.

C’mon people… work it!


Starmaster Scores on Game 4 FINAL


9372 - Scrabbler15 (+1) (+15)

9276 - Gorfy (+1) (+14)

9177 - Liduario (+1) (+13)

9170 - Deteacher (+1) (+12)

8547 - Vocelli (+11)

7380 - Red Tide (+10)

7063 - roadrunner (+9)

2378 - NIKON (+ 8)

2289 - LarcenTyler (+7)

2282 - Classicgamer_27330 (+6)

2272 - Mister VCS (+5)

2270 - Gamerguy (+4)


Top 10 Average - 6693 ~ Epic Failure





1. Liduario 107


2. Gorfy 106


3. Stan 95


4. Deteacher 94


5. Vocelli 93


6. Oyamafamily 82


7. Scrabbler15 81


8. Toymailman 64


9. NIKON 53


10. Roadrunner 45


11. Gamerguy 42


12. Classicgamer27330 41


13. Gamer_X 40


14. gavv 26


15. Mister VCS 21


15. Larcen Tyler 21


17. Amstari 19


18. jblenkle 18


19. Homerwannabee 16


20. skosh 13


21. Wickeycolumbus 11


22. Shadow460 10


23. Zer0soul 9


24. Red Tide 7


25. Keibaca 6


25. sdamon 6


27. AtariUCLA 5


27. Cortat G 5


29. Hatefulgravey 3


30. DTKofoed 2


31. pis 1


31. Miss2600 1


31. exo 1


31. cparsley 1


31. Chuck D. Head 1


31. Atarifever 1




Week 12-13 = Imagic.

Week 14 = M Network.

Week 15= Surprise (2 week Holiday Special).

Week 16 = M Network.

Week 17-19 = Wild card with rarely played games. OH no!

Week 20-21 = Paddle games.

Week 22-23 = My Favorite Games as a kid.

Week 24-26 = Anything Goes.

Edited by Vocelli
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I was always too lazy to read the manual over the years - why can't we play Star Voyager by Imagic? ;)

I think this weekend I have to read and understand both manuals - instead of a good book...


@Vocelli: Starmaster was released by Activision (instead of Atari)!

Edited by Mister VCS
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I've been an ace at Starmaster on Game 1, and sometimes Game 2. Game 4, though, is gonna be a tough one, so THIS should be interesting. :D


I can honestly say I have never broke 9K.

That why we play the HSC games. Makes us push our limits!

I suggest:

~Read the manual

~Play on Level 1 and 2

~Read the manual again

~Play on level 4 again and again!

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Does this game require the video pad? It's one of the few I don't own. Might have to bow out this round unfortunately, I don't know if I bought it if it would come in time.


No, you just use a regular joystick for this one. You're probably thinking of Star Raiders.

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For those who want to use the EMU7800 emulator (which also runs 2600 games) for this game I have the following controls for the game (This is for a QWERTY keyboard)


1 = Left Difficulty Switch (do not use after game start!)


2 = Right Difficulty Switch (again do not use after game starts)


S= Select for selecting through the games


C= color (use this key for the map after game start and obtaining your score)


R= Reset (starts the game)

Edited by NIKON
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confusing game, I also suck at this game, the only game I've played that I had to read the manual before playing

I did get killed after I started playing and don't know my score


after getting killed I brought up the warp screen








Your score is in the top line (i.e. 1989)

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