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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugg... MMORPGs. Can't they release a platformer or something? Not like there aren't dozens of platformers already out there to choose from, but still... :ponder:


I can't afford to get sucked into an online universe with 1000s of other real life players. At least with a traditional RPG game, I can shelve it for a year or more if I want, and pick up right where I left off. Can't do that with an MMO.

Edited by stardust4ever
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Ouya huh? :-D Might as well have some hacking / modding fun with it!

Ouya one click root!(Windows)



Custom OUYA launcher- BAXY Custom launcher






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Holy cow is OUYA's library growing quickly. There have been 11 new releases this month...and it's only the second. The quality of them has taken quite a jump in the last few weeks too.


I played some of that MMO last night (order & chaos online). I guess it seems decent, but the missions are all very mmo-like. It doesn't seem to support voice chat, but I was doing okay with a keyboard. Personally for me, I don't play well with others. I'm no good at party-based questing online, since I never know how I interact in them. I briefly joined a team with somebody to take out a boss, but I'm not comfortable at all with that. I do much better in online games when I can just see other players as targets, and maybe follow a few objective-based directions (FPS-style).

Edited by Reaperman
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Have you tried playing any more of your purchases disconnected from the net? There's actually no support from Ouya for validating games offline.

Some work; some don't Pinball Arcade runs offline but there's no way to know what games use online checks. Most of them however will authenticate once when you load the game and you can continue to play even if there are online hiccups. I could see potential problems however if someone brings their Ouya to summer camp, or on a nuclear powered submarine, or anywhere else without internet.
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Ouya huh? :-D Might as well have some hacking / modding fun with it!

Ouya one click root!(Windows)





Ah cute, the uploader of that video wanted to share his love of shitty death metal music. I just love it when I click on a fricken tutorial video only to have my ears bleed.

Edited by AtariLeaf
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Some work; some don't Pinball Arcade runs offline but there's no way to know what games use online checks. Most of them however will authenticate once when you load the game and you can continue to play even if there are online hiccups. I could see potential problems however if someone brings their Ouya to summer camp, or on a nuclear powered submarine, or anywhere else without internet.


The online check-in is what's keeping me from buying an OUYA. No way to know what happens to purchases if OUYA eventually folds... or if games are removed/disabled on the OUYA store. If purchases require online validation from OUYA servers every time you play, they may end up disposable and I won't spend $$ on a disposable software library.


At least the side-loaded games don't require any online check-in, right?

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At least the side-loaded games don't require any online check-in, right?

I can't think why some wouldn't. Android gives devs choices about which road they'd like to go down for that--just like pc and now console games have been doing. The future is now.

Edited by Reaperman
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I can't think why some wouldn't. Android gives devs choices about which road they'd like to go down for that--just like pc and now console games have been doing. The future is now.


The future is determined by what consumers are willing to accept... as shown with the xbone drm reversal. If single player games require online check-in DRM then I won't buy them on any platform. If I end up getting an OUYA I'll probably stick with playing demos and side-loading games that don't require check-in.

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Ah cute, the uploader of that video wanted to share his love of shitty death metal music. I just love it when I click on a fricken tutorial video only to have my ears bleed.


Oh man I hear you on that! Cannot count the number of times I mute a video that I am otherwise interested in. I really wish people would not force their musical tastes on others BUT if one absolutely must do it for god's sake don't have it up so damn loud! But yeah in general if it is some type of tutorial all I really want to hear is narration and nothing else.

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Well, I guess I'm out. The controller just gave up what little ghost it had left.


My controller started out fine. It hit all the points on the controller test, initial batteries lasted for weeks, and it'd drop connection every 4-5 days or so.

Then it started dropping more frequently. Every few hours. Batteries lasted 1-2 days.

A few minutes ago it dropped connection for good.

Controller refuses to power on after the usual 30 seconds of non-response after dropping connection.

I've tried multiple sets of new batteries. Even gave rechargables a go.

Not even one blink of its lights.


So now what? I've got a "support ticket" in for "technical help" with them, but that sounds like I'm about 3 emails and 6 months away from a controller return. They sell these locally--maybe I should just buy a controller and return it with my hunk of junk in it. It'd sure be faster...

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The future is determined by what consumers are willing to accept... as shown with the xbone drm reversal. If single player games require online check-in DRM then I won't buy them on any platform. If I end up getting an OUYA I'll probably stick with playing demos and side-loading games that don't require check-in.


