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Yeah, odd thing about that is when I came back to my ouya on monday, it was 'on' instead of sleeping and my pinball arcade was nowhere to be found. Maybe I forgot to turn it off, or maybe it unslept itself to do it--I just have no idea.

To turn off the Ouya, you have to use the power button on top of the console and select "shut down". To "sleep" the Ouya, you hit the (Y) button on the home screen and select "turn off". It took me a while to figure this was why the Ouya kept mysteriously turning itself on. IMO, it is completely pointless to sleep the Ouya unless you want to save ~15-20 seconds turning it back on. When the Ouya is "sleeping", simply cycling through the input select on your TV set is enough to cause the Ouya to turn back on. I guess team Ouya assumed that gamers wouldn't have other devices connected to their displays and set the Ouya to wake up whenever the display is turned on. The only to completely power off and power on the Ouya (not standby) is still to use the top button on top of the console.


The night before my Pinball Arcade "deleted", I had a boat-load of games in the download queue, and I started playing Pinball while my games were background downloading. While playing, I downloaded and installed the latest table pack with Whirlwind and I forget the other table offhand. I played whirlwind and Bride of Pinbot, then exited Pinball Arcade and waited for my downloads to finish before shutting down the Ouya. When I booted the Ouya the following night, the entire Pinball Arcade install was missing. I almost cried when I realized my save data was gone too... :_(


Maybe if you and everyone else (we can't be the only two people this happened to) can recall exactly what we were doing before our TPA savefiles deleted, I can submit a bug on Ouyaforums and Pinballfans so the devs can figure out what happened. ATM, I'm not sure if it was an Ouya bug or a TPA bug.

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Just curious—has anyone needed to contact OUYA support so far? I did three days ago, as something I purchased still acts as if it's in demo mode, but I've not received a reply. Looking at the OUYASupport Twitter feed, it looks like they may be swamped with complaints from people who still haven't received their console, with some people saying they've had support tickets in for three weeks or more. Seems that I may not get a response in the near future.

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Just curious—has anyone needed to contact OUYA support so far? I did three days ago, as something I purchased still acts as if it's in demo mode, but I've not received a reply. Looking at the OUYASupport Twitter feed, it looks like they may be swamped with complaints from people who still haven't received their console, with some people saying they've had support tickets in for three weeks or more. Seems that I may not get a response in the near future.

From everything I've heard over on the ouya forum I hang out on, you are 100% correct in having extremely low expectations for their customer service abilities.

Just curious, which game is it? Are others having issues that you've heard of?


I caught ravensword shadowlands seemingly randomly doing that to me once, but restarting the game stopped it. I've heard of one other person with that problem with the game, and that user went through the menu process again without being charged.

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Just curious, which game is it? Are others having issues that you've heard of?


It's the Playstation emulator, which works really well . . . when it doesn't go into demo mode and prompt me to buy it again. I'm not sure if others are having this issue or not.


I could try buying it again. I just don't want to be charged again and have this issue persist.


I don't know if it's relevant, but the issue occurred after an update both to the emulator and to the OUYA. However, I hadn't used the emulator much prior to that, so it's hard to determine if the updates are to blame.

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Can SNES/NES/Saturn/PS/PC USB Controllers be used on the Ouya?

No, but the PS3 controller works great! :grin:


It's the Playstation emulator, which works really well . . . when it doesn't go into demo mode and prompt me to buy it again. I'm not sure if others are having this issue or not.


I could try buying it again. I just don't want to be charged again and have this issue persist.


I don't know if it's relevant, but the issue occurred after an update both to the emulator and to the OUYA. However, I hadn't used the emulator much prior to that, so it's hard to determine if the updates are to blame.

Quick question: is your internet router working? Some games need to connect to Ouya servers to verify your purchase token. It effing sucks, but the publishers don't want people pirating their games. One of the worst offenders is FFIII, which will boot you out of the game the moment your internet hiccups.


I bought unlimited "cheat time" on the official Emuya emulator, and for some reason if I disable my router, my "unlimted" cheat time gets reset to four minutes. If I re-enable my router and exit and log back into the Emuya software, and I click the $5.99 "unlimited everything" icon, I get a message saying "you already have unlimted everything" and the four minute "cheat timer" effectively disappears.


