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Wii U’s processor and graphics speeds are slower than Xbox 360 and PS 3

Metal Ghost

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However, I have little doubt that I'll end up with a Wii U one day. All they have to do is queue up the Mario games and Nintendo exclusives (and the price drop(s)), and I'm there.


Same here. I'm just waiting for those exclusives & (good) Mario games, because it's going to take more than Tank Tank Tank to sell me a new console. I think I'm waiting for the Wii-U counterpart to Mario Galaxy, because these cheap-ass New SMB games have worn really thin.

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Same here. I'm just waiting for those exclusives & (good) Mario games, because it's going to take more than Tank Tank Tank to sell me a new console. I think I'm waiting for the Wii-U counterpart to Mario Galaxy, because these cheap-ass New SMB games have worn really thin.


Hm... there's not a single Wii U game available right now that I'd consider buying. Not even much on the horizon. I'll currently just wait for MH3 and Bayonetta 2 to come out and have another look at it then.

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these cheap-ass New SMB games have worn really thin.


I'm having fun with NSMB U. The level design is wicked compared to the ones that came before it (which is a good thing, IMO). However, I can't help but feel as I play it though that they missed out on a great opportunity to concoct the ultimate "Mario 3 meets Mario World". You still can't take the normal Yoshi (the only one anyone would care about) between stages, it still uses the same end of stage themes as the other NSMB games (How about a new gate, or bringing back the one from SMW? Or at least make things more exciting when you complete a level?), and aside from the fresh level design, it feels like more of the same in the visuals, gameplay and sound departments (although that new flying suit is actually pretty sweet as well).

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Yeah NSMB U reminded me of the previous version. Although I have not played that one much.


But I have my overpriced Wii-U and I'm enjoying it. Just like I'm enjoying my PS3, which I also have. I'd probably get more use out of the 360 as well if there was not a shortage of controllers. My son pretty much sticks to the 360.


So haters begone. I'm enjoying all types of games.. both on "superior" hardware and 7 year old pimped up hardware. But at least I've not had to deal with any 3 hour update installs yet (I'm looking at you GT 5). I"m surprise no one has use the Gamecube 2.5 phrase yet? :lol:

Edited by Shannon
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Hm... there's not a single Wii U game available right now that I'd consider buying. Not even much on the horizon. I'll currently just wait for MH3 and Bayonetta 2 to come out and have another look at it then.

I haven't liked 1st party releases since N64's 3d took over, and 3rd party releases this gen have been 100% uninteresting to me. (3rd party was most of my draw to NES/SNES/gba which I consider awesome)


I don't know if its really on the horizon, but I have heard that slightly mad studios "project cars" might be coming to wii-u--but I don't see any decent wheel support yet. If they think they're doing it with that silly gamepad, then, well, I think I'll pass. The last good nintendo racer I've played was XGRA on gamecube. Mario kart wii was inexcusable.


I just got a rather sizable xmas bonus, and looked really hard at 3ds, wii-u and vita. None of them got my money. I decided to keep my money and waste it on stupid things like bills.



But at least I've not had to deal with any 3 hour update installs yet (I'm looking at you GT 5).

There's no excuse for GT5, it's the worst gran turismo ever. Even its own demo beat it in many areas and GT4 slaughters it up and down all day long. Still, since it has good wheel support, I guess it's the best I deserve this gen...

Edited by Reaperman
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I don't think Nintendo need to ever worry about having the greatest hardware because they have something I don't think the other console makers have. Legions of life-long dedicated Nintendo fans.


As long as game franchises like Legend of Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Pokemon and the rest stay exclusive to Nintendo consoles they will always have millions of fans who will buy them. This seems to be enough to keep them going even when they aren't the No.1 console of the generation.


Games like these don't need photo-realistic graphics, they just have great gameplay. Each new Nintendo console has given new ways to experience these games.

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I don't think Nintendo need to ever worry about having the greatest hardware because they have something I don't think the other console makers have. Legions of life-long dedicated Nintendo fans.


As long as game franchises like Legend of Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Pokemon and the rest stay exclusive to Nintendo consoles they will always have millions of fans who will buy them. This seems to be enough to keep them going even when they aren't the No.1 console of the generation.


Games like these don't need photo-realistic graphics, they just have great gameplay. Each new Nintendo console has given new ways to experience these games.