You could also buy the games in the OUYA store that don't require online check-in DRM or download games that are completely free.

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You could also buy the games in the OUYA store that don't require online check-in DRM or download games that are completely free.


A good plan except no developer is required to tell you if they went lazy and just used the built-in online only DRM. What's more they are actually encouraged to use online only because Ouya themselves provide NO SUPPORT for validating your purchase once and owning the game offline or online.

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last night i played my OUYA for almost four hours, which i feel is breaking a record or something. i had a hell of a time connecting my controller, and it may have had somethign to do with me not powering the system on for weeks. i read online that if i connect a USB mouse, i would be able to to use it to click the "Turn Off" or "Update" button (or whatever the hell it said, i don't remember). it went through that process 2 or 3 times actually. then finally i was able to connect the controller on the first try.


then i looked at the 10 or so games i had downloaded, then went on a download rampage and almost quadrupled my games. i was excited to see Nimble Quest, which is one of my favorite tablet games to waste time with. but then i noticed the screen cut off and i couldn't see the status bar. so i quit and tried out some more stuff until i fired up a simple platformer called Love, which is freaken AWESOME. a similar game, Fenix Box, also took out a chunk of my gaming time. i also tried out Dub Wars but that just felt like an interactive screensaver. Pix'n Love Rush kept me busy for the whole ten minutes of its demo. Power Ups That Kill is a very simple and easy game that it's actually boring. but when you decide to kill yourself and then look away from the screen, your whole world seems like it's floating away for a few seconds and you'll swear you're on an acid trip. Marble World needs a lot of work and more background songs. Void made me realize that i suck at games of its genre, and in its current state seems more like a demo than an actual game. and finally, Radiant is a masterpiece.


i'm actually about to turn the OUYA on tonight for some more playtime. this will be only my fourth time with the console. kind of sad. but i feel that i'm going to end up loving this stupid little box.

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A good plan except no developer is required to tell you if they went lazy and just used the built-in online only DRM. What's more they are actually encouraged to use online only because Ouya themselves provide NO SUPPORT for validating your purchase once and owning the game offline or online.


If you have to beat the information out of them because they play the not required to tell you card then maybe you got more reasons other than DRM not to buy from them. On the other hand, those developers who freely share that they don't use DRM, are open about other things, and are nice got more reasons than lack of DRM to buy from them.

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No luck with Droid 800, but a post from the Ouya forum was very helpful in getting Colleen from this URL:




Works great as far as I can tell.


Anyone tried getting Droid 800 to work on this? It runs okay side loaded, but i can find no way to program the fire button onto the joystick. Doesn't help that I have a TV with the bad Overscan issue some of us have hard to see menus. Any other 8 bit atari computer emulators?

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a developer, even one with little interest in OUYA as a gaming platform for our household, I'm not against coming up with something for it. I've just had a look at the OUYA developer's portal and have discovered there's a plugin for Unity.


It's things like this that are going to help push a new console these days because there seems to be this dumb idea that more apps is EVERYTHING! You only have to take a look at the constant hammering that Windows Phone is getting in the techie media (yes, I'm looking at you Tech Radar) with one of its 'problems' being a relative lack of apps and the fact that Windows Phones tend to have slower processors than the competition - well ... duh! It doesn't need the 'power' being put in other phones.


Anyway, Unity has also had Windows Phone support added within the past month. So in that respect there's now little point in developing a game for one or two platforms. With cross-platform development tools like Unity, developers would be mad not to maximise their revenue by supporting every platform available to them.


I just wish Unity's physics system was better. It's a BITCH!

Edited by Tickled_Pink
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So I got my newly exchanged controller from OUYA while I was out of town. It's a 'retail' controller (brand new, no retail packaging), and today was my first (and a half) day with it. First off, it hasn't even dropped connection once yet. Secondly, there is no longer a 'ledge' for the bottom trigger to get stuck under the top one. The R2/L2 triggers still aren't totally smooth, but they do not get stuck as my kickstarter controller triggers did.


I spent at least 4 hous with Order & Chaos Online today, upgrading from lvl 11 to lvl 16. Not one drop or hiccup. I also spent a few hours with pinball arcade. The 2/3 pull was still annoying with a lot of travel, but not once did l2/r2 get stuck (that game is a huge magnet for it).

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