IMO, online DRM checking sucks, but I can honestly say that Pinball Arcade works flawlessly with all my purchased tables with or without an Internet connection (but any new high scores you achieve will not get uploaded to the leaderboards if you fail to maintain your internet connection). So far, Pinball Arcade is the only Ouya software I've invested serious money into.

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Quick question: is your internet router working? Some games need to connect to Ouya servers to verify your purchase token. It effing sucks, but the publishers don't want people pirating their games. One of the worst offenders is FFIII, which will boot you out of the game the moment your internet hiccups.


Yup, it's working. I even connected the OUYA directly to the router instead of using wireless after it was having some wireless connection issues early on.


I tried buying the emulator again tonight, but the Buy Now button keeps appearing after using the emulator for a while. At least I wasn't charged again (at least, I didn't receive an email telling me that I was charged again).


I'm sure that this will get worked out eventually. It's just annoying that one of the few purchases I've made so far isn't working as it should.

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Just curious—has anyone needed to contact OUYA support so far? I did three days ago, as something I purchased still acts as if it's in demo mode, but I've not received a reply. Looking at the OUYASupport Twitter feed, it looks like they may be swamped with complaints from people who still haven't received their console, with some people saying they've had support tickets in for three weeks or more. Seems that I may not get a response in the near future.


I ordered my OUYA from Best Buy Sunday morning. I was going to order it from Amazon but it sold out again. Anyway, I've been looking through things to get prepared for it. One of the things I did was read all the questions in their support link. What I get from it is that problems that are for the OUYA itself (their hardware and software) should be reported to them. But problems with the games themselves should be reported to the developers. You bought the Playstation emulator from EMUSOFT. You are their customer and you should be going to them for support.


I found this in their forum: http://www.fpsece.ne...lit=OUYA#p33957


The questions asked was:


Hey, I'm having an issue with the latest update for FPSE on my Ouya. I bought FPSE on July 2nd and I wasn't having any issues. After the latest update (the one that fixed the slow OpenGL issue on the Ouya I think..), I'm getting the buy now button and my game pauses asking me to buy it. I've tried reinstalling it, but it didn't help. I have the receipt in my email still if that helps, but was just wondering if there's something else I could try.




The answer was:


The order system as well as detail on buyer is managed by ouya team. We , developers, have no action to do.


Just verify you can browse internet with your ouya. Because the check is done to license servers of Ouya company.


Anyway, I think trying to buy it again is a bad idea. If you accidentally get charged again that will just add to your problem. I recommend just contacting EMUSOFT. Respond in that thread if it isn't you already. They need to hear more people bugging them with the same problems. Let them know that you are a customer and demand support. If they tell you to talk to OUYA then tell them to talk to OUYA because you paid them for the emulator and not OUYA. If they get bugged then they will bug OUYA and OUYA will most likely listen to them before they will listen to every single game specific problem from thousands of people. Also, try what he said and browse the internet. Do it for a while and see if it crashes or freezes. Ask him for more details and specifics about the problem. I hope it works out for you.


Edit: Also, time how long it takes for the emulator to do that. See if it is a specific amount of time or close. Do it enough times to get an average time. While testing the internet browser test to see if it freezes or crashes then see if the average times somewhat match.

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No, but the PS3 controller works great! icon_biggrinwink.gif


Quick question: is your internet router working? Some games need to connect to Ouya servers to verify your purchase token. It effing sucks, but the publishers don't want people pirating their games. One of the worst offenders is FFIII, which will boot you out of the game the moment your internet hiccups.


I bought unlimited "cheat time" on the official Emuya emulator, and for some reason if I disable my router, my "unlimted" cheat time gets reset to four minutes. If I re-enable my router and exit and log back into the Emuya software, and I click the $5.99 "unlimited everything" icon, I get a message saying "you already have unlimted everything" and the four minute "cheat timer" effectively disappears.


IMO, online DRM checking sucks, but I can honestly say that Pinball Arcade works flawlessly with all my purchased tables with or without an Internet connection (but any new high scores you achieve will not get uploaded to the leaderboards if you fail to maintain your internet connection). So far, Pinball Arcade is the only Ouya software I've invested serious money into.


