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HSC10 Round 1: Jet Boot Jack

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Welcome EVERYONE to the first round of Season 10 here in the Atari 8-bit High Score Club!


After a record number of votes (let's hope we have a records number of players too!) the first game is...

English Software Companies'

Jet Boot Jack



EVERYONE is welcome to join in (at any time). If you need any help checkout the Beginners Guide, contact myself or goochman, or post here and someone will help you out. Basically it's play the game and post a score! Screenshots are optional but we like to see them, especially from the better players ;)


This is quite a tough game as platformers go but fun! From memory... you need to hold fire to duck

under rocks and not stop over the gaps when moving L/R. To kill the bugs stand above them and pull down to jump on them a couple of times. You can move the lifts/slides manually by pushing up, or just wait for them to move.


Play on Skill 1 (default). If you really struggle at the game (can't complete the first couple of screens) then you can play on Practice level "P", press Option (F4) to set this.


Bonuses: (1pt each)

Highest score for level 1 (in 1st man)

Highest score from 1st man

Highest score completing Skill 1's 10 screens (in any number of men)


Scoring for this season:

12 points for the winner down to 2pts for 11th and 12th, then 1pt. More scoring places if we have 16, 20 or 25 players. NTSC (North American) players will get 1pt per game bonus to even out games often being harder/faster. If you are an emulator user you get to choose PAL or NTSC (under video settings).


Download the game from: Fandal (XEX) Atarionline.pl (ATRs and XEX's - the v2.XEX works on OS/A)

Atariamania has Instructions [Rating 8.0] Hints on Post#7


Please don't be put off from taking part if this game is too tough, most are not so hard. We have some seasoned pros in the ranks, so making a top 12 spot is a good achievement. Be sure to add some of your favourites to the Games List and they may make it into the next vote along with the 2nd placed game Pac-Man ;)


It's not part of the regular HSC Season but I've recently started a M.U.L.E. 2013 Scores thread. If you haven't already done so please all fill in the 2013 Gaming Survey so I can see who has what :)


This round closes Sun 10th Feb 10am GMT


Let it Rock!

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Welcome EVERYONE to the first round of Season 10 here in the Atari 8-bit High Score Club!


After a record number of votes (let's hope we have a records number of players too!) the first game is...

English Software Companies'

Jet Book Jack


What Book read Jack? Jet ;P

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After several games.. it finally dawns on me that there is no timer in this game....just power usage meter...<sigh> I am playing way too many games these days...but I have never played this game before and it is really a fun game...also being a musician the theme of this game is a bonus to me. :)

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As Smash Hits 1 were the first Atari games I ever had I decided to go hard core retro for this one:

Step 1 - empty the cupboard and find the Box of Atari Software:


Step 2 - dust off the old cassette (hey I found boxed Zork that might help me complete that too)


Step 3 - Hook up the XC12 (do you like my new pac-man ghost egg cups?)


Step 4 - Hope everything works and in 20 minutes I'll be playing fingers crossed... (or more likely will have loaded it from disk)...

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First go nothing, so wriggled XC12's cable a bit and it started off with some bad beeps...

2nd go and


but then the dreaded


3rd go after sitting there for a few worrying seconds has...

post-19705-0-57613100-1359200580.jpg :party: :)


loved those loading noises - didn't seem to take more than 5 minutes either (probably as I'm checking the forum...)


Game On!

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my scores from my "tape" session:

Level 1 (in 1 man) - 5,350 5,550 5,650

1st man : 16,100, 16,175, ..., 31,400

scores: 2,850 ran out of fuel!, 20,375 46,460, 47,610 then a bunch of goes before 110,775

That should give MaPa and JK40001 something to be getting on with ;)


I'll add another bonus challenge: Score for completing Skill 1 (end of the 10th screen) in any number of men: 50,600


Some hints: Tap down after each movement to tuck in that hat! Kill all the bugs (from above). Go steadily; look for safe places to stop and do little sections at a time; there is no time limit. Time movements to meet/avoid lifts. Work out where you want to finish the screen, sometimes best on a dead end. Sometimes collect notes from both ends of a difficult section. And most importantly, don't run out of fuel!


Press space to pause the game - you can get it to stop before the let it rock comes up. Remember if you find the game too tough there are a few options on the 1st post that might help :)





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We have got 2 weeks left to the end of this round and I am really curious how high scores will we get here?! :-o :thumbsup:


My current results:


231200 – ran out of fuel with 3 lifes left in skill 4 section :mad:

106800 – 1st man

5950 – 1st level in 1 man


post-34165-0-99287000-1359322678_thumb.jpg post-34165-0-28168900-1359322719_thumb.jpg post-34165-0-16607200-1359322763_thumb.jpg



Jet Boot jk40001 :-D

Edited by jk40001
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We have got 2 weeks left to the end of this round and I am really curious how high scores will we get here?! :-o :thumbsup:


My current results:


231200 – ran out of fuel with 3 lifes left in skill 4 section :mad:

106800 – 1st man

5950 – 1st level in 1 man

Jet Boot jk40001 :-D

Don't forget the new bonus "Score for Skill 1" (end of screen 10 in any number of lives) ;)

Once you've learned the screens I think the other Skill Levels will be doable, can't remember but I think you get less jet fuel from the pods on each round so that might be the main problem :ponder: Wonder if the game ends after Skill 5... NO PRACTICING THE HIGHER SKILL LEVELS FOLKS :twisted:


Didn't made the 10k score line yet :o

But I'll try.


Best so far 8250 in the second level.


For me it's a tough game as you have to concentrate AND act rather quick.


New Jet Boot Jack players will be pleased to know there's an extra man at 10K and another at 80K ;)

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Once you've learned the screens I think the other Skill Levels will be doable, can't remember but I think you get less jet fuel from the pods on each round so that might be the main problem :ponder:

And there are more enemies to avoid/kill. So a good route from previous skill level may not be good one to use now.


New Jet Boot Jack players will be pleased to know there's an extra man at 10K and another at 80K ;)

And at 30k, at 50k IIRC etc.

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And there are more enemies to avoid/kill. So a good route from previous skill level may not be good one to use now.


I agree with this. That is why I practiced on skill 4. Once I was able to walk through I returned back to skill 1 and started to play the game from beginning.

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