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I prefer the PEB in a tower configuration myself. I originally did it because of a lack of space, but it grows on one rather quickly. There is also a big plus, you can read the HxC's display in the proper orientation.




yep, and it is very nice for tinkering and testing cards a.s.o.






(the horizontally PEBs in this hifi-rack can be easily pulled out, these are drawers) :)

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It was from my perspective a Ti Disk card(maybe 80 track mod?), P-Code card, RS232 card, Flex interface card, and 2( probably DSDD TEAC drives from a Kaypro II).



I think that black "Disk Controller" might be a CorComp Disk controller (as it supports DS/DD) ? (I can check in July, my father has one)

...and the other one is a P-code card...that's a good deal for a PEB.

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Speaking of languages (on topic this time)


Now you C me....


Set of 12 disks with C99 Releases. C language for TI-99/4A Sample c programs


I'm all spent-out for June, and these are a bit pricey for disks, but they would surely be a splendid acquisition for someone's collection (for which the images could then be posted here (pretty please with sugar on top))

Edited by PeBo
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It doesn't look at all black, but I could be color blind. ;)

Hahaha.yeah sorry it is a rs232 of course...I was already wondering why there would be 2x diskcontrollers in the PEB, as the person wrote with yellow 3m stickers disk 1 and 2 on the front of the PEB....where the card was installed...the art of deception.


Sorry. But the P card is worth it.

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OK this one I don't understand...


THIS is the ebay listing for the Lotharek HxC, that seems to be placed by Lotharek dude himself.


It is listed @ £86.99 (=$124 US / $158.47 CAD)


But if you purchase it directly from the Lotharek site it's €100 (=$112.50 US / $143 CAD)


an extra $12 US for the "privilege" of buying on ebay? I understand that vendors have to pay a commission to ebay, but should a buy & sell (/auction) site not be the same price or cheaper than the MSR price for current tech? Otherwise, what's the point?

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Actually, the eBay fees are a signficant additional cost for the seller--pretty much anything you find there will be cheaper on the vendor's non-eBay site (and I extend this to vendors in general, as I deal with some of them both ways). I would expect the items to be more expensive on eBay in general when it comes to currently available new stuff.

Edited by Ksarul
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Exactly. Its a lot more comon than you might think. When I'm trying sell somethig through multiple channels eBay is almost always more. When I sell through eBay they take 10% and paypal takes 3%.


Lest we also mention the charge is 10% including shipping.

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The "including shipping" was because of shipping abuse. 99 cents plus $50 shipping!! Here eBay, here's your dime!


Oh yeah, I know, but like many of eBay's policies, this across-the-board application is just a way for it to stay hands-off and not have to deal with abuses like that as they occur. Treat everyone like a jerk and you do not have to deal with jerks individually.

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And the shipping abuses haven't gone away either--now they just hit you in your wallet when you think you got a bargain but you've failed to look at the shipping cost as part of the total price. Some folks pull the trigger on that "bargain" item and find out that the total is actually more expensive than the "expensive" options once the shipping is added in. . .a nice, modern shell game.

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And the shipping abuses haven't gone away either--now they just hit you in your wallet when you think you got a bargain but you've failed to look at the shipping cost as part of the total price. Some folks pull the trigger on that "bargain" item and find out that the total is actually more expensive than the "expensive" options once the shipping is added in. . .a nice, modern shell game.


As non-American users will attest to, the abuses have simply been taken over by eBay under the guise of the Global Shipping Program. Locked into the more expensive USPS Priority shipping (which offers absolutely no advantages over the far less expensive USPS 1st Class), it takes all choice away from the buyer. And now that it is the default method for sellers (unless they set up international shipping in their "Mybay) it is becoming difficult to find posts that do not use it.


The only time I have received anything damaged (and I have completed hundreds of transactions) has been items shipped through the program - no doubt because of Pitney Bowes insistence on repackaging shipments. Shipments tend to be slower as well (although this HAS improved) since they are first sent to a distribution hub - often in the wrong direction). I once had a shipment from Mt Clemens Michigan sent to me in Toronto a few miles away VIA FLORIDA!!!


Worst of all though are the import fees - which have no basis in actual trade treaties. Now, I will admit, that over the last 2 months, this has been addressed (I'd like to think that it had something to do with my sending ebay the articles of NAFTA that cover used software, but I'm sure ebay pays little attention to complaints from users and it was just a fluke that they fixed things after my missive). Under NAFTA, there is no duty between Canada and the United states on used software (unless licences remain valid, then there's a licence-transfer fee). Until 2 months ago, ebay was applying value-based import fees to everything, usually about the same cost as the shipping itself - effectively doubling or tripling (or more) the price of the item. They have now correctly removed these fees from used TI software...but not before they (and Pitney Bowes) pocketed hundreds of dollars in bogus fees from me.


Now that's abuse!

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Exactly. Its a lot more comon than you might think. When I'm trying sell somethig through multiple channels eBay is almost always more. When I sell through eBay they take 10% and paypal takes 3%.

Amazon is marked up too, usually. Esp if you use them for fulfillment.

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Note: that one has none of the necessary daughter boards to make it capable of actually doing anything. It doesn't even have the boot ROM installed. . .which means it is a nice paperweight/display object. The AMIGO chip is the buggy variant as well, so it won't be able to interface to expanded memory or peripherals, and the OSO chip isn't present at all, which eliminates Hex-Bus as an alternate expansion path too.

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UMMMM...excuse me, but does THIS actually exist??


The game (Space Quest II, Vauhall's Revenge) was not released until 1987, so it was an unlikely candidate for a TI port! Especially by Sierra-Online themselves (systems orphaned 5 years previous don't usually attract major label developers).


I'm thinking this is more likely the PC version.

Edited by PeBo
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