Digital Restrictions Management + emulators = Starburst!



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Anyway, I think trying to buy it again is a bad idea. If you accidentally get charged again that will just add to your problem. I recommend just contacting EMUSOFT. Respond in that thread if it isn't you already. They need to hear more people bugging them with the same problems. Let them know that you are a customer and demand support. If they tell you to talk to OUYA then tell them to talk to OUYA because you paid them for the emulator and not OUYA. If they get bugged then they will bug OUYA and OUYA will most likely listen to them before they will listen to every single game specific problem from thousands of people. Also, try what he said and browse the internet. Do it for a while and see if it crashes or freezes. Ask him for more details and specifics about the problem. I hope it works out for you.


Edit: Also, time how long it takes for the emulator to do that. See if it is a specific amount of time or close. Do it enough times to get an average time. While testing the internet browser test to see if it freezes or crashes then see if the average times somewhat match.


Thanks for finding that! That's exactly the problem I'm having. I'll do those tests and then post there as well.

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Well, I'm starved for new Ouya games again. Game approvals were put on hold over the holiday weekend, but resume today.From the comments there, it looks like quintet (kickstarter link) may be coming. It looks like a fairly neat and unique game. Seems to be a multi-player team/crew-based starship game.


The good news is that it looks like quintet players play together no matter the platform, so ouya's low number of users shouldn't be too bad. I think this is the first game where I think I'm going to have to bind a headset...however that happens...

Quintet homepage. (there's a test apk for side-loading out there)


I wonder what else is coming out today(ish).

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My Saturn and NES USB pads work fine on the Ouya. It's just whether or not specific games support them.


That's basically what I meant. NinjaWarrior asked if they can. stardust4ever answered no. Since other consoles are closed it might give the impression that no means no forever. Since the OUYA is open the answer to most common questions is not yet. The more demand for a function the more likely it will be implemented either though software or future versions of OUYA hardware. I hope the OUYA is a success because the users have an effect on how it evolves. Can the OUYA function as a desktop computer running GNU/Linux distros, function as a DVR, function as a Roku box, access external hard drives with your entire media library, and be more "all-in-one" than the XBOX 180? Not yet.

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That's basically what I meant. NinjaWarrior asked if they can. stardust4ever answered no.

I meant that yes, while the Ouya supports USB controllers, you have a potential issue where many software apps (besides obvious stuff like emulators) do not support button remapping. Not surprisingly, certain functions may not work well or at all if the default button mappings do not match the Ouya controllers. PS3 controllers just happen to share an identical mapping to the Ouya controller, sans mouse support. I personally believe this is not a coincidence. The PS3 controller needs to be connected via USB before it can be synced wirelessly. Also, plugging in a USB controller currently disables bluetooth. Maybe this will be fixable with a future update. In fact, if a particular USB-only controller maps buttons in an odd way, it may be problematic to use it even with an app that supports button remapping, since the app will likely need mouse or some other input to access the interface needed to remap buttons. Since using a USB controller disables bluetooth on the Ouya, it may not be possible to use a spare controller to access the remapping functions. Yes, I'm aware that the .EMU series of emulators can sync with a variety of controllers, including PS3, Wii, Wii-U, Xbox360, etc, they may still have issues mapping to an obscure USB converter. I haven't tested any of these yet.


Even the PS3 controller, while it will work with the majority of official Ouya apps, may not work very well with side-loaded Android apps due to the absence of mouse input. The Ouya touchpad emulates a bluetooth mouse, which allows it to work with many side-loaded Android apps that would otherwise be broken. For some reason, there are still a few Ouya apps that require mouse clicks to operate. Most of these features will not be accessible with the PS3 controller.


Just saying, while USB controllers are unofficially supported, it may be difficult to access the remapping menu with many of them. My personal recommendation is to stick with official Ouya controllers and official PS3 controllers for maximum compatibility. If your Ouya game/app does not require mouse clicks to operate, the PS3 controller makes an excellent low-latency spare or multiplayer controller.

