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2013 Meetup

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Spring is upon us and summer isn't far behind so I think we should start planning on meetups. I want to have one at my place sometime this summer now that I have a somewhat finished game room for everyone to play in. Ideas? Suggestions?

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This is a great idea. I've been so far removed from a personal or social life, since the twins were born it's not even funny. We need to plan a time to come see your game room regardless. :)


I don't really have any new ideas... just the same old ones we've done before.

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This is a great idea. I've been so far removed from a personal or social life, since the twins were born it's not even funny. We need to plan a time to come see your game room regardless. :)

You're alive!

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How is the tractor? :) I have been curious about it! :thumbsup:


Ah, yes... It's been a while! :D The tractor is well. I'm not completely finished with it, but it's finished enough. The only things I really need to do at some point are the wheels and new rear tires... and maybe a couple gaskets. The oil leaks let me know it's not dry. ;)


I've taken it to a number of events the past few years. I only ran it a few times last year, being busy with the kids (which are new also... 18-month-old twin boys).


Here's a few pics and video links... there are also a few more videos on my youtube page.












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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, I wanna join. For real this time. I'm from Dearborn Heights but I would be willing to drive hours if it means hanging out with like-minded Atari fans. My friends, though great, just don't get it.


Where were meetings held in the past?

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The Classic Console & Arcade Gaming Show is June 22nd.



Prolly a bad time time book a meetup. :)

There's ALWAYS something going on somewhere. You're never going to find a 100% free weekend. At this point I don't have a firm date in mind anyway, so this might not even be a problem.

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There's ALWAYS something going on somewhere. You're never going to find a 100% free weekend. At this point I don't have a firm date in mind anyway, so this might not even be a problem.


Yeah. Wasn't trying to be an Eeyore. Just pointing out dates mostly likely to not work out. Unless we plan to meet at the show :)

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