With Sony about to launch its fourth console and Microsoft about to launch their third, I have to wonder why neither has really been able to create the kind of franchise Nintendo has. The closest you could get would probably be Microsoft with Halo. The franchise fanbase is a heck of a security blanket for Nintendo.

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I must say that the advancement of the Mario games is very compelling, and it's that (amongst others) that I await. But how many Mario Kart games does the hobby need? Some of these franchises are stronger than the others. While there's a loyal following for the franchises, there's probably another large group tired of the predictability of another Mario Kart, another Starfox, another Zelda, etc. These are likely the people buying Xbox 360 and PS3, so this is no small group of people. I like them all, and I like the Nintendo franchises myself, personally, but I know a lot of gamers who don't care for them at all, and we all know *OF* a lot of gamers who don't care for them: Mostly Call of Duty players, I'd imagine.


I should also say that while Halo may be an Xbox franchise, how many years are people going to keep shooting at the same 3 or 4 enemies in that series?

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Well doesn't Sony have Uncharted, Resistance, and to some extent Metal Gear. Oh.. and that series that sounds like it is going down the crapper.. Final Fantasy.. but then that was done on the 360 too right?


Only bad thing about Uncharted and Resistance is they seem to have reached an impasse story wise. One was done by the Jak creators, and the other by the Ratchet and Clank creators. To popular series on the PS2.... So who knows.


360 also has Gears Of War.. but it sounds like that series might have been played out.


COD is real popular on it as well.. for some reason.. But that is multiplatform.

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I like them all, and I like the Nintendo franchises myself, personally, but I know a lot of gamers who don't care for them at all, and we all know *OF* a lot of gamers who don't care for them: Mostly Call of Duty players, I'd imagine.


I realize this wasn't exactly the point you were trying to make, but I'm really amused at the idea of COD players dissing Nintendo's lack of originality. :-)

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Nintendo at this point has the advantage of being a long-time player that people recognize and appreciate for one reason or another (nostalgia, for instance). Sony is probably getting close to that right now, but how many exclusive franchise for them are still around?


In terms of general longevity, Nintendo has at least two generations on them, possibly three if you count their arcade games (original Donkey Kong, for instance), so they have a little more working for them in the nostalgia department.

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I forgot to mention but the video pad (or whatever the heck it is called) will have issues if the battery starts getting low. I was having screen lag or whatever one may call it at one point but once I plugged the thing into the wall the connection was fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the PS3 is only 256 mb then the Wii U would only have 1 GB.


man, the ignorance continues... when in doubt, don't say anything...



No. the PS3 has 256 MB of RAM and 256 MB of VRAM dedicated to the graphics card. you can't count that as 512 MB of RAM as VRAM cannot be used by the CPU or system. It's the reason why Minecraft (a heavy CPU and RAM user) cannot run on the PS3.


It's like you have 2 GB of RAM on your PC and 512 MB of RAM for your graphics card. Your PC does not have 2.5GB of available RAM.


that said, the Wii U does have 2 GB of RAM, shared between the CPU and GPU, but 1 GB of its RAM dedicated to the OS so that's a big chunk gone. So the 1 GB remaining is shared between the GPU and CPU which is not that great for a next-gen system, especially when it's rumored that the next Xbox will be having 8 GB of RAM. While the 360 and PS3 have more limited RAM compared to the Wii U, they only dedicate 30 MB-50 MB to the OS.

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Love the hair splitting about performance at a place like Atari Age, where the 6502 is still fair game. Certainly it has been edutational, what little I've read. If you're looking at specs, you are missing the point on this system.


Nintendo's current value in the home console market is in its IPs. They rarely drop the ball on those for long. If you never liked playing SMB, or Pikmin, or Zelda, the Wii-U probably wont convince you to. If you are buying a Wii-U as a thoughtful gamer, it's probably because you want to play Wii-U games, as opposed to multiplatform games.


Most fun I've had with the system so far is with Little Inferno, which is also on PC and should come to tablet. Is that worth the $300 price of admission? No way.


My belief is that the biggest misstep was not launching the system with Wii-U Sports. Wii Sports sold more original Wiis more than anything else. Which is to say, specs don't matter if you're Nintendo. Fun is what matters. And the real question for me critically is whether they served up enough fun titles to make it a successful launch?


And that's a question that if you have to ask...

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