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I meant that yes, while the Ouya supports USB controllers, you have a potential issue where many software apps (besides obvious stuff like emulators) do not support button remapping. Not surprisingly, certain functions may not work well or at all if the default button mappings do not match the Ouya controllers. PS3 controllers just happen to share an identical mapping to the Ouya controller, sans mouse support. I personally believe this is not a coincidence. The PS3 controller needs to be connected via USB before it can be synced wirelessly. Also, plugging in a USB controller currently disables bluetooth. Maybe this will be fixable with a future update. In fact, if a particular USB-only controller maps buttons in an odd way, it may be problematic to use it even with an app that supports button remapping, since the app will likely need mouse or some other input to access the interface needed to remap buttons. Since using a USB controller disables bluetooth on the Ouya, it may not be possible to use a spare controller to access the remapping functions. Yes, I'm aware that the .EMU series of emulators can sync with a variety of controllers, including PS3, Wii, Wii-U, Xbox360, etc, they may still have issues mapping to an obscure USB converter. I haven't tested any of these yet.


Even the PS3 controller, while it will work with the majority of official Ouya apps, may not work very well with side-loaded Android apps due to the absence of mouse input. The Ouya touchpad emulates a bluetooth mouse, which allows it to work with many side-loaded Android apps that would otherwise be broken. For some reason, there are still a few Ouya apps that require mouse clicks to operate. Most of these features will not be accessible with the PS3 controller.


Just saying, while USB controllers are unofficially supported, it may be difficult to access the remapping menu with many of them. My personal recommendation is to stick with official Ouya controllers and official PS3 controllers for maximum compatibility. If your Ouya game/app does not require mouse clicks to operate, the PS3 controller makes an excellent low-latency spare or multiplayer controller.


I don't know for what purposes NinjaWarrior wanted to use USB controllers but I would mostly be interested in using them with emulators. Even if USB controllers will always disable Bluetooth, people would probably make USB to Bluetooth adaptors to make USB controllers partially wireless. Or maybe they will get controllers that hook into Wii Remotes. Maybe they will use a USB hub with a Bluetooth to USB adaptor and have both the USB controllers and OUYA controllers going though the USB connection. There will probably be third party OUYA controllers too to give variety. Maybe some of them will have USB connections in the controllers. The possibilities are endless. Anyway, people find ways to use controllers and other devices on more locked down systems. OUYA encourages hacking. Therefore, I expect to see at least as many options on it as systems that the companies are doing all they can to lock them down but fail. Hackers will hack it and in many cases OUYA might even help them.

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Post your gripes (improvements) here:




Some of us have like Reaper. Please do so that way maybe they can get on the ball for controller and external Hard drive improvements. :P

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I meant that yes, while the Ouya supports USB controllers, you have a potential issue where many software apps (besides obvious stuff like emulators) do not support button remapping. Not surprisingly, certain functions may not work well or at all if the default button mappings do not match the Ouya controllers. PS3 controllers just happen to share an identical mapping to the Ouya controller, sans mouse support. I personally believe this is not a coincidence. The PS3 controller needs to be connected via USB before it can be synced wirelessly. Also, plugging in a USB controller currently disables bluetooth. Maybe this will be fixable with a future update. In fact, if a particular USB-only controller maps buttons in an odd way, it may be problematic to use it even with an app that supports button remapping, since the app will likely need mouse or some other input to access the interface needed to remap buttons. Since using a USB controller disables bluetooth on the Ouya, it may not be possible to use a spare controller to access the remapping functions. Yes, I'm aware that the .EMU series of emulators can sync with a variety of controllers, including PS3, Wii, Wii-U, Xbox360, etc, they may still have issues mapping to an obscure USB converter. I haven't tested any of these yet.


I haven't had this issue on my end. When we were running our game's booth at SGC, we had this set up:


Controller 1 - OUYA Bluetooth Controller

Controller 2 - GameStop PC USB Controller

Controller 3 - Saitek USB Controller

Controller 4 - Xbox 360 USB Controller


But yeah, each of those controllers had slightly different input layouts, and it's a pain to manage all of that. Luckily most USB controllers handle input the same way, it's just that Controller A may have the bottom face button output as "Joystick Button 0" while Controller B may have it's bottom face button output as "Joystick Button 1", and so